Dieter Lenzen

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Dieter Lenzen (2019)

Dieter Lenzen (born November 27, 1947 in Münster in Westphalia ) is a German educational scientist and author . From 2003 to 2010 he was President of the Free University of Berlin and has been President of the University of Hamburg since March 1, 2010 .

Live and act

Lenzen studied after graduating from the Johann-Konrad-Schlaun High School in Munster from 1966 at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster the subjects educational science , philosophy and German , English and Dutch Philology . He completed his studies in 1970 with a master's degree , followed by a doctorate in 1973 . Subsequently, he worked as a research assistant for the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Culture .

In 1975 Lenzen became a professor of educational science in Münster and at the time, at the age of 28, was the youngest university professor in Germany. In 1977 he followed a call to a full professorship at the Free University of Berlin , Department of Philosophy of Education . From 1975 to 1985 he edited the twelve-volume encyclopedia of educational science. In 1993 he was visiting professor at the University of Tokyo , and in 1994 at the Universities of Hiroshima , Kyoto and Nagoya , and also at the Universities of Stanford and Columbia (USA). From 1994 to 1998 he was chairman of the German Society for Educational Science .

From 1999 to 2003 Lenzen was the first vice-president and since June 15, 2003 president of the Free University of Berlin. On February 21, 2007, he was elected for a second four-year term, although he moved to the University of Hamburg before the end of the term , after being elected President of the University of Hamburg on November 20, 2009 by the University Council and the Academic Senate of the University of Hamburg. A little later, Lenzen accepted the election and took office on March 1, 2010. In January 2015 Dieter Lenzen was confirmed early for a second term of office until 2022. In the ZEIT Opportunities Letter, ZEIT referred to Lenzen as “Mr. Excellence ”, after he led the University of Hamburg to excellence status after the FU Berlin (in 2007).

Lenz's research focus and scientific publications include the areas of philosophy of education , empirical educational research , educational systems research , historical anthropology of education, educational media reception research and educational policy. In addition to his scientific publications , a volume with stories from Lenzen appeared for the first time in spring 2015. Since 2014 he has also realized various television formats to convey science, including " Hamburgs Beste " and his talk show " Madness meets Method ", which he moderates together with Julia Sen.

Lenzen was married to Agi Schründer from 1984 to 2015 . He is the father of three sons.


Lenzen advocates a revision and liberalization of the Bachelor / Master system, eight-semester Bachelor courses and an opening of universities to working people. He recommends, also within the framework of the expert opinion of the Education Action Council, which he heads, an abolition of the accreditation requirement for study programs based on the Austrian model, a professionalization of educator training, an internal differentiation of teaching in the primary and secondary levels, the termination of the three-tier school system and a Receipt of dual vocational training.

Lenzen recommends considering converting German compulsory schooling into compulsory education based on the Austrian model, in particular to enable home schooling in Germany as well.

Since 2013, Lenzen has been campaigning for the preservation of the Greek higher education system in view of the austerity measures imposed by the so-called Troika .

In June 2015, Dieter Lenzen invited university presidents from all over the world to the Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council (HTULC) for the first time to discuss the future of universities in a global context as a joint host with the University Rectors' Conference and the Hamburg Körber Foundation . Under the leadership of Lenzen, they jointly agreed on the " Hamburg Protocol " on June 12, 2015 as the basis for further communication processes. The second HTULC meeting also took place in Hamburg in June 2017. As a result, the members of the council published the Hamburg declaration "Shaping higher education for the 21st century". In 2019, 45 university directors from 23 countries met for the third time in Hamburg - for the first time under the new name of the conference “Global University Leaders Council” (GUC) - and discussed the relationship between university and society. As a result of their exchange, the participants adopted the “Rebuilding University - Society Relationships” declaration. In doing so, they recognize the social responsibility of universities.

Controversy and criticism

Lenzen was exposed to public criticism after his interview statement that the intelligence quotient of male Turkish migrant children was lower than that of German children. He was referring to a study by the University of Hanover . The authors of the Hanoverian study contradicted this interpretation of the scientific study. The interpretation of the study was then taken up by several media and also discussed controversially among scientists.

During his time as President of the Free University of Berlin there was criticism of an alleged influence on an appointment . Its business-oriented university policy was often viewed critically. Therefore, students at the Free University of Berlin pursued the goal of suggesting his resignation through a ballot . In doing so, they also reacted to Lenzen's success in the so-called excellence competition , in the framework of which he had succeeded in leading Freie Universität Berlin to excellence status.

In Hamburg he won the political power struggle to keep the university in Eimsbüttel . He sharply criticized the Hamburg Senate's planned savings in the education sector. His critics describe him as a cool and calculating man of power.

Memberships and functions

  • Member of the jury of the European Social Fund (for the Republic of Austria)
  • Reviewer from the Research Council for Culture and Society of the Academy of Finland
  • Member of the Broadcasting Council of Deutsche Welle
  • Member of the Brandenburg School Site Commission (2004–2007)
  • Member of the Broadcasting Council of Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (RBB) (2005–2006)
  • Member of the High Level Expert Group on Science Education of the European Commission (2006–2007)
  • Policy Fellow of the Institute for the Future of Work (IZA) , Bonn (2005–2009)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science , Berlin (2005–2010)
  • Member of the board of trustees of the Bildungswerk der Wirtschaft in Berlin and Brandenburg (until 2010)
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Berlin Science Center (WZB) (until 2010)
  • Member of the board of trustees of the Berlin URANIA (until 2010)
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the German Heart Center Berlin (until 2010)
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Max Delbrück Center (until 2010)
  • Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (since 2011)
  • Chairman of the Education Action Council (since 2005)
  • Vice-President for International Affairs of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) (2007-2016)
  • Member of the board of trustees of Aktion Deutschland Hilft
  • Speaker of the university members 'group of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) (until 2016)
  • Member of the board of the Karl Heinz Ditze Foundation (until 2016)


  • 2001: freedom and responsibility. Prize of the Federal President
  • Science Award from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences
  • 2005: Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • 2008: University Manager of the Year 2008
  • 2011: Commandeur dans l'ordre des Palmes académiques (France)
  • Honorary member of the German Society for Educational Science
  • 2014: Appointment as Kenjin (sage) by ASHINAGA - Educational and Emotional Support for Orphans Worldwide (Japanese non-profit organization)
  • 2015: Order of the Rising Sun with golden and silver rays (Japan)
  • 2018 Honorary doctorate from the "University of the Aegean"

Fonts (selection)

Monographs (selection)

  • Studies on structural didactics and curriculum research. Dissertation. University of Münster, 1972.
  • Didactics and communication: for the structural justification of didactics and for the didactic structure of linguistic interaction. Athenäum-Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1973.
  • Childhood mythology. The perpetuation of the childlike in the adult culture. Hidden pictures and forgotten stories. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1985.
  • Illness as an invention. Medical intervention in culture. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1991.
  • Fatherhood. From patriarchy to alimentation. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1991.
  • Action and reflection. From pedagogical theory deficit to reflective educational science. Beltz, Weinheim / Basel 1996.
  • Orientation educational science. What she can do, what she wants. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1999.
  • Learned. Contributions from a decade of the educational reform 2000–2010. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2014.
  • Education instead of Bologna! Ullstein, Berlin 2014.
  • A university in the world: a plea for a world university system. Wiesbaden 2015.
  • Loved. Tales from Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 2015.

As editor (selection)

  • Curriculum development for colleges, the compulsory learning area. Athenäum-Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1975.
  • Pedagogy and everyday life. Methods and results of everyday-oriented research in educational science. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1980.
  • Basic pedagogical terms. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1989.
  • Melancholy as a way of life. About dealing with cultural losses. Reimer, Berlin 1989.
  • Art and education. Educational science on the way to aesthetics? Knowledge Book Society, Darmstadt 1990.
  • Forbidden wishes. Cultural patterns of maintaining willingness to live. Reimer, Berlin 1991.
  • Pedagogy and History. Pedagogical historiography between reality, fiction and construction. German Studienverlag, Weinheim 1993.
  • Links. Lectures on the occasion of Klaus Mollenhauer's honorary doctorate at the Free University of Berlin on January 15, 1993. German Studienverlag, Weinheim 1993.
  • Pedagogy. A basic course . Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1994.
  • Encyclopedia of Education. Handbook and lexicon of education in 11 volumes and a register volume. Klett, Stuttgart 1995.
  • Education and further training in the educational system. CV and human ontogenesis as medium and form. Together with Niklas Luhmann, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main, 1997.
  • Niklas Luhmann: The educational system of society . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2002.
  • Rethink education! The future project. Knowledge Coordination, Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2003.
  • Rethink education! The financial concept. Knowledge Coordination, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004.
  • Rethink education! The legal concept. Knowledge Coordination, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2005.
  • Educational Justice, Annual Report of the Action Council Education 2007, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2007.
  • Educational risks and opportunities in the globalization process , annual report of the Action Council for Education 2008, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009.
  • Gender differences in the education system , annual report of the Action Council Education 2009, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009.
  • Educational autonomy: Between regulation and personal responsibility , annual report of the Action Council Education 2010, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2010.
  • Education reform 2000 - 2010 - 2020 , annual report of the Action Council Education 2011, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011.
  • Joint core high school diploma. To ensure national educational standards and fair access to higher education , report by the Action Council for Education, Münster: Waxmann, 2011.
  • Professionalization in early childhood education. Qualification level and conditions of staff in day-care centers , report by the Action Council for Education, Münster: Waxmann, 2012.
  • Internationalization of universities. An overall institutional strategy , report by the Education Action Council, Münster: Waxmann, 2012.
  • Quality assurance at universities: from accreditation to auditing , report by the Action Council for Education, Münster: Waxmann, 2013.
  • Interim balance of all-day primary schools: supervision or rhythmization? , Report of the Action Council for Education, Münster: Waxmann, 2013.
  • Psychological stress and burnout among educational staff. Recommendations for competence and organizational development , report of the Action Council for Education, Münster: Waxmann, 2014.
  • Education: More than just professionalism. , Report of the Action Council for Education, Münster: Waxmann, 2015.


  • Marion Schmidt: The godfather . In: Financial Times Germany . November 19, 2008; Portrait on the occasion of the “University Manager of the Year” award.
  • Yvonne Ehrenspeck, Gerhard de Haan, Felicitas Thiel (eds.): Education: offer or imposition? Festschrift for Dieter Lenzen for his 60th birthday. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008.
  • Frank Pergande: In the port of Hamburg - the university manager Dieter Lenzen got the university in the Hanseatic city afloat. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung . 17th March 2013.
  • Marcelo Caruso: Laudation for Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen on the occasion of the honorary membership of the DGfE . In: Educational Science. Announcements of the German Society for Educational Science , issue 48, vol. 25, 2014, p. 55f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dieter Lenzen. In 2003, the educationalist Dieter Lenzen (born November 27, 1947 in Münster) was elected the sixth President of the Free University., accessed on October 1, 2018 .
  2. Peter-André Alt is the new President of the Free University. The 49-year-old succeeds Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen, who moved to the top of the University of Hamburg in March., accessed on October 1, 2018 .
  3. University of Hamburg elects Professor Dieter Lenzen as new President. University of Hamburg committees are in favor of a new president with a clear majority . ( Memento of November 25, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Press release of the University of Hamburg of November 20, 2009, accessed on November 22, 2009.
  4. Little honor, a lot of trouble . In: Berliner Zeitung , January 30, 2010.
  5. ZEIT CHANCEN letter - July 19, 2019. Accessed September 3, 2019 .
  6. Free view. More education in your studies . In: Der Tagesspiegel . July 13, 2009.
  7. We have no time to waste . In: Der Tagesspiegel . July 7, 2003.
  8. ^ Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Wilfried Bos, Hans-Dieter Daniel, Bettina Hannover, Dieter Lenzen, Manfred Prenzel, Hans-Günther Roßbach, Rudolf Tippelt, Ludger Wößmann. Quality assurance at universities: from accreditation to auditing: reports. Waxmann, Münster 2013, p. 28, p. 64f.
  9. ^ Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Wilfried Bos, Hans-Dieter Daniel, Bettina Hannover, Dieter Lenzen, Manfred Prenzel, Hans-Günther Roßbach, Rudolf Tippelt, Ludger Wößmann: Professionalization in early childhood education. Qualification level and conditions of staff in day-care centers. Waxmann, Münster 2012.
  10. ^ Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Wilfried Bos, Hans-Dieter Daniel, Bettina Hannover, Dieter Lenzen, Manfred Prenzel, Hans-Günther Roßbach, Rudolf Tippelt, Ludger Wößmann: Bildungsreform 2000 - 2010 - 2020. Annual report 2011. Waxmann, Münster 2012, p . 65ff., 73f., 105ff.
  11. cf. ibid., p. 93.
  12. cf. ibid., p. 136.
  13. Home schooling must be allowed . In: Der Tagesspiegel . May 25, 2009.
  14. cf. HRK press release of January 9, 2014 ( Memento of April 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ).
  15. ^ First Hamburg Transnational University Leaders Council: Common values ​​as a guide for global university development. In: June 12, 2015, accessed December 27, 2019 .
  16. Körber Foundation : Summit of International University Presidents , June 12, 2015
  17. Higher education threatens quality loss. In: June 9, 2017, Retrieved April 9, 2019 .
  18. Susanne Schilden: GUC 2019. (PDF, 810.78 Kb) In: guc– Global University Leaders Counsil Hamburg 2019, June 7, 2019, accessed on September 3, 2019 .
  19. Ulli Kulke: The intelligence quotient of the Turks . In: Welt online . July 23, 2005, accessed on November 22, 2009. Jan-Martin Wiarda: A study makes waves , DZ 31/2005
  20. Kerstan / wiarda: School: The stupid argument about intelligence . In: The time . July 28, 2005, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed September 3, 2019]).
  21. ^ Philipp Wittrock: Left number at the Free University of Berlin. In: Unispiegel. Spiegel Online , September 10, 2007, accessed March 1, 2010 .
  22. Berlin and Potsdam successful in the excellence race FU-Berlin becomes elite university . In: Potsdam's latest news. October 20, 2007, accessed April 2, 2014.
  24. Martin Spiewak : HU President Dieter Lenzen: I am the university! In: . September 17, 2009, accessed February 8, 2018 .
  26. [1] .
  28. CHE Center for University Development and Financial Times Germany select Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen as university manager ., press release from November 17, 2008, accessed on November 22, 2009.
  31. Sonja Gräber-Magocsi, Ph.D .: President Lenzen awarded the order of the Japanese government. University of Hamburg, press release of May 8, 2015 from the Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (, accessed on May 8, 2015.