Henri Kox

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Henri Kox (2016)

Henri Kox (born May 7, 1961 in Luxembourg ) is a Luxembourgish engineer and politician . He is a member of the Greens , for which he held a seat in the Chamber of Deputies , the parliament of the Grand Duchy, from July 2004 to October 2019 . Since then he has been a minister in the country's government, where he is responsible for housing construction , among other things .


Kox is the second youngest of eleven children of a winemaker and farmer from Remich on the Moselle. His mother Elisabeth, née Risch, was an active member of the Christian Social People's Party for many years before, triggered by her opposition to the nuclear power plants in Remerschen and in Cattenom , the anti-nuclear power movement , she joined and for the Greens In 1994 and 1999 ran for parliamentary elections. Brother Martin, a surgeon, is also active in the Greens: in his place of residence in Esch , he is first alderman . Both Henri and Martin could have entered parliament after the 2018 chamber election. Since legal regulations preclude the simultaneous exercise of a mandate by close relatives, Martin voluntarily waived.

Kox completed a degree in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University . After graduating in 1990, he worked as a teacher at the crafts school in Luxembourg City until he switched to politics in 2004 .

Shaped by the political views of his mother and because of his basic technical knowledge as an engineer, Kox has long been committed to the development of renewable energies at various levels . From 2002 until he took over the ministerial post in 2019, he was President of the Luxembourg section of Eurosolar . He sees himself standing in the tradition of his family of winemakers and, alongside his wife, is involved in viticulture on an organic basis .

Political career

Kox has been a member of the Greens since 1996. In 1999 he was elected to the Remich municipal council for the first time . From 2005 to 2009 he was a lay judge there, after which he held the office of mayor . After the local elections in autumn 2017, which ended with significant losses for his party, Kox renounced his council seat. Jacques' seat of the Democratic Party was succeeded as mayor .

Since the chamber election in 2004 , Kox was a member of the Chamber of Deputies for over 15 years and was a member of numerous parliamentary committees during this time . Most recently, he held the post of Deputy Speaker of Parliament, head of the Housing Committee and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Tourism. On October 11, 2019, Kox was appointed to the government and appointed Minister for Housing and Assistant Minister for Defense and Homeland Security. Due to the statutory incompatibility regulations, Kox also resigned from his parliamentary mandate. The successor in Parliament, Chantal Gary , is his niece.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. On the day of the siblings: The Kox siblings: “You have to be eleven friends”. Luxemburger Wort , April 10, 2015, accessed on October 13, 2019.
  2. Melody Hansen: Kox vs. Kox: Two brothers want to go to the Luxembourg parliament - but only one is allowed. Tageblatt , October 19, 2018, accessed on October 13, 2019.
  3. ^ Henri Kox profile on the Greens website, archived version from September 25, 2018.
  4. ^ Henri Kox renounces his seat on the local council. L'essentiel , November 14, 2017, accessed October 13, 2019.
  5. Claude Karger: “The construction of the south begins tomorrow.” Lëtzebuerger Journal , October 3, 2019, accessed on October 13, 2019.