In the world you are afraid

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Original title In the world you are afraid
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2011
length 110 minutes
Director Hans W. Geißendörfer
script Hans W. Geißendörfer
production Hans W. Geißendörfer
music Patty Moon
camera Alexander Fischerkoesen
cut Oliver Grothoff

In Die Welt haben ihr Angst is a German melodrama film by Hans W. Geißendörfer from 2011. The drama starring Anna Maria Mühe and Max von Thun celebrated its premiere on March 3, 2011. The title of the film is a Quote from the New Testament : “In the world you are afraid; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world ”( John 16:33  ESV ).


The conductor's daughter Eva falls madly in love with the heroin addict musician Jo Krämer. Her love is so great that she too becomes addicted to the drug. But the two want to get away from the devil's stuff. However, neither Eva's father nor her ex-boyfriend Tom Schäfer, who still loves her, are willing to support her financially. For the junkie couple, however, one thing is certain: They want to go to isolation from New Zealand and go through cold withdrawal , especially since Eva is pregnant. For that they urgently need money. Her plan: a robbery on a second-hand bookshop. Everything goes wrong: Jo is arrested, Eva can escape with a jump into the Regnitz .

In her helplessness, she takes the classical philologist Paul Krämer, who is currently in stressful relationships, hostage and finds accommodation with him. With all her might she wants to get Jo out of prison. In return, the couple discovered that their unshakable love allows them to communicate in their thoughts through music. Once Jo has been transferred to psychiatric hospital after attempting suicide , it will be easy for Eva to get him out of there as she thinks. After a detour and with the help of Paul Krämer, the plan then works. You can escape. But before heading to New Zealand, the two of them hide in an old house that belongs to Eva's ex-boyfriend Tom. He took her there in his old VW bus. However, he notices that his love for Eva is still there and calls the police, who then arrive on the remote property and ask Eva and Jo to come out. At the end you only see Jo, who was just fetching wood in the shed, walking towards the police with his hands raised. Eva storms out of the house with a gun to help her boyfriend. The end remains open.


The shooting under the working title Schwarzer Strand took place in November and December 2009 mainly in Bamberg and the surrounding area. For Geißendörfer only the World Heritage City came into question, as he explained in an interview with the Franconian Day : "It was shot here for Bamberg, the story doesn't work in Berlin , New York or London [...] If you go on cold withdrawal as a junkie , you have a chance in Berlin because you can remain anonymous. But if you are a junkie in Bamberg, there is a risk that you will always remain a junkie. "


The Bamberg local newspaper Fränkischer Tag judged: “'In the world you are afraid' is a film about unshakable love, about unrequited love, about fatherly love and the normal chaos of two junkies who are on withdrawal - in the middle of the petty bourgeoisie Bamberg's idyll. A classic melodrama with a lot of pathos, great music and excellent actors. " Die Zeit writes in its online edition:" A good cast saves the film from yesterday's kitsch. "

The German Film and Media Evaluation FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the title valuable.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Working title on the Geißendörfer homepage.
  2. In the world you are afraid from Geißendörfer Film- und Fernsehproduktion, accessed on November 8, 2012
  3. a b class advertising for Bamberg . In: Franconian Day , March 4, 2011.
  4. ^ Heroin addiction in the academic idyll . In: Zeit online , March 1, 2011.