Helwig Sillem

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Helwig Sillem (* 1653 in Hamburg ; † December 5, 1714 there ) was a German lawyer and Hamburg councilor .


Sillem was a son of the Hamburg merchant Hein Sillem (1616–1664) from his marriage to Gertrud Pump. On June 26, 1688 he married Catharina Agneta Peters (1670–1736). The marriage resulted in seven children, of whom the son Joachim Sillem (1691–1737) also became a lawyer and councilor.


After his school education, Sillem studied law at the University of Orléans and graduated on December 19, 1677 as a licentiate of both rights.

After completing his studies, he initially worked as a lawyer in Hamburg. On April 10, 1693, Sillem became a council secretary , on October 6, 1702, a protonotary and on February 6, July / February 17, 1708 greg. elected councilor. In 1714 Sillem was appointed praetor and thus presiding judge at the Hamburg lower court .

As a lawyer, Sillem was the executor of the wills of Vincent Placcius and Heinrich Banzkow .


  • Dissertatio inauguralis de privilegiis senum . Orléans 1677.


  • Arnold Christian Beuthner : Sillem, Helwigus, IVL and Raths-Herr . In: Hamburgisches Staats- und Schehrten-Lexicon in which the names, the lives and the merits of those men of spiritual and worldly class are listed who, from the wholesome Reformation up to the present time, in this world-famous city and the same areas, had a respectable honor Office, or a high dignity, made famous through writings, born there and received in the foreign promotion, but already blessed the temporal . Christian Wilhelm Brandt, Hamburg 1739, OCLC 46285036 , p. 349–350 ( digitized on the website of the Hamburg State and University Library ).
  • Sillem, (Helwig). In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 37, Leipzig 1743, column 1318.
  • Johann Moller : Cimbria Literata. Tomus Primus. Scriptores universos Indigenas, hisque immistos complures, quorum Patria explorari necdum potuit, comprehendens . In: Cimbria literata, sive scriptorum ducatus utriusque Slesvicensis et Holsatici, quibus et alii vicini quidam accensentur, historia literaria tripartita . Orphanotrophium Regium, Copenhagen 1744, p. 671 ( digitized from Google Books).
  • Johann Moller: Sylm (Helvic.) . In: Christian Gottlieb Jöcher (Hrsg.): “Allgemeine Gelehrten-Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world up to the present time, and made themselves known to the learned world after their birth , Life, remarkable stories, dying and writings are described from the most credible scribes in alphabetical order ” . Fourth part, S-Z. Johann Friedrich Gleditschen's bookstore, Leipzig 1751, Sp. 957 ( digitized from Google Books).
  • Friedrich Georg Buek : Genealogical and biographical notes on the mayors of Hamburg who died after the Reformation . Johann August Meißner, Hamburg 1840, OCLC 166067441 , p. 175–176 ( digitized from Google Books).
  • Hans Schröder : Sillem (Silm) (Helwig, JUL) . In: Lexicon of Hamburg writers up to the present . Seventh volume: Scholvin - Westphalen, No. 3746 . Association for Hamburg History, Hamburg 1879, OCLC 165098723 ( facsimile on the pages of the Hamburg State and University Library).
  • Bernhard Koerner (Ed.): Genealogical handbook of middle-class families . tape 19 . CA Starke, Görlitz 1911, p. 354–355 ( digitized in the Internet Archive - also Hamburg gender book. Volume 2. CA Starke, Görlitz 1911.).

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Gottlieb Steltzner : Attempt at a reliable news of the ecclesiastical and political condition of the city of Hamburg in the new times, namely from Käyser Leopold I bit on the times of Käyser Joseph I fourth part. Hamburg 1736, OCLC 258120549 , p. 479–480 ( digitized on the website of the Hamburg State and University Library).
  2. Nicolaus Staphorst : Des blessed Mr. Vincentii Placcii, JUL & Prof. Publ. Scholarship holder order established in will . In: Historia Ecclesiae Hamburgensis diplomatica, that is Hamburg church history, made up of credible and mostly unprinted documents . First part, fourth volume. Theodor Christoph Felginer's widow, Hamburg 1731, OCLC 643633206 , p. 788–789 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek ).
  3. Nicolaus Staphorst: Henrich Banßkowen Testament A. 1538 . In: Historia Ecclesiae Hamburgensis diplomatica, that is Hamburg church history, made up of credible and mostly unprinted documents . First part, fourth volume. Theodor Christoph Felginer's widow, Hamburg 1731, OCLC 643633206 , p. 464–478 ( digitized on the pages of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek).