Hempo Ludwig von Pfuel

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Hempo Ludwig von Pfuel (* July 10, 1690 ; † May 14, 1770 ), heir to Jahnsfelde , Gielsdorf and Wilkendorf , was a Prussian major , director of the Breslau War and Domain Chamber , Privy Council  and President of the War and Domain Chamber Halberstadt.


HEMPO Ludwig came from the old to Jahnsfelde in the Brandenburg Switzerland -based noble family of Pfuel . He was the son of Colonel Christian Friedrich von Pfuel , killed near Kaiserswerth in 1702 , and Helene  von Veltheim (1657–1727). Major general Christian Ludwig von Pfuel was his brother.


Pfuel advanced to major in the Prussian army . In 1732 he became district administrator . In 1742 he became a member of the Silesian Classification Commission, in which he acquired extensive knowledge of the country and the constitution. In July 1743 Pfuel was promoted to war council of the Breslau War and Domain Chamber. On August 20, 1753, Pfuel took up the post of second chamber director, and in autumn 1754 he became the first chamber director. In March 1756 he became president of the Halberstadt War and Domain Chamber. On June 3, 1756, Frederick II raised him to the Privy Council. In 1764, at the age of 75, Pfuel took his age-related dimission .


Hempo Ludwig von Pfuel married Hedwig Sophie von Jagow (1697–1784) in May 1716 . From this marriage there were seven children:

  • Christian Friedrich (1717-1758), a Prussian captain, under Frederick II. On August 25, 1758 in the Battle of anger village like
  • Ernst Ludwig (1718–1789), Prussian major general and court marshal of Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia and landlord of Jahnsfelde ⚭ Johanna Christiane Sophie Kranz (1755–1783). They were the parents of Ernst von Pfuel , Prussian infantry general, prime minister and minister of war, as well as the Prussian lieutenant general Friedrich Heinrich Ludwig von Pfuel
  • Otto Friedrich (1731–1811), Prussian chief knighthood director, landlord of Gielsdorf and Wilkendorf ⚭ Florine Karoline Louise von Briest , from the Nennhausen family
  • Friedrich Wilhelm, Prussian captain of the Old Prussian Infantry Regiment No. 41
  • Maria Elisabeth
  • Charlotte Sophia Dorothea
  • Henrietta Louisa (1735–1798) ⚭ Georg Wilhelm Freiherr von Knigge (1731–1801); Mother of Wilhelm Carl Ernst Freiherr Knigge (1771–1839) and the aunt of Adolph Freiherr Knigge


  • Rolf Straubel: Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15. Walter de Gruyter , 2009, p. 733.

Individual evidence

  1. AWB von Vechtritz: As derer v. Berlepsch, v. Breitenbauch, v. Bünau, v. Dürfeld, v. Einsiedel, v. Erdmannsdorf, v. Geusau, v. Globig, v. Heynitz, v. Lindenau, v. Loeben, Pope v. Ohäyn, v. Pfuhl, Edler vd Planitz, v. Poellnitz, v. Rothe, vd Sahle, Sahrer v. Sahr, v. Schönberg, v. Thüna, v. Troyff, v. Wilcke, and von Wurmb concerning: 2  (= diplomatic messages from noble families). Intelligence Comtoir, 1791, p. 111 (accessed June 5, 2019).