Initiative capital Berlin

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The Initiative Hauptstadt Berlin eV (IHB) is an association founded in Berlin in 1990 that promotes Berlin as the federal capital and seat of government .


The aim is to promote the future viability of Berlin and a positive image of the capital region in Berlin and Germany in business, politics and the general public. In addition, the association sees itself as a contact point for new Berliners who want to network well in the capital. The main focus of the work is education and integration.


The capital city forum takes place monthly, at which prominent speakers give a lecture on a current capital city issue and which is then openly discussed. Speakers included Władysław Bartoszewski , Kurt Beck , Wilhelm von Boddien , Maria Böhmer , Wolfgang Huber , Franz Josef Jung , Hanns-Karsten Kirchmann , Roland Koch , Kenan Kolat , Walter Kolbow , John Kornblum , Norbert Lammert , Dieter Lenzen , Christoph Markschies , Hartmut Mehdorn , Friedrich Merz , Andreas Nachama , Bernd Neumann , Friedbert Pflüger , Peter Raue , Cornelia Reinauer , Wolfgang Schäuble , Bernd Schiphorst , Ulla Schmidt , Rupert Scholz , Wolfgang Tiefensee , Sebastian Turner , Werner Wenning , Harald Wolf , Michael Wolffsohn , Joachim Zeller , Jürgen Zöllner .

Some of the speeches will be published as part of a series of publications. In addition to the capital city forum, there are member events and a benefit golf tournament and summer festival once a year.


Besides the events, projects are an important aspect of the association's work. Examples of this are the capital city prize for integration and tolerance , the poster competition “The best Berlin poster” and support for citizens' congresses.


The association has 320 members and 80 companies. The chairman of the board is Christoph Wegener. Advisory board members include Nils Diederich and Christoph Stölzl .

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