Karl-Heinz Schäfer (medical doctor)

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Karl-Heinz Schäfer

Karl-Heinz Schäfer (born January 2, 1911 in Köslin , Pomerania Province , † July 17, 1985 in Hamburg ) was a German pediatrician.


Karl-Heinz Schäfer studied medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University and in 1930 became a member of the Corps Suevia Munich . After he had passed the Physikum at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , he switched to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin for the winter semester 1933/34 . He passed the state examination in Munich. He became a pediatrician at the children's clinic at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . During the Second World War he served in military hospitals and briefly at the front. He was in captivity for half a year. As a senior physician in Göttingen, he researched iron metabolism and blood and infectious diseases. Since 1948 apl. Professor , he was appointed to the prestigious chair of the University of Hamburg in 1951 . Until 1979 he was director of the children's clinic at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf . During his 28 years in office, he added special departments to the clinic. It developed into a versatile unit and an efficient research facility. Schäfer was the editor of six pedriatic journals. For the academic year 1956/57 he was elected dean of the medical faculty. In 1965 he was elected to the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . When the West German student movement particularly affected Hamburg in the 1960s , the Academic Senate saw Schäfer as the most steadfast candidate for the rectorate. As an exception, he therefore elected him rector of the University of Hamburg for two years in office in 1965 . The handover of the rectorate to his successor became a turning point in the history of the university thanks to the banner under the gowns - Muff of 1000 years . In 1974 he was chairman of the German Society for Child and Adolescent Medicine . At the age of 74 he succumbed to a malignant disease. Schäfer's pupils Felix Bläker and Peter Fischer-Appelt as President of the University of Hamburg spoke at the memorial service in the church on the market (Hamburg-Niendorf) .

Schäfer was married to the doctor Dr. Use Jacob. The two sons became doctors; the older is the Hamburg pathologist Hansjörg Schäfer (* 1942). The daughter is also a doctor.

See also


  • Arnold Kleinschmidt : Karl-Heinz Schäfer III . “Die Trausnitz” - Corps newspaper of the Corps Suevia Munich No. 3 (October) 1985, pp. 13-14.
  • Hans-Rudolf Wiedemann : Karl-Heinz Schäfer (1911–1985): In memoriam. European Journal of Pediatrics 144 (1985), p. 214, doi: 10.1007 / BF00451942 .
  • Johannes Oehme: Karl-Heinz Schäfer (1911–1985). In: Pediatric Nurse. Vol. 13 (1994), H. 1, p. 21, PMID 8117573 .
  • Annett Rambow: A pioneer of specialization in German pediatrics. The University Children's Hospital Hamburg in the post-war period and under Karl-Heinz Schäfer (1945 to 1979) . Medical dissertation, University of Hamburg, 2006.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Reddemann : Famous and notable doctors from and in Pomerania. Helms, Schwerin 2003, p. 149.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 159/1872
  3. ^ Member entry by Karl-Heinz Schäfer at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on May 30, 2013.
  4. a b Kleinschmidt obituary