Alexander Fischerkoesen

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Alexander Fischerkoesen (born April 16, 1968 in Bad Godesberg ) is a German cameraman and the grandson of the animation pioneer Hans Fischerkoesen .


Alexander Fischerkoesen began his training at Bavaria Film in 1989 and then worked as a lighting technician and camera assistant before making his debut in 2000 with the thriller Falling Rocks as the chief cameraman for a feature film. Since then, he has been responsible for films such as The Frog King and Fresh Pressed . He was nominated twice for the German Camera Award and in 2008 received the German Television Award as Best Cinematographer for his work in The Dark Side and Tarragona - A Paradise in Flames . He also received the Adolf Grimme Prize in 2008 for Eine Stadt ist blackmailed and in 2010 for Commissioner South and the air guitarist . He lives in Munich with his wife and two children.

Filmography (selection)

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