Ico - The little wild horse

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German title Ico - The little wild horse
Original title Ico, el caballito valiente
Country of production Argentina
original language Spanish
Publishing year 1983
length 78 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Manuel García Ferré
script Inés Geldstein
production Manuel García Ferré
music Roberto Lar
camera Osvaldo Domínguez
cut Silvestre Murua

Ico - The little wild horse (TV title: Ico, the brave foal ) is an Argentinian cartoon from 1983. Directed by Manuel García Ferré. Both in terms of tricks and content, Ico is comparable to the popular TV series from the Japanese studios Nippon Animation (e.g. Wickie and the strong men , Heidi and Maya the bee ).


The wild horse Ico, who lives with his mother and friends in the forest, dreams of a life as a farm animal with the king, adorned with the finest cloths and colorful feathers. His mother tries in vain to suggest the benefits of the free, wild life. So one day Ico befriends the royal stable master Larquirucho, who secretly smuggles him into the castle. But not everything here is as pleasant as Ico had imagined. The vicious black duke is in control of the horses that fear him because of his severity. The stable master Larquirucho is also subordinate to the Black Duke and fears him. When more and more horses disappear from the stables without a trace or reason, whenever the ghostly bell that rings through the country at night, Ico is the only one who wants to do something about it. After the stable master Larquirucho lets himself be convinced by Ico and wants to help him, he is banished to the dungeon by the Black Duke and awaits his death sentence. Ico finally goes in search of the mysterious bell because he suspects that the person who sounds the bell and the person who kidnaps the horses must be one and the same person. He eventually finds the bell and the missing horses and finds out that the black duke is behind it. The bell, like the legend told by the oldest horse in the stable, Father Mateo, is made of pure gold, and the black duke needed all the horses to strike the bell, with a huge stone pompom so that it would fall apart. so that he might win the gold and get rich. Ultimately, Ico succeeds in defeating the Duke and freeing the horses, not least thanks to the help of his friends from the forest. When the king learned the whole story, he released the stable master Larquirucho from the dungeon and appointed him the new duke. Larquirucho offers as a thank you to Ico to become “the king's horse” so that his actual wish would come true, but he finally realizes that he is doing best in the forest with his friends and his mother, and so he decides he decided to stay a wild horse.


"A rather constructed and not very plausible cartoon story, which only gains some charm from a few funny characters."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ico - The little wild horse. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed September 26, 2016 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used