Hieronymus Johann Struck

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Hieronymus Johann Struck († February 2, 1771 ) was a German printer and publisher . He worked in Swedish Pomerania , one after the other in Greifswald and Stralsund .


Hieronymus Johann Struck came from a family of book printers. His father Samuel Struck (born December 30, 1671 in Ratzeburg ; † March 1, 1720 in Lübeck ) was a book printer in Lübeck, the Schmidt-Römhild publishing house, founded in 1579, referred to the founder of the publishing house through him as one of three book printers in Lübeck at the time Lauritz Albrecht back.

In 1739 Hieronymus Johann Struck became an academic printer in Greifswald , i.e. printer for the University of Greifswald . The books he produced include Albert Georg Schwartz 's attempt at a Pomeranian and Rügian Lehn History (1740, 1500 pages) and the same Diplomatic History of the Pomeranian- Rügian Cities of Swedish Highness (1755, 888 pages). He also printed the journals Critische Nachrichten (1750–1754) and Pommersche Bibliothek (1750–1755) published by Johann Carl Dähnert . A dispute arose with the university about such activities: representatives of the university, in particular the lawyer Augustin von Balthasar , said that Struck was neglecting his actual task in the publishing business, namely the printing of university publications.

In 1759 Struck moved to Stralsund , where he became a government printer (the Swedish government in Pomerania was in Stralsund ) and at the same time became a council printer.

After his death in 1771, his eldest son Christian Lorenz Struck (* 1741; † 1793) took over the Stralsund council and government printing company, which remained in the family's possession even after his death. His younger son Johann Franz Struck took over a printing company in Stettin .


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Individual evidence

  1. Johann Henrich von Seelen : News of the origin and progress of the printing press in the Käys. Freyen and H. Röm. Imperial City of Lübeck, in which the Lübeck printers and all kinds of remarkable books and writings printed by you are listed and described. On the occasion of the printer's jubilee, which occurred in this 1740th year, and with various notes belonging to the scholarly history , Bey Jonas Schmidt, 1740
  2. Chronicle ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. of the Schmidt-Römhild publishing house  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.beleke.de