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Pilgrims in front of the al-Haram mosque in Mekkah, home of the Adnanites

The Hudhail ( Arabic هذيل, DMG Huḏail ) are an Arab tribe that can be traced back to Adnan and whose members are resident in the west of today's Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , the Hejaz . They are descendants of Hudhail, a grandson of Elias , who was named after the prophet Elijah .


The tribe can be traced back to Adam according to the myth of the tribe in its genealogical history via its founding father of the same name : Hothail son of Madrakah son of Elias (Elijah) son of Madher son of Nazar son of Ma'ad son of Adnan son of Add Son of Send son of Napyot son of Ishmael son of Abraham son of Azar son of Nahor son of Serug son of Reu son of Phaleg son of Eber son of Shaleh son of Arpachschad son of Shem son of Noah son of Lamech son of Metuschelach son of Idris son of Jered son of Mahalalel son of Qenan son of Enos son of Set son of Adam.


Estimated settlement areas and some of the important tribes, as well as the empire on the Arabian Peninsula before the birth of Islam (around 600 AD / 50 BC Hijrah according to the pre-Islamic calendar).

The tribe of the Banu Hothail is divided into two main branches: Lihyan son of Hothail and Sa'ad son of Hothail.

Lihyan son of the Hothail

The descendants of Lihyan ibn Hothail, who founded the Arab kingdom of Lihyan and currently live in the desert between Mecca and Jeddah , are now divided into two clans:

  • Mohrez , again divided into
    • Alhosianat
    • Aldhban
    • Almsah
  • Marer , again divided into
    • Albatahah
    • Almasaibah
    • Alnegimah
    • Aloodah

Sa'ad son of the Hothail

There are currently four tribes that are considered to be offshoots of Sa'ad son of the Hothail:

  • Beni , again divided into
    • Banu Omair
    • Banu Mas'od
    • Banu Mohaiya
    • Banu Nobatah
  • Fleet , again divided into
    • Alhatareshah
      • Alafran
      • Al Eyad
      • Hothail Albogom
    • Banu Reshah
    • Almatarefah
    • Alsa'iedah
    • Almoatan
  • Almasodah , again divided into
    • Alqrrah
    • Alawiyyon
    • Alkabakebah
    • Banu Eyas
    • Algawaberah
    • Alsawalemah
    • Al Zaid
    • Banu Qa'ab
    • Alhawazemah
    • Old alhat
    • Al Aaley
    • Alnadawe'en
    • Al Sawaherah
    • Al Zawaheraah (allied with Hothail and descendants of the Zubaydah)
    • Al Hekman (allied with Hothail and descendants of the Quraish)
  • Zohair , again divided into
    • AlSrawnah
    • Da'ad
    • Sahelah
    • Zolayfah.

Related tribes


  • Andrew Crichton: History of Arabia. Ancient and Modern . Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh 1834 (2 volumes)
  • Francesco Gabrieli : Gli Arabi . Ed. Sansoni, Florence 1955.
    • German: History of the Arabs. (= Urban books . 73). Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1963. (translated by Emil Kümmerer)
  • John Walter Jandora: The March from Medina. A revisionist study of the Arab conquests . Kingston Press, Clifton NJ 1990, ISBN 0-940670-33-X .
  • Muhammad Zafrulla Khan : Muhammad. Seal of the prophets . Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1980, ISBN 0-7100-0610-1 .
  • David Samuel Margoliouth : Mohammed and the Rise of Islam. (= Heroes of the nations ). AMS Press, New York 1978, ISBN 0-404-58273-7 . (Reprinted from 1905 New York edition)
  • William Robertson Smith : Kinship and marriage in early Arabia . May Publ., London 1990, ISBN 1-85077-188-X (reprint of London 1907 edition)
  • George Sale : The Koran, Commonly Called the Alcoran of Mohammed. Also readings from Claude Savary's version. Warne Books, London 1912.
  • A universal history. From the earliest accounts to the present time . Hansebooks, Norderstedt 2018, ISBN 978-3-337-56007-2 (reprint of the London 1785 edition)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. عن موسى بن يعقوب عن عبد الله بن وهب بن زمعة الزمعي عن عمته عن أم سلمة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال معد بن عدنان بن أدد بن زند بن يرى بن أعراق الثرى قالت أم سلمة: فزند هو الهميسع واليرى هو نبت, وأعراق الثرى هو إسماعيل; لأنه ابن ابراهيم ، وإبراهيم لم تأكله النار كما أن النار لا تأكل الثرى
  2. Genesis 25: 12-16
  3. a b Ishmael , Encyclopedia of the Qur'an
  4. Azraqi: Akhbar Makkah. vol. 1, pp. 58-66.
  5. Abraham, Sarah and Hagar ( Memento of the original from July 25, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. - James D. Brown @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Genesis 16: 1-6
  7. Sura 2 : 127 to 136
  8. Sura 6 : 74
  9. Sura 37 : 99, 111
  10. Lk 3.35  EU
  11. Genesis 11: 20-23
  12. Genesis 11:20
  13. Genesis 10:25
  14. Gen 10.24  EU ,
  15. Gen 11.12  EU
  16. Lk 3.36  EU
  17. Gen 10.22  EU
  18. Book of Jasher Chapter 7:15