Henri Madelin

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Henri Madelin SJ (born April 26, 1936 in Guebwiller , Alsace , † April 8, 2020 in Lille ) was a French Jesuit and university teacher .


After graduating from school in Blois, Henri Madelin studied law and economics at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris . He did not pursue any further training at the French elite university École nationale d'administration and entered the Jesuit order in 1957. He first studied philosophy for four years at the Jesuit college in Vals-près-le-Puy near Le Puy-en-Velay and at the Collège Libermann in Douala , Cameroon . After studying theology at the Faculty of Theology in Lyon -Fourvière (from 1974 Center Sèvres ) he was ordained a priest in Lyon in 1967 .

In 1973 he took over from his social apostolate out the line of Action Populaire , which the Center for Research and Social Action ( Center de recherche et d'action sociales , CERAS was). In 1979 he was elected Provincial of the Society of Jesus in France for six years. Madelin was president of the Center Sèvres in Paris from 1985 to 1991 before being appointed national chaplain of the Christian Movement of Leaders and Leaders ( Mouvement Chrétien des Cadres et dirigeants , MCC ). In 1995 he succeeded Jean-Yves Calvez SJ as editor-in-chief of the Jesuit revue jésuite Études . From 2005 to 2019 he worked for the European Jesuit Office (OCIPE) at the Council of Europe in Brussels and Strasbourg.

He was professor at the Institut d'études sociales (IES) at the Center Sèvres and professor at the Institut d'études politiques de Paris (IEP) of the Institut Catholique de Paris and has published numerous works.

On April 8, 2020, Madelin died at the age of 83 during the COVID-19 pandemic in France as a result of a SARS-CoV-2 infection.


  • Pétrole et politique en Méditerranée occidentale , Armand Colin, 1973.
  • La Chine pour nous , Éditions du Centurion, 1974.
  • Les chrétiens entrent en politique , Le Cerf, 1975.
  • with Sylvie Toscer: Dieu et César, Essai sur les démocraties occidentales , Desclée de Brouwer, 1994
  • Sous le soleil de Dieu, Entretiens avec Yves de Gentil-Baichis , Bayard éditions / Éditions du Centurion, 1996, ISBN 978-2-227-32053-6
  • "Une encyclique tardive sur l'Holocauste: La repentance contestée du Vatican" , in Le Monde diplomatique 1998
  • La Menace idéologique , Le Cerf, 1989, ISBN 978-2-204-03022-9
  • with François Boëdec: L'Évangile social, Guide pour une lecture des encycliques sociales , Bayard éditions / Éditions du Centurion, 1999, ISBN 978-2-227-31712-3
  • La Société dans les encycliques de Jean-Paul II , Éditions du Centurion, 2000
  • Jeunes sans rivages , Desclée de Brouwer, 2001, ISBN 978-2-220-04942-7
  • Si tu crois , L'Originalité chrétienne , Bayard éditions / Étvdes, 2004, ISBN 978-2-227-47312-6
  • Refaire l'Europe. Le vieux et le neuf (preface by Jacques Delors ), L'Europe dans tous ses états , Éditions du Rocher, Monaco, 2007, ISBN 978-2-268-06222-8
  • with Caroline Pigozzi: Ainsi fait-il , 2013, ISBN 978-2-259-22224-2
  • with Yohan Picquart: Heurs et malheurs de l'autorité , Lessius, 2018

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Claire Lesegretain: "Le jésuite Henri Madelin est décédé" on la-croix.com of 8 April 2020 (French)
  2. a b c "Décès du P. Henri Madelin sj, homme de foi et de culture" on jesuites.com from April 8, 2020 (fr.)