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HistoCrypt ( English suitcase word from Historical Cryptology ; German  " Historische Kryptologie " ) is the name of an international scientific conference on the history of cryptology .


The HistoCrypt is an annual conference. It took place for the first time in 2018 and is dedicated to all aspects of the history of cryptology, i.e. the history of cryptography and cryptanalysis . Neighboring fields such as military history , the history of computer technology , artificial intelligence and linguistics are also considered.

A special focus is on historical cryptograms , such as encrypted documents or radio messages , as well as codes and code books . Among other things, applications and historical examples in the military , diplomacy or business are of interest . Of special interest is the research and development of modern - computer- aided - methods for breaking historical codes . This includes manual keys such as nomenclators , polyalphabetic or mixed methods such as ADFGX , but also comparatively modern machine keys . A very popular and prominent object is the German Enigma machine from World War II .

The HistoCrypt sees itself in the tradition of its predecessor events, such as the European Historical Ciphers Colloquium (EuroHCC) , which was held in Heusenstamm in Hesse in 2012 , in Kassel in 2016 and in Smolenice in 2017 in Slovakia . The first HistoCrypt took place in 2018 at Uppsala University in Sweden .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. HistoCrypt 2018: International Conference on Historical Cryptology (English), accessed on February 11, 2019.