Heinz Schwitzke

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Heinz Schwitzke (born February 13, 1908 in Helbra , † October 25, 1991 in Braunlage ) was a German author and editor .


Schwitzke worked as a writer since 1928 and as a critic since 1929. In 1930 he received his doctorate with a thesis on the relationships between aesthetics and metaphysics in German philosophy before Kant .

In 1932 he joined the NSDAP . From 1932 to 1938 he worked at Deutschlandsender , where he headed the literary department. Schwitzke served as a soldier in World War II, was imprisoned by the Soviets for three years and wrote his work "The Gospel of the Prisoners", a harmony of the gospels in verse. In order to get paper and pencils to write down, he often sold his daily rations of bread and wrote down the verses in the smallest handwriting which he read to critically ill comrades, some of whom treatment had already been given up, on their beds. The manuscript was copied several times; Several prisoners tried to smuggle specimens (e.g. in hollow prosthetic legs) from the Soviet Union, but only one specimen made it to West Germany. Schwitzke refused to publish this work for decades. It's too intimate, the memories of it too stressful. It wasn't until the 1980s that, at the request of former comrades, he agreed to publish the verses.

In 1948 Schwitzke became editor of the Evangelical Press Service in Bielefeld and head of the church broadcasting center in Bethel . He founded the Church and Radio Information Service . From 1951 to 1971 he was head of the radio play department of the NWDR and (from 1955) of the NDR . His work The radio play. Dramaturgy and History (1963) shaped - with its definition of the radio play as a pure language and imaginative role play that lives from the suggestive power of poetic language - the radio play theory after 1945 significantly. However, representatives of the experimental “New Radio Play” from the late 1960s opposed Schwitzke's view of the genre as a pure illusionary medium.

After retiring, Schwitzke spent the last years of his life as a writer and editor in Eutin / Holstein.


  • The relationships between aesthetics and metaphysics in German philosophy before Kant , Charlottenburg 1930, DNB 369369793 (dissertation University of Berlin 1930, 93 pages).
  • Report on a young art form. In: Speak so that I can see you. Six radio plays and a report on a young art form , List, Munich 1960, pp. 9–50
  • The radio play. Dramaturgy and story . Cologne / Berlin 1963 ( online version ).
  • Gospel of the prisoners , Luther-Verlag, Bielefeld 1978, ISBN 3-7858-0249-8 .

As editor

  • Speak so that I can see you . Part 1: Six radio plays and a report on a young art form ( List books ; Volume 164), List, Munich 1960, DNB 454802331
  • Speak so that I can see you . Part 2: Early radio plays ( List books , Volume 217), List, Munich 1962, DNB 452056632 .
  • With the collaboration of Franz Hiesel, Werner Klippert and Jürgen Tomm: Reclams radio play guide , Philipp Reclam Junior, Stuttgart 1969, DNB 458919624 .
  • With picture ornaments by Hans Ohlms: Homecoming to Penelope: based on the text of Camp 437 from Homer's Odyssey , translation by Heinz Schwitzke. Aldus-Presse, Reicheneck, Reutlingen 1985, DNB 860078167 .

Radio plays (selection)


  • 1954: The good messengers. A game about the four apostles (also editing) - Director: Gustav Burmester
  • 1959: Feature: From Apocryphal Gospels - Director: NN
  • 1959: Feature: odyssey and homecoming. Homer's Odyssey based on the text of Lage 437 (1st part: Kalypso and Phäakenland; 2nd part: Ithaka) - Director: NN; Speaker: Mathias Wieman

Author and speaker:

  • 1960: Feature: Self-Portrait of Time (Part 1: From Collapse to Currency Reform; Part 2: From Currency Reform to the Present) One and a half decades of contemporary history in radio plays - Director: NN
  • 1980: Workshop contribution: Heinz Schwitzke talks about the earliest version of the radio play The Hour of Coltsfoot by Günter Eich - Editor: Heinz Hostnig
  • 1983: Pioneers of radio art (4th episode: Alfred Döblin - The Alexanderplatz Hörspiel) - Director: Hermann Naber

Author, director and speaker:

  • 1962: Commentary: Problems with the form of the radio play - the radio play as a theological attempt. Proposal to "The Life of Man" by John Arden

Editorial staff:


  • Ernst Klee : Heinz Schwitzke. In: The culture lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 .
  • Theresia Wittenbrink: Schwitzke, Heinz. In: KLL (Killy, Walther) Literature Lexicon. Authors and works in the German language, Vol. 10, Gütersloh / Munich 1991, p. 469

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (Number 55 of the hand-printed and numbered edition, 55 copies, 28 pages, illustrated)