Imants Lancmanis

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Imants Lancmanis in front of a rose painting by his own hand (2007)

Imants Lancmanis (born July 29, 1941 in Riga ) is a Latvian art historian , painter , restorer and author of several books and many articles on the history of art in Latvia .

career path

Imants Lancmanis studied painting at the Art Academy in Riga from 1961 to 1966 . In 1964 he became a research assistant at the Ruhenthal Castle (Lat. Pils Rundāle ), at that time a branch of the Bauske Museum of Art and Local History ( Bauska ). When Ruhenthal Castle gained independence as a museum in 1972, he became its deputy director. Appointed director in 1975, he headed the Ruhenthal / Rundāles pils Castle Museum until the end of 2018. He campaigned for the preservation and renovation of the large palace complex and led the renovation and restoration, which began in 1972, of the palace ensemble and the gardens, which were affected by the war and the Soviet era .

In the years after the Second World War , he saved German-Baltic cultural objects from churches and mansions from looting and destruction and exhibited them in the castle.

From 1971 to 1988 he taught history of style at the Riga Art Academy .

With his own pictures he participated in several art exhibitions in Latvia, Warsaw and Saint Petersburg .

Scientific focus

Imants Lancmanis was particularly involved in researching and documenting the architecture of mansions and churches in Latvia, the origin of which mostly goes back to the German-Baltic nobility , as well as advising and collaborating in the restoration of various architectural monuments . For this purpose, he has set up an archive for architectural and art monuments , in which particularly buildings that no longer exist today are documented. Lancmanis regularly published articles on castles and manors in Latvia in the journals "Māksla Plus" and "Latvijas Arhitektūra".

Publications in German

  • Ernst Johann Biron, 1690 - 1990. Catalog of the exhibition in the Ruhenthal Castle Museum, Pils Rundāle 1993
  • Manor under the oaks, Orelles and the von Campenhausen family in Livonia. Catalog of the exhibition in the Rundale Palace Museum and in the Herder Institute in Marburg (German / Latvian), 1998, (author of the catalog and scientific editor)
  • Kautzemünde. Riga 1999
  • Rundāle Castle. Pils Rundāle in several editions until 2011
  • Gross-Eckau. Pils Rundāle 2001
  • Garrosen, Lambertshof. Pils Rundāle 2001
  • Schwitten, bursting. Pils Rundāle 2003
  • Ruhenthal Castle Museum. Pils Rundāle 2003
  • Libau, a Baltic port city between baroque and classicism. Cologne 2007
  • Lieven-Bersen, Paplacken, Pussen. In the series Herrenhäuser in Kurland, German processing and design by Klas Lackschewitz, Wehrhalden / Baden 2008
  • Rudbahren, Schleck, Groß-Spirgen. In the series Herrenhäuser in Kurland, German editing and design by Klas Lackschewitz, Wehrhalden / Baden 2009
  • Asuppen, Karlsruhe / Livl., Lesten. In the series Herrenhäuser in Kurland, German editing and design by Klas Lackschewitz, Wehrhalden / Baden 2010
  • Amboten, Blieden and Diensdorff. In the series Herrenhäuser in Kurland, German editing and design by Klas Lackschewitz, Wehrhalden / Baden 2011
  • Funkenhof, Linden, Strutteln. In the series Herrenhäuser in Kurland, German editing and design by Klas Lackschewitz, Wehrhalden / Baden 2012
  • Fockenhof, Senten, Zerxten. In the series Herrenhäuser in Kurland, German editing and design by Klas Lackschewitz, Wehrhalden / Baden 2013
  • Groß-Eckau, Nigranden, Waldegahlen. In the series Herrenhäuser in Kurland, German editing and design by Klas Lackschewitz, Wehrhalden / Baden 2014
  • with Angelika Berči: Bertschy. The work of the architect Paul Max Bertschy and his sons in Liepāja / Libau ( digitized version )
  • Architecture of Livonian manor houses. Pils Rundāle 2015


Sarmīte Ēlerte and Imants Lancmanis, 2010


Under the responsibility and participation of Imants Lancmanis, exhibitions were held regularly at Rundāle Palace, including

  • 1986: Schloss Ruhenthal / Rundāle 1736–1740
  • 1986: The portrait of the 17th century in Latvia
  • 1989: Tin in the applied arts of Latvia from the 6th to the 20th century
  • 1998: Elley Castle
  • 1990: Silver in Latvia from the 5th to the 20th century
  • 1990: Ernst Johann Biron
  • 1996: Fate of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in the Soviet Era
  • 1997: Friedrich Hartmann Barisien and his time. The portrait in Latvia in the 18th century
  • 1998: Manor under the oaks. Orellen and the von Campenhausen family in Livonia
  • 1998: Art treasures of Ruhenthal Castle
  • 2000: Courland in Europe. Duke Peter, the House of Biron and Courland Legends
  • 2002: 30 years of restoration of Ruhenthal Castle
  • 2003: Heraldry in Latvia from the 13th to the 20th century
  • 2011: The adored Dorothea. For the 250th anniversary of the Duchess Dorothea von Kurland
  • 2012: From Gothic to Art Nouveau. Decorative arts in Europe and Latvia from the 15th to the 20th century
  • 2014: Duchess Dorothea of ​​Courland and the family of Count Medem
  • 2016: The Behr family in Courland

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