Herbert Buhr

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Herbert Buhr (born December 22, 1902 in Teterow ; † May 20, 1968 in Mühlhausen ) was a German botanist who specialized in cecidology (plant gall science).

Live and act

Herbert Buhr was born in 1902 as the son of the agricultural citizen Johann Buhr in Teterow in the (partial) Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin . He graduated from the Realgymnasium in Güstrow with the matriculation examination and then completed an apprenticeship as a pharmacist. From 1923 to 1924 Buhr studied natural sciences at the Technical University of Darmstadt and then until 1929 in Rostock . From 1929 to 1936 he was assistant and senior assistant at the Botanical Institute of the University of Rostock . During this time the zoologist Paul Schulze was his teacher and friend. As a travel companion of the botanist Hermann von Guttenberg , Buhr got to know the flora of Dalmatia and Corsica between 1929 and 1933. In 1932 he was with the work studies on zweisporige Hymenomycete Dr. phil. PhD . 1935 followed the habilitation to the Dr. phil. habil. with the topic of parasite infestation and plant relationship . From 1936 to 1941 Buhr was a lecturer in botany and pharmacognosy at the University of Rostock. In 1938 he took a research stay for phytopathological examinations in British Cameroon (formerly German Cameroon). Military service followed from 1941 to 1945, mainly during a Wehrmacht weather beacon in France, and imprisonment. Further work at a university in the Soviet occupation zone was not possible. From 1949 to 1954 Buhr was a research assistant and then a department head at the Institute for Plant Breeding Groß-Lüsewitz of the German Academy for Agricultural Sciences (DAL) in the GDR. From 1954 to 1961 Buhr was head of the research center Mühlhausen of the Biological Central Institute of the DAL in Berlin, then - residing in Mühlhausen - a research assistant at the Institute for Plant Breeding Kleinwanzleben at the DAL and later at the German Entomological Institute Berlin and Eberswalde at the DAL: The main focus of activity was potato beetle control, potato ecology, nematode control and phytoparasitic insects and fungi.

At the same Buhr worked on his specialty areas galls and discriminatory insects: observation and collection of plant galls and -minen, rearing of pathogen and applying an extensive herbarium . Buhr kept discovering new types of bile and mine pathogens, some of which were named after him. Almost fifty publications resulted from his pen. In 1964/65 his work Determination tables of the galls (zoo and phytocecidia) on plants of Central and Northern Europe was published . The extensive herbarium of Buhr with documents was given to the herbarium Haussknecht at the University of Jena .

Herbert Buhr married Helene Schnapauff in 1936. The marriage had five children between 1937 and 1944.

Buhr retired in 1967 and died in 1968. His hometown Teterow maintains an honorary grave for him.


  • Determination tables of the galls (zoo and phytocecidia) on plants of Central and Northern Europe. 2 volumes. Fischer, Jena 1964/1965.

Individual evidence

  1. See the entry of Herbert Buhr's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal


  • Josef Haase: Obituary for Dr. habil. Herbert Buhr. In: Entomological Reports. 12, 2, 1968, pp. 93-95.

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