Hotamjon Ketmonov

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Hotamjon Ketmonov (2016)

Hotamjon Abdurahmonovich Ketmonov ( Russian Хатамжон Абдурахманович Кетмонов Chatamschon Abdurachmanowitsch Ketmonov , born May 22, 1969 in the district of Baliqchi , Uzbek SSR , Soviet Union ) is an Uzbek party of the People's Democratic Party . He was chairman of the party from 2013 to 2019 and ran unsuccessfully in the 2015 and 2016 presidential elections in Uzbekistan .


Ketmonov was in the district in 1969 Baliqchi in the Fergana Valley was born. He graduated from the Institute of Languages ​​in Andijon in 1993 and then worked from 1993 to 1995 as a teacher in the Toshloq district , west of Marg'ilon . In 1995, Ketmonov moved to the Fargʻona Province Public Education Department , where he was promoted to deputy director. In 2004, Ketmonov became Deputy Hokim, an Uzbek title for the chairman of the provincial executive branch in Andijon Province . In this position he was employed until 2013 and was primarily responsible for relations between the authorities and public and religious organizations.

On April 24, 2013, Ketmonov was elected as the new chairman at a meeting of the Central Council of the People's Democratic Party. With this election, Ketmonov's activity in Andijon Province ended and he became a national politician as chairman of one of the country's largest parties. In the parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan in 2014/15 , the People's Democratic Party suffered a defeat with the loss of five seats in the Oliy Majlis , the lower house of the Uzbek parliament. Ketmonov himself moved into the lower house for the first time as a member of parliament after the general election and was elected deputy spokesman in 2015.

On February 9, 2015, Ketmonov was nominated as a candidate for the upcoming presidential election in Uzbekistan on March 29 of the same year at a party conference of the People's Democratic Party. In terms of content, economic and social reforms were at the heart of Ketmonov's candidacy. Among other things, he called for state subsidies for companies in the manufacturing sector in order to initiate competitive production of consumer goods in Uzbekistan, the development of investment programs for future technologies and increased efforts to train skilled workers in Uzbekistan. In the authoritarian system under the then Uzbek President Islom Karimov , political opposition was not allowed in elections, so only registered parties loyal to the government were allowed to nominate candidates for the election. Accordingly, Ketmonov and his People's Democratic Party were overall loyal to the president and posed no threat to the re-election of the long-standing head of state. With 552,309 votes and a share of 2.92%, Ketmonov took third place in the presidential election, while incumbent Karimov took 90 , 39% of the votes cast could, as expected, clearly win the election.

With Karimov's death on September 2, 2016, a new presidential election was necessary to legitimize a successor. Shavkat Mirziyoyev presented himself as Karimov's successor , who was initially appointed as interim president until the presidential election on December 4, 2016. On September 17, 2016, the Central Council of the People's Democratic Party again nominated Ketmonov as a candidate for the presidential election; the nomination was confirmed by the delegates at a party congress in Tashkent on October 14. In the 2016 presidential election, Ketmonov was able to improve his result compared to his candidacy in the previous election and received 669,187 votes, which corresponds to 3.73% of the votes cast. With a result of 88.61%, Interim President Mirziyoyev clearly prevailed in the first ballot.

In 2019, Ketmonov was replaced as chairman of the People's Democratic Party by Ulug'bek Inoyatov , thus taking a backseat politically.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Биография и Программа кандидата в Президенты Республики Узбекистан Хотамжона Абдурахмоновича Кетмонова - March 30, 2015, accessed July 12, 2020 .
  2. IFES Election Guide | Elections: Uzbekistan President 2015. Accessed July 12, 2020 .
  3. a b History PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF UZBEKISTAN. Retrieved July 12, 2020 .
  4. Central Asia Analyzes . No. 88 . Bremen April 27, 2015, p. 8 .
  5. Hotamjon Ketmonov met with voters of Andijan region | Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Retrieved July 12, 2020 .
  7. UzDaily: NDPU Congress delegates support candidacy of Hotamjon Ketmonov. Retrieved July 12, 2020 (Russian).
  8. IFES Election Guide | Elections: Uzbekistan Presidential Election 2016. Retrieved July 12, 2020 .
  9. Administration. Retrieved July 12, 2020 .