Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt

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Hellmut Emil Lehmann-Haupt (born October 4, 1903 in Berlin-Charlottenburg , † March 11, 1992 in Columbia , Missouri ) was a German-American art historian and book scholar .


His parents were the orientalist Carl Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt (1861–1938) and the writer Therese Lehmann-Haupt (1864–1938). His sister was the actress and painter Miriam Lehmann-Haupt (1904–1981).

He studied art history at the universities of Berlin, Vienna and Frankfurt , where he received his doctorate in 1927. He then worked for two years as a volunteer at the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz . In 1929 Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt moved to the USA , where he initially worked for the Encyclopedia Britannica . From 1930 he worked as a curator in the department of rare books at the library of Columbia University in New York . In 1939 he was also assistant professor of book art at the School of Library Service at Columbia University. In 1944/45 he served in the United States Office of War Information in London and in 1945 went to Germany with the Information Control Division . In 1946 he worked for the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section in Berlin. After his return to New York, he worked from 1948 to 1968 as an employee and bibliographical advisor for the antiquarian bookshop HP Kraus . He also taught at the Pratt Institute in 1954/55 and at Yale University from 1965 to 1967 . From 1969 to 1974 he taught as a professor at the University of Missouri .

In 1980 he was awarded the Gutenberg Prize of the City of Mainz and the international Gutenberg Society .

He was married three times, his last wife was Ingeborg Lehmann-Haupt (* 1903). His sons are the New York Times journalist Christopher Lehmann-Haupt (1934–2018), the graphic designer Carl Lehmann-Haupt and the former Merry Prankster Alexander Lehmann-Haupt , known as Sandy (1942–2001).

Fonts (selection)

  • Swabian pen drawings in manuscripts from the 15th century, especially from Augsburg . De Gruyter, Berlin 1929 (dissertation Frankfurt 1927).
    • Print version Swabian pen drawings. Studies on the book illustration of Augsburg in the 15th century. De Gruyter, Berlin 1929.
  • The Book in America . 1939.
  • Art under a dictatorship . New York 1954.
  • An Introduction to the Woodcut of the Seventeenth Century . Abaris Books, New York 1977.


Web links

Individual notes

  1. Douglas Martin: Sandy Lehmann-Haupt, 59, One of Ken Kesey's Busmates in: The New York Times, November 3, 2001.