Himno di Kòrsou

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Himno di Kòrsou
Title in German Hymn of Curacao
country CuracaoCuracao Curacao
Usage period 1978 - today
text Friar Radulphus
melody Candidus Nouwens and Errol Colina

The Hymn of Curacao ( Papiamentu : Himno di Kòrsou ) is the national anthem of Curacao .


The song was written on the occasion of Queen Wilhelmina's coronation in 1898 by the Dutch friar Radulphus. In 1978 the text was revised by Guillermo Rosario, Mae Henriquez, Enrique Müller and Betty Doran. The national anthem was officially introduced on July 26, 1978.

Usually only the first and last two of the eight stanzas are sung.

Text of the national anthem

Papiamentu Dutch translation German freely translated, verses 1 to 8

Lanta nos bos ban kanta
grandesa di Kòrsou;
Kòrsou, isla chikitu,
baranka the laman!

Kòrsou, nos ta stima bo
ariba tur nashon.
Bo gloria nos ta kanta
di henter nos kurason.

Nos pueblo tin su lucha,
ma semper nos tin fe
di logra den tur tempu viktoria
ku trabou!

Ban duna di nos parti
p'e isla prosperá.
Laga nos uni forsa
p'asina triumfá.

Nos patria nos ta demonstrá
onor i lealdat,
meskos na e bandera
union di nos nashon.

Nos bida lo ta poko
pa duna nos pais,
luchando uní pa libertat,
amor i komprenshon.

I ora nos ta leu fo'i kas
nos tur ta rekordá
Kòrsou, su solo i playanan,
orguyo di nos tur.

Laga nos gloria Kreador
tur tempu i sin fin,
k'El a hasi nos digno
di ta yu di Kòrsou!

Laat on our stem heffen en zing
de grootsheid van Curaçao;
Curaçao, a small island of
reds in de zee!

Curaçao, wij houden van u
boven alle naties.
Uw glorie zingen wij
met heel ons hard.

Ons people heeft zijn strijd
maar wij geloven nog altijd
elke keer te can overwinnen
door middel van work!

Laat ons allemaal bieden
voor het voorspoed van het eiland.
Laat ons
seeds optreden zodat wij kunnen triomferen.

(Aan) Ons vaderland tonen wij
eer en trouw,
net as aan de vlag
de unie van onze natie.

Onze leven zouden little zijn
om te geven voor ons land,
seeds vechtend voor vrijheid,
ran en mind .

In the
wake of the huis we think we always have to go to
Curaçao, there are
zones in the beaches, the trots of the things.

Laat ons onze Schepper loven
altijd en voorgoed,
omdat Hij heeft ons waardig gemaakt
om Curaçaoenaar te zijn!

Let us raise our voices and sing
the majesty of Curaçao;
Curaçao, small island
a rock in the sea!

Curacao, we love you
above all peoples.
We sing your glory
with all our hearts.

Our people have their struggles
but we still believe we
can conquer every time,
through work!

Let us all bid
for the island's prosperity.
Let's stand together
so that we can triumph.

We show
honor and loyalty to our homeland ,
just as the flag shows
the unification of our nation.

Our life would give little
for our country,
fight together for freedom,
love and understanding.

And when we are far from home
we all think of
Curaçao, its sun and beaches,
the pride of all of us.

Let us praise our Creator
forever and ever
for He made us worthy to
be Curaçaons!

See also

Web links

National anthem on You Tube