Hugo Read

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Hugo Read (born June 4, 1954 in Heinsberg ) is a German saxophonist and composer of modern jazz and contemporary music.

Live and act

Read received piano lessons as a child and learned the flute from the age of 14 before turning to the alto saxophone at the age of 16 . From 1972 on, he studied both instruments at the Cologne University of Music and passed his concert exam with honors in 1982. Read founded the rock jazz band Key with Markus Stockhausen and Rainer Linke , with whom they performed at the Frankfurt Jazz Festival in 1974 . In the same year he became a member of Kurt Edelhagen's orchestra . Since 1979 he has been involved in world premieres, concerts and recordings of works by Karlheinz Stockhausen as an interpreter of new music . He also toured with Kenny Wheeler , but also with Uli Beckerhoff's group "Riot" and with Rainer Brüninghaus . In a trio with Andy Lumpp and Michael Küttner , he went on tour in Africa and southern Europe and released the albums “Lonely Passengers” and “Midnight Sun”. He also made guest appearances with the Hugo Read Group in Poland, Belgium and South America. In the late 1980s he worked with Andreas Willers , Gabriele Hasler and Jörn Schipper . In the 1990s he released the CD “Songs of a Wayfarer” (1992), recorded new music classics with pianist Peter Degenhardt (“Histoires”, “Jazzberries”) and formed with Heiri Känzig , Matthieu Michel and Claus Stötter and Thomas Cremer the group Axis . He also worked with Manfred Schoof , Christoph Spendel , Peter Herborn , Wolf Mayer , the “ Ensemble Modern ” and, since 1996, with the Swiss pianist Thierry Lang . He is also a member of Manfred Bründls Silent Bass , Stephan Schmolcks Back & Forth and Electric Bundle .

Read worked as a composer for the WDR Big Band Cologne , as well as other broadcasters and for forum 20 Düsseldorf . His compositions "New Pieces for Jazz Ensemble" and "Six Pieces for Two Saxophones and Piano" were widely used.

Read received the support price of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for music in 1981 and has been professor for saxophone and ensemble conducting at the Folkwang University in Essen since 1991 .

Encyclopedic entry

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