Hermann Jimmerthal

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Joseph Wilhelm Pero : Hermann Jimmerthal in 1834
Hermann Jimmerthal (far left) 1848 with the Lübeck organists Johann Daniel Zacharias Burjam (1802–1879), Johann Jochim Diedrich Stiehl (1800–1873) and Joachim Christoph Mandischer (1774–1860)

Johann Hermann Thomas Jimmerthal (born August 14, 1809 in Lübeck ; † September 17, 1886 there ) was a German organist and composer .


After his training, including a six-month stay with Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy in Düsseldorf in 1834 , Jimmerthal first became a teacher at the Lübeck Ernestinenschule and music teacher at the Lübeck Teachers' Seminar a year later . One of his seminar students there was later to be Karl Lichtwark . In 1835, after a long break, he set up church concerts in Lübeck for the first time: the Palm Sunday concerts in the Aegidienkirche. Here he gave an organ concert with works by Johann Sebastian Bach for the first time in 1841 . In 1845 he was appointed organist of the Marienkirche in Lübeck to succeed Gottfried Hermann . Like many of his predecessors, as a foreman he was also responsible for administrative tasks.

In contrast to his predecessor Herrmann, who saw himself more as an orchestra conductor and choir director and preferred the piano and violin to the organ, Jimmerthal saw himself primarily as an organist. During his tenure, from 1851 to 1854, Johann Friedrich Schulze completely rebuilt the Great Organ of the Marienkirche in the spirit of the times, with 4 manuals, pedal and 80 voices within the historical prospectus of the carver Benedikt Dreyer , who was restored and expanded by Carl Julius Milde has been.

From the files and documents available to him as a foreman, Jimmerthal compiled a comprehensive handwritten chronicle of the Marienkirche in 1857. Since many of his sources are no longer preserved today, this Jimmerthal Chronicle has become an important source in itself.

Jimmerthal was an advocate for restoring the rhythmic melodies of the hymns of the 16th century. In 1859 the Senate commissioned him to work out the Lübeck chorale book.

Jimmerthal, who lived in the Marienwerkhaus , is considered the role model for the figure of Edmund Pfühl in Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks . Mann also used Jimmerthal's name for the figure of Erwin Jimmerthal in Tonio Kröger . He is the dedicatee of the organ work Chromatic Fugue, op.84 by Hermann Berens . He was a member of the Lübeck Masonic Lodge Zur Weltkugel .


  • Multi-part choir chants (motets, psalms etc.) for soprano and alto voices without accompaniment, initially intended for worship. Lübeck: Borchers o. J.
Digitalisat , City Library Lübeck


  • Materials collected on the history of St. Mary's Church in Liibeck and its internal and external circumstances from the collective writings of the Church Archives, older Liibeck Chronicles, etc. 1857 (manuscript in the archive of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck )
  • Description of the large organ in the St. Marien Church in Lübeck, built in the years 1851–1854 by the master organ builder Johann Friedrich Schulze senior. and Edmund Schulze junior: together with an appendix, containing the dispositions of several important organ works of modern times. Körner, Erfurt, Leipzig 1859.
  • The astronomical clock in the St. Marienkirche in Lübeck. Rahtgens, Lübeck 1861.
  • Singing teaching and songbook for elementary and community schools: in four books. Kaibel, Lübeck around 1890.


  • Fritz Jung: The music in Lübeck. In: Fritz Endres (ed.): History of the free and Hanseatic city of Lübeck. Lübeck 1926, p. 171ff. (197).
  • Arndt Schnoor (ed.): Lübeck organ book. Volume 1: So far unprinted organ works from Lübeck organists from four centuries. Lübeck 2000 (Publications of the Lübeck City Library: Series 3: Musikalien, Volume 10). therein: Fantasy in the free style in B flat major by Johann Herrmann Thomas Jimmerthal.
  • Joachim Walter: "This Heaving Ocean of Tones" - Nineteenth Century Organ Practice at St Marien Lübeck. Dissertation. University of Gothenburg 2000 (Studies from the Department of Musicology, no. 60).

Web links

Commons : Hermann Jimmerthal  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Gottfried Herrmann Organist at St. Marien zu Lübeck
1845 - 1886
Karl Lichtwark