Walther Konschitzky

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Walther Konschitzky , pseudonym Horst Wichland , (born January 23, 1944 in Bacova , Kingdom of Romania ) is a German publicist , photographer and ethnographer .


Walther Konschitzky was the son of the machinist Jakob and Josepha Konschitzky, née Wichland. He studied German and Romanian at the University of the West Timișoara . From 1967 to 1987 Konschitzky was editor of the German-language newspaper Neuer Weg in Bucharest . In spring 1989 he moved to the Federal Republic of Germany. Since 1992 he has been the federal cultural advisor for the Banat Swabian Landsmannschaft . The position of cultural advisor was dropped in 2000 after federal subsidies were cut, and Konschitzky has been involved on a voluntary basis ever since. Konschitzky received his doctorate in 2001 from the Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj on the subject of “Banat Folk Architecture. Style and local ornamentation ”. He has published academic articles and books on the subjects of journalism, interethnics and ethnology. He showed his documentary and art photography in his own photo exhibitions, including the 2005 exhibition “Timisoara Gates” in the European Parliament in Brussels .

In 2009, the Nobel Prize for Literature Laureate Herta Müller identified Walther Konschitzky as an employee of the Romanian secret service Securitate using the code name Sorin . The writer Ernest Wichner made similar allegations. Konschitzky denied the allegations in a conversation with the writer Richard Wagner .

Publications (selection)

  • Walter Andreas Kirchner , Banat-Verlag, Erding 2008.
  • Timisoara gates. Doors, gates and portals of a central European city. A cultural-historical perspective , Banat Verlag, Erding 2006.
  • Porţile Timişoarei , Fundaţia Interart Triade, Timişoara 2005.
  • Julius Stürmer , House of the German East, Munich 2003.
  • Deported to Bărăgan 1951-1956 , House of the German East, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-92797-719-5 .
  • Folk architecture in the Banat: style and ornamentation , Cluj-Napoca, 2000.
  • 200 years of European art in the Banat , City Gallery Harderbastei, Ingolstadt 1996.
  • Johann Wolf , Landsmannschaft der Banat Swabia, Munich 1994.
  • The Banat Swabians , Association of Expellees, Culture Department, Bonn 1992.
  • Rhymes, puzzles, children's games , Editura Kriterion, Bucharest 1989.
  • Fairy tales, sagas and rascals , Editura Kriterion, Bucharest 1979, ISBN 9-73260-022-5 .
  • Banat Pictures , Facla-Verlag, Timișoara 1982.
  • Honor to old age , Editura Kriterion, Bucharest.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Dr. Walther Anton Konschitzky . In: jaeger.banater-archiv.de
  2. Gates, Chests and How to Open Them. In: Foundation of German Culture in Eastern Europe - OKR, Edition 1237 from April 20, 2007.
  3. DNB 133684946
  4. a b Photo lecture Dr. Walther Konschitzky: Cultural Heritage and Identity. Secure, preserve and convey traditions. ( Memento from October 30, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) In: Banater Schwaben Berlin: Press invitation from May 4, 2006.
  5. What does this year's home meeting offer its visitors? ( Memento from February 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: Banater Berglanddeutsche , Mitteilungsblatt Episode 110, Munich / Vienna, May / June 2003
  6. Herta Müller : The Securitate is still in service. In: Die Zeit , edition 31/2009 of October 9, 2009.
  7. The Banat Swabian Landsmannschaft promises clarification about Securitate entanglements . In: Deutschlandradio Kultur from December 16, 2009.
  8. Susanne Führer: "Character assassination was committed against authors". In: Deutschlandradio Kultur from December 21, 2009.