Hermann von Bruiningk

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Baron Gottfried Robert Hermann of Bruiningk ( Russian Герман фон Брюнинг ) (born August 14, jul. / 26. August  1849 greg. In Dorpat , Livonia , † May 17 jul. / Thirtieth May  1927 greg. In Riga ) was a Baltic German historian .


Hermann von Bruiningk was a son of the district judge in Dorpat and landowner to Hellenorm and Samhof , Freiherr Ludolph August von Bruiningk (* ​​1809–1891) and Princess Marie Lieven (* 1818–1853).

He attended grammar school from 1859 to 1866 and then studied law in Dorpat from 1867 to 1875 . After his studies he dealt with archival work on behalf of the Livonian Landtag in the knighthood chancellery in Riga until 1882, but during this time also had a job as court judge.

From 1882 to 1884 he was Knighthood Archivist and Treasurer, and from 1884 to 1899 Knighthood Secretary. From 1899 Bruiningk held the post of director of the Old Archives of the Livonian Knighthood . He remained in this position until 1920, when he switched to the Latvian State Archives as an employee. In these positions he secured manor archives and other holdings, especially the archives of the Livonian court. In 1908 he was president of the 1st Historians' Day in Riga. In 1919 he gained at the University of Leipzig , the graduation to the Dr. phil. hcd

Bruiningk was organized and networked in a diverse and relevant manner. He was a member from 1875, from 1890 to 1902 president, then honorary member and co-director of the Society for History and Archeology in Riga. Since 1892 he was an honorary member of the Estonian Literary Society in Reval , since 1893 of the Estonian Scholarly Society in Dorpat, since 1905 of the Courland Society for Literature and Art , since 1909 of the Genealogical Society of the Baltic Sea Provinces in Mitau and finally since 1924 also of the Archeology Society Pernau . Finally, since 1896 Bruiningk was also a member of the Imperial Archaeological Society in Moscow.

On June 1, 1877, Hermann von Bruiningk was included in the registers of the Oesel knighthood .

Bruiningk married Marie Cäcilie Adelheid Stahl (* 1859, † 1918) in Riga on March 4, 1903 , the daughter of the governor's auditor Theodor Stahl and Cäcilie Gerstenmeyer. His marriage was childless.


Bruiningk has written numerous treatises on Baltic history, the following only an incomplete selection.

as an author
  • Livonian retrospect. 1879
  • Mass and canonical Liturgy of the Hours according to the practice of the Rigas Church in the late Middle Ages. Riga 1903 (1904)
  • Report of the Secretary for Historical Source Studies and Oversight of the Old Archives H. v. Bruiningk. cit. 1906, pp. 11-14
  • The Livonian Knighthood Archives in Riga. In: Works of the First Baltic Historians' Day in Riga 1908, Riga 1909, pp. 274–285
  • The work in the Livonian Knighthood Archives 1911/13. Riga 1913
  • The Bruiningk family in Livonia. Family history news. Riga 1913; New edition: Adegi Graphics LLC, Riga, ISBN 0543948641 (digitized version )
  • The werewolf in Livonia and the last in Wendenschen Landgericht and Dörptschen Hofgericht i. J. 1692 therefore held criminal proceedings. In: Mitteilungen aus der Livländischen Geschichte 22 (1922–28), pp. 163–220
  • The former National Historical Archives in Riga. In: Archivalische Zeitschrift 36 (1926), pp. 119-133.
  • The V. Bülow in Livonia 1633 to 1750. In: Yearbook for Genealogy, Heraldry and Sphragistics. Mitau 1930, pp. 11-29
as editor

The handwritten legacy of Bruiningk, which among other things contains the previously unpublished Volume 3 of the Livonian Goods Deeds as well as excerpts from the Church Court Protocols of the Riga Church, is in the State Archives in Riga.


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