Hermann von Manderscheid-Blankenheim

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Hermann von Manderscheid-Blankenheim (* August 4, 1535 , † January 4, 1604 in Blankenheim ) was Count von Manderscheid-Blankenheim , Mr. zu Jünkerath , Erp and Daun and was in the service of Rudolf II and was an important collector, especially of antiquities.


His father was Count Arnold I. The mother was Countess Margarethe von Wied-Runkel . One brother was the future Prince-Bishop of Strasbourg, Johann IV of Manderscheid-Blankenheim .

“Hermannus Comes a Manderscheidt, Vernenburg & Blankenheim” enrolled in Ingolstadt in 1558 , in Padua in 1559 and in Rome in 1560 . At first he was canon in Cologne before he returned to the secular class and married Juliana von Hanau in 1567 . The marriage remained childless.

Hermann was considered learned. He was in imperial favor. Rudolf II granted him various privileges. Below that was the right to strike gold and silver coins. Blankenheim also got the right to hold a fair. He and his subjects were also exempted from having to appear before a foreign court. He was also enfeoffed with the meat, bread and cloth houses in Aachen. He argued with the Duke of Jülich up to the Imperial Court of Justice over the ownership of a forest and the feudal sovereignty associated with it. With regard to the denomination he leaned at least temporarily towards Protestantism. In 1574 he replaced the Catholic by the Lutheran service. Because he was anxious to get his brother Arnold to become abbot in the Prüm Abbey , he reintroduced the Catholic mass, but kept the Lutheran preachers in his castles and palaces. After the failure of the plan, Lutheranism was reintroduced into the county.

In 1584 he became Imperial Councilor. As such, he undertook various diplomatic missions. Together with the Chancellor of Cologne, Andreas von Gail , he was supposed to sneak a dispute over the postal system between the imperial city of Cologne and the Count of Taxis in 1587 . In 1594 the emperor sent him to the Reichstag in Regensburg . In 1596 he was imperial commissioner at the district assembly of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian imperial circle . He asked the district council for 500 horsemen for the emperor's Turkish war . In the same year he was also present at the electoral parliament in Cologne. On behalf of the emperor, he and others took over a failed embassy to Holland to broker peace negotiations between the rebellious States General and the Spanish king.

He was interested in the history of the Roman period in particular. Count Hermann was in contact with numerous like-minded scholars. He suggested examining the water pipeline leading from the Eifel to Cologne in Roman times. He put on a large collection of Roman antiquities, valuable medieval manuscripts, miniatures, relics and archive materials. In particular, he used large financial resources to buy up Roman antiquities. He bought all of the Lyskirchen collection, which was known at the time. He kept these at Blankenheim Castle or had them set up in the garden of Jünkerath Castle . In the course of the French occupation during the first coalition war , the collection was partly looted and partly scattered. Some of the manuscripts were later in the Wallraf'sche Library in Cologne, others in the Wallraf-Richartz Museum . Today some parts of the antique collection are in the Roman-Germanic Museum in Cologne and the Rheinisches Landesmuseum in Bonn.

Since he died childless, his brother Arnold II succeeded him as sovereign.

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Gustav C. Knod: Rhineland students in the 16th and 17th centuries at the University of Padua . In: Annalen des Historisches Verein für den Niederrhein 68 (1899), pp. 133–189, esp. P. 148.
  2. Jakob Marx : History of the Archbishopric Trier . First department. Trier 1858, p. 373 f.


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