Jürgen Zöllner

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Jürgen Zöllner 2011

Emil Jürgen Zöllner (born July 11, 1945 in Mährisch Neustadt ) is a German medic and politician ( SPD ). From 1991 to 2006 he was Minister of Education and Science in Rhineland-Palatinate , from May to November 2006 he was also Deputy Prime Minister . In the legislature from 2006 to 2011 he was Senator for Education, Science and Research of the State of Berlin .

With more than 20 years in the ministerial office, he was the longest serving minister in Germany.

education and profession

After graduating from high school in 1964, Zöllner studied medicine in Freiburg im Breisgau and Mainz until 1969 , received his doctorate in 1970 and completed his habilitation in 1975. In 1977, Zöllner received a DFG scholarship at the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research in Glasgow .

From 1977 Zöllner was Professor of Physiological Chemistry at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz . From 1983 to 1990 he was its vice-president and then president until 1991. From 1991 to 2011 he was a minister in state governments in Rhineland-Palatinate and Berlin. Zöllner has been a board member of the Charité Foundation since 2012 .


Zöllner has been a member of the SPD since 1972. On May 21, 1991, the then Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate , Rudolf Scharping , appointed him to his cabinet as Minister for Science and Further Education . In the following years, the layout of the ministries was changed. Zöllner took over the education department in the Beck I cabinet from October 1994. After a further redesign of the departments, Zöllner was Minister for Science, Further Education, Research and Culture in Rhineland-Palatinate from May 2001 in the Beck III cabinet . On May 18, 2006 , Prime Minister Kurt Beck appointed him Deputy Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Since November 24, 2006 Zöllner was Senator for Education, Science and Research in Berlin.

  • From 1996 to 2006 chairman of the administrative commission of the Science Council
  • 2005–2006 Federal Commissioner in the EU Council of Education Ministers
  • 2006–2011 Chairman of the Charité Supervisory Board
  • 2007 President of the Conference of Ministers of Education
  • 2007 Chairman of the Federal and State Commission (BLK)
  • 2008 chairman of the youth and family ministers' conference
  • 2008 Vice-President of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, spokesman for the university sector
  • 2008–2011 (alternating annually with the Federal Minister) Chairman or Deputy Chairman of the Joint Science Conference (GWK)
  • 2009–2011 Federal Commissioner in the EU Council of Education Ministers

Active as minister in Rhineland-Palatinate (1991-2006)

In 1997, with his draft law for the Mainz University Clinic, Zöllner converted a university clinic into a legal institution under public law for the first time; an example that other federal states soon followed. Also in 1997 he initiated the empirical turnaround in education policy: As a minister and A-country coordinator in the KMK, Zöllner initiated the so-called Konstanz resolution (October 24, 1997) to carry out cross-country comparative studies on the learning and performance level of students. In doing so, he initiated a trend reversal: Since then, Germany has also regularly participated in international comparative studies such as PISA, TIMSS and IGLU.

In 1999, Zöllner reformed the Mainz study level: He shortened school time by (only) half a year while keeping the old timetable. This avoids the difficulties of other federal states (shortening it to twelve years / G 8), and thanks to the half-year profit, the students can still start their studies in the summer semester. Rhineland-Palatinate is the only federal state that has retained this and only shortens it if it operates all day at the same time.

In 2001, under Zöllner's responsibility as education minister, Rhineland-Palatinate was the first federal state to decide to gradually convert its school system into all-day schools. In 2003 the federal government launched a 4 billion full-day school program.

In 2004, Zöllner implemented his alternative concept to the federal government's excellence initiative, thereby significantly shaping the promotion of excellence in Germany. The German government's original proposal was to support only a small number of universities in the Excellence Initiative. Alternatively, Zöllner proposed a concept with several funding lines, which was ultimately implemented.

In 2006, the so-called orchestral structural reform was carried out in Rhineland-Palatinate, largely inspired by Jürgen Zöllner. The three state orchestras in Mainz, Ludwigshafen and Koblenz each lost ten permanent positions and were committed to so-called internal cooperation. In order to prevent redundancies for operational reasons , since then temporary work between the orchestras is no longer paid extra as a private activity, but rather the musicians are obliged to take on rehearsal and concert services at all three locations as part of their service contracts. After three years, Jürgen Zöllner drew a positive balance for the Ministry of Education, Science and Art.

Work as a senator in Berlin (2006–2011)

Science policy field

Number of new students at Berlin universities since 2006

One focus of its broad-based funding was the creation of additional study places: In 2011, the State of Berlin accepted more than 30,000 first-year students (freshmen) into its universities and thus recorded a significant increase in Zöllner's tenure (2006: 20,200 freshmen; 2009: 26,300 freshmen; 2010 : 28,400 freshmen; 2011: 30,300 freshmen) When the plans to abolish compulsory military service became known, Zöllner was the first politician to point out the need to create more study places. Zöllner prevails with his demand against resistance at the federal level: For Berlin's universities this means 70 million from the university pact of the federal and state governments and thus 1,500 additional Berlin study places in time for autumn 2011.

Development of university funding in Berlin

In order to give Berlin universities performance incentives and to facilitate the financing of the politically desired additional study places, Zöllner carried out a paradigm shift in university financing in the university contracts negotiated in 2009: In addition to a fixed basic amount (approx. One third), the universities are based on performance based on subject-specific teaching achievements ( around one third) and research (around one third). Performance-related increases in the allocation to universities of up to 17% in four years are thus possible. Zöllner's commitment to the interests of students also manifested itself during his KMK presidency, when he initiated an excellence initiative for university teaching, which led to the corresponding KMK resolution and the "Excellent Teaching Competition" organized jointly with the Stifterverband for German Science.

The focus of top-level funding during Zöllner's tenure in Berlin was the excellence initiative and the establishment of the Einstein Foundation Berlin, also to promote excellence in the Berlin academic landscape.

In the grants committee in the 2nd round of the Excellence Initiative, the politicians determined on the evening of October 19, 2007 that the funds for further elite universities were no longer sufficient. Zöllner campaigned for the Free University of Berlin in a night session; His negotiating skills led to success for Berlin: The "shaky candidates" FU Berlin, Uni Freiburg and Uni Göttingen still achieved excellence status.

Chancellor Merkel and Senator Zöllner (2009)
Zöllner hands over the chairmanship of the Einstein Foundation Berlin to Martin Grötschel

Now recognized and highly valued not only by the universities, the establishment of the Einstein Foundation Berlin, often referred to as Zöllner's favorite project, was long and hotly controversial. The Einstein Foundation is intended to promote top-class research in Berlin in a purely science-based manner, to reduce the pillars of university and non-university research in the interests of more successful top-level research, and to increase the international visibility of Berlin as a scientific location in order to further develop Berlin into a top international location. Up to 40 million euros of public money from Senate funds flow into the foundation's budget every year. Zöllner himself described the start of the foundation as "bumpy". Criticism came u. a. from the then Free University President Dieter Lenzen , who already received the federal government's excellence grant for his Free University Berlin, and from the incumbent Senator for Finance Ulrich Nussbaum , who saw research funding decisions less scientifically than officially authorized. Zöllner also received criticism because his partner and former office manager, Anne Rühle, who had been the press spokesperson and office manager of his predecessor Klaus Böger since 2003, was to take over the management of the "Einstein Foundation Berlin" for a limited period until the end of 2011 in the summer of 2010 had previously held temporary positions since September 2009. Despite the public advertisement for the position and a transparent selection process, from which Rühle emerged as the best, Zöllner refrained from appointing Rühle under public pressure. On August 2, 2011, Jürgen Zöllner handed over the chairmanship to Martin Grötschel. In retirement, Zöllner continues to volunteer for top research funding; In mid-2012, the nine-member board of trustees of the Einstein Foundation appointed Zöllner as a board member.

As the Berlin Senator for Research and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Charité, Zöllner rejected both the closure (proposal by Finance Senator Nussbaum) and the privatization (proposal by the then Free University President Lenzen) of the Benjamin Franklin Clinic in Berlin-Steglitz, referring to the Charité's competitive advantages if it remains the largest university hospital in Europe. After months of public and internal Senate discussion, the Berlin Senate decided on Zöllner's proposal to keep the three locations with hospital beds in Mitte, Wedding and Steglitz.

School policy field

Household expenses for school in Berlin

“PISA Pope” Jürgen Baumert described Zöllner's school structure reform in Berlin as a “step towards a modern and safe school system that no other federal state has taken with this consistency”. Considered in 2008 and introduced in 2010, Zöllner succeeded in one of the most important school reforms without prior security through the coalition agreement. Since the reform there are only two types of schools in Berlin - secondary schools and grammar schools; both award all degrees up to the Abitur (at different speeds: secondary school after 13 years, high school after 12 years). A decades-long, often ideological, school structure debate came to an end with the introduction of the two-tier structure of secondary school and grammar school, at least for the State of Berlin. Zöllner acquired a broad support front for his reform from the various camps (from the GEW to parents and teachers 'associations to the IHK, HWK and the employers' association).

Towards the end of his tenure, Zöllner concentrated on quality development in day-care centers and schools. His quality package was developed to accompany the school structure reform by internal and external experts and with broad public participation. The Berlin quality package for day-care centers and schools aims at a balance of consistent “promoting and demanding” in the areas: language promotion, transparency, culture of recognition, requirements for quality development, improvement of quality management, support and assistance for teachers and schools.

Controversies of his politics

As a Senator for Education, Zöllner was often subject to public criticism from various interest groups. Above all, more and more money was demanded for schools, for teaching staff to become civil servants, lowering the number of hours for teachers, for introducing a discount for hours for older teachers, fewer reforms and sometimes more reforms. Even a decision by his administration to relocate a school council that has been highly controversial for years, received public attention and criticism of customs officials because the school council is said to have previously (ultimately in vain) transferred the elementary school teacher Ursula Sarrazin, wife of the former Berlin Senator for Finance Thilo Sarrazin . During his tenure, Zöllner did not succeed in reintroducing the civil service of Berlin teachers, which was abolished in 2003. In order to improve the competitiveness of Berlin in the teacher market, in 2009 he implemented a significant increase in the remuneration of employed Berlin teachers and thus narrowed the gap to the net salaries of civil servants. In 2010 alone, Berlin invested 24 million euros more in teacher salaries, which the State Audit Office criticized in its report from June 2012. In 2006 Zöllner was "when he was brought to Berlin, indisputably the German education politician with the greatest experience and the highest reputation". During his tenure in Berlin, however, he sometimes lacked the support of the party and government, so that he had to implement many of his ideas as a lone fighter or, as with the school reform, found support in other social groups.

Many points of criticism about Mr. Zöllner's policy can be summarized as follows:

  • poor financial and human resources at Berlin schools
  • constant lack of teachers and too many absent hours
  • school buildings in need of renovation
  • unsettled students, parents and teachers
  • poor performance of the students in the comparative test (nationwide only 15th place) with greater "permeability" of school qualifications (" inflation of education ")

Work after leaving politics

In a ZEIT interview on the occasion of his 20th ministerial anniversary on May 21, 2011, Zöllner stated that after the election in Berlin on September 18, 2011, regardless of the outcome, he would no longer be available as a senator: “A politician should decide for himself when he stops. Everyone will understand that after such a long time I want to do something different. ”Since he retired, Zöllner has been involved on various levels for the future of Berlin, especially in the fields of science and urban development, e. B. in the Stiftung Zukunft Berlin and in the Bosch-Stiftung, where in 2012 he advocated a national education council similar to the science council.

Zöllner has been a board member of the Charité Foundation since 2012. For the merger of the Berlin Charité with the Max Delbrück Center (MDC), which he initiated during his tenure as Berlin Science Minister, which was finally renamed the “Berlin Institute for Health Research” (BIG) on November 6, 2012 by the Federal Minister for Science, Annette Schavan, and the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, was announced that Zöllner was able to win over the Charité Foundation, Johanna Quandt, for a private donation of 40 million euros.

In the election campaign for the post of Lord Mayor of Stuttgart, Jürgen Zöllner, on his visit to Stuttgart on October 16, 2012, after the SPD candidate Bettina Wilhelm announced on October 8, 2012 that she would no longer run in the second ballot, voted for the candidate of the CDU, Sebastian Turner , advertised.

In September 2014 Zöllner spoke out in favor of the introduction of compulsory voting for European, Bundestag, Landtag and local elections combined with the option of being able to tick “abstain” on every ballot paper. Depending on the percentage of abstentions, seats should then remain vacant in the respective committee that represent the invisible “faction” of those dissatisfied with the political offer.



Zollner's father was a doctor; Zöllner grew up in Bad Schwalbach (Taunus). He is a passionate cyclist, pipe smoker and fly carrier. Zöllner is married for the second time and lives with his wife, a Berliner, in Berlin-Mitte . Zöllner has two children, three grandchildren and three stepchildren.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Spiewack: On the last mission. No minister is in business any longer . In: Die Zeit , No. 49/2006. Tobias Miller, Jan Thomsen: The Politics Professor . In: Berliner Zeitung , November 22, 2006
  2. a b c d e f g Zöllner's authorized curriculum vitae on berlin.de, accessed January 22, 2011.
  3. a b About the person: Jürgen Zöllner . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , August 26, 2011.
  4. As of May 1st, the former Senator Jürgen Zöllner will be chairman of the Charité Foundation . In: Berliner Zeitung. , April 15, 2012.
  5. ^ Rebekka Kötting: Prof. Dr. E. Jürgen Zöllner is GWK chairman in 2011. Joint Science Conference (GWK), press release of January 3, 2011 from the Science Information Service (idw-online.de), accessed on September 15, 2015.
  6. Medicine / passed laws . ( Memento of August 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 732 kB) In: Research & Teaching , 11/97, p. 566. Retrieved on January 14, 2011
  7. KMK “Konstanz Decision” (PDF; 24 kB) and the latest information in each case in: KMK website. Retrieved on January 11, 2011 and SPIEGEL online: "It is largely thanks to Zöllner's initiative in the Conference of Ministers of Education that Germany has been involved in the international Pisa studies since 2000." In: Spiegel online of November 22, 2006. Retrieved June 16, 2012
  8. Martin Spiewack: On the last mission . In: Die Zeit , No. 49/2006, “… In the debate about the reduction in school time, Zöllner evades the simple question of 12 or 13 years? and opts for 12.5. He cancels the last half-year, in which not much is happening anyway, and wins six months without major organizational changes ... " " Mainz study level " In: Bildungsserver Rheinland-Pfalz. Retrieved January 11, 2011 and Mainz study level
  9. Julia Koch: Offensive in the afternoon . In: Der Spiegel . No. 11 , 2001, p. 87/88 ( online ). Quote: "Beck had devised the multi-million dollar project in the closest circle, only with Education Minister Zöllner and Finance Minister Gernot Mittler" Anja Kühne, Tilmann Warnecke: Unique opportunity to start something new again . In: Potsdamer Latest News , November 22, 2006 “In school policy… Zöllner's name is associated with a number of reforms. For example, at the 1997 Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, he helped enable Germany to participate in the Pisa Studies. In Rhineland-Palatinate, he is the father of all-day schools ... "Retrieved June 16, 2012 and http://ganztagsschule.rlp.de/bibliothek/die-ganztagsschule-in-angebotsform-in-rheinland-pfalz-in-stichormen (Link not available)
  10. ↑ All -day school
  11. Anja Kühne: “Brain up!” - Elite universities for Germany . Reference: “But the ministers of education do not want to accept that there should only be a few elite universities, so that numerous departments would go away empty-handed. The resistance is led by the then Rhineland-Palatinate Science Minister Jürgen Zöllner (SPD). ” Tagesspiegel.de In: Der Tagesspiegel. , June 11, 2012. Retrieved June 10, 2012
  12. Jochen Leffers: A heart for teaching . In: Spiegel online, January 20, 2007, accessed June 16, 2012: "On the state side, Zöllner was one of the architects of the Excellence Initiative for Research, over which the federal and state governments argued endlessly."
  13. mbwwk.rlp.de “Our goal was to maintain the quality of the orchestras, to ensure that they could be financed in the long term and to keep the number of performances constantly high. We have achieved all of this? Said Zöllner. The state can claim that it has taken on a pioneering role nationwide in many areas. "
  14. New record: Rush to Berlin universities . In: Berliner Zeitung , November 26, 2010. “More than 28,000 new freshmen have accepted Berlin's universities this year. This has set a new record, never since the fall of the Wall have there been so many new students. In the previous year the number was 26,300, five years ago it was 20,200. For Senator for Science Jürgen Zöllner (SPD) the rush is good and bad news at the same time. "
  15. http://www.heute.de/ZDFheute/inhalt/6/0,3672,8132806,00.htm (link not available) and rbb news conscription-Aus: Federal government wants to create 60,000 additional study places . In: Die Zeit November 15, 2010
  16. End of conscription. Berlin universities are accepting 1,500 more students . In: Berliner Morgenpost , March 26, 2011.
  17. New financing system rewards additional services . State press release dated August 6, 2009, accessed January 29, 2011 and Der Hochschulvertrag . ( Memento of August 8, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 161 kB) In: berlin.de, accessed on January 29, 2011 and press release of the TU Berlin from January 25, 2010. accessed June 16, 2012. “The budget of the Universities will increase in the coming years: After 910 million euros in 2009, the budget climbed to 952 million in 2010, i.e. an increase of 4.4 percent. For 2011, 969 million euros are earmarked, for 2012 more than a billion, namely 1001 million euros and then 1005 million euros in 2013. The universities' budgets are increasing by an average of around 3.5 percent annually; the total increase should amount to at least 334 million euros by 2013. Thus, according to the Senator for Science E. Jürgen Zöllner, the growth for the universities is higher than that of other areas. ” Berlin is getting 6,000 additional study places . In: Berliner Morgenpost , January 6, 2010.
  18. E ECLARATION KMK President Zöllner: "Migration as an opportunity and excellence of teaching" In: Website of the KMK. Retrieved on January 12, 2011 and Jochen Leffers: A heart for teaching . In: Spiegel online from January 20, 2007. Retrieved June 16, 2012
  19. Anja Kühne, Tilman Warnecke: Who will be an elite university? In: Der Tagesspiegel. , March 4, 2011: “… The FU was classified as worthy of funding, unlike the HU and unlike Göttingen. But when the politicians came together in the approval committee to decide, it initially looked as if there was actually no more money in the pot for the FU. In the end, however, the FU benefited from the commitment and negotiating skills of the Berlin Senator for Science, Jürgen Zöllner, and still became 'University of Excellence'. "And keyword excellence initiative: 2nd round" List of science and politics worked out together "
  20. George Turner: Zöllner was good, Berlin wasn't . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , September 12th, 2011: “... That doesn't diminish the successes that Zöllner has had in school and university politics. In view of the turmoil that otherwise prevails in this area in Berlin, the school reform went surprisingly smoothly; the universities have won by being awarded the status of excellence by the Free University, not least thanks to Zöllner's participation in the supraregional rounds. ... "
  21. University presidents demand a new design for the Senate; Science should no longer be part of school administration; Charité rejected as a federal university . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , June 10, 2011: “After years of dispute with Jürgen Zöllner about the Einstein Foundation Berlin, all three university presidents are now behind this institution. At times, the FU in particular had rejected the Einstein Foundation as a “super university”. Now the Einstein Foundation should not get bogged down in funding research projects, but rather concentrate on financing large research associations (clusters). After the elite competition ended in 2017, the Einstein Foundation should take over the financing of these major research projects. "
  22. Joint press release by the Senator for Science and Research, the presidents of the Berlin universities and the four non-university institutions of June 9, 2008 and customs officers: Excellent projects cannot be delayed . Press release of the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Science and Research of July 9, 2008, accessed on January 29, 2011
  23. a b apple of contention Einstein Foundation. Senators Nussbaum and Zöllner are at odds. In: Berliner Zeitung , July 14, 2010
  24. Regina Köhler: Super Foundation should bring elite researchers to Berlin . In: Berliner Morgenpost , October 17, 2008
  25. Gunnar Schupelius: The customs officer friend renounces the post . In: BILD Berlin , February 2, 2011, page 5: “… Since 2003 - there was no thought of Jürgen Zöllner in Berlin -… (was Rühle) in a leading position in the Senate Administration, as press spokeswoman and then for many years as office manager two senators. Previously since 1994 as sect representative of the state of Berlin ... "and H. Bruhns:" ... Rühle was sect representative of the state of Berlin, office manager of the school senators Klaus Böger and Jürgen Zöllner. Last summer she was supposed to become head of the Einstein Foundation. She was the best in the selection process. Still a controversial job change ... "
  26. a b Advertisement for the position "Head of the Einstein Foundation Berlin office" In: Der Tagesspiegel. , Job advertisements from February 21 and 28, 2010
  27. Werner van Bebber, Tilman Warnecke: Zöllner must fight for the Einstein Foundation . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , July 7, 2010: "She (Rühle) did not receive the salary of 118,000 euros planned for the management." And Zöllner defended Rühle . In: Berliner Morgenpost , July 5, 2010. “In doing so, she (Rühle) had - and would have - no financial advantages from switching to the Einstein Foundation. She was selected as the most qualified applicant in a transparent process for the position to be filled by the end of 2011. ... Rühle also emphasized on Monday that as a branch manager she would not have received “a cent more” for her work than before. The high sum of 118,000 euros was initially included in the plan, because this was the only way to finance an applicant from the free market. ”And report to the main committee of the House of Representatives for the meeting on September 8, 2010 (PDF; 388 kB) Minutes of the resolution Haupt 16/89, page 34; Content minutes main 16/89 (PDF; 383 kB) p. 39
  28. H. Bruhns: “Last summer she [Rühle] was supposed to become head of the Einstein Foundation. She was the best in the selection process. ”In: BILD Berlin , February 2, 2011, page 5 and Zöllner withdraws his partner as a candidate . In: Berliner Morgenpost , July 5, 2010 "You (Rühle) was selected as the most qualified applicant in a transparent process for the position to be filled by the end of 2011."
  29. Customs officer defends Rühle . In: Berliner Morgenpost , July 5, 2010. "However, I see the risk that the discussion about filling the management of the office will damage the applicant."
  30. http://www.einsteinfoundation.de/blog/de/ (link not available)
  31. Berlin's ex-senator joins the board of the Einstein Foundation . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , December 29, 2011. einsteinfoundation.de ( Memento of the original from July 3, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved June 16, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.einsteinfoundation.de
  32. Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach: Franklin-Klinikum should stay . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , January 16, 2010: “Senator for Education Jürgen Zöllner (SPD) made it clear again that from his point of view there are good and weighty reasons to keep the Benjamin Franklin Hospital as part of the Charité University Hospital. Nobody disagreed, not even the Governing Mayor Klaus Wowereit (SPD). The Social Democrats left the Senator for Finance Ulrich Nussbaum (non-party) out in the rain. Nevertheless, he continues to fight for the following idea: The Benjamin-Franklin with its 1000 beds will be handed over to the state-owned hospital company Vivantes. "
  33. Julia Haak: Charité board wants to keep the hospital network . In: Berliner Zeitung. June 17, 2009: "As reported, the President of the Free University Dieter Lenzen recently suggested that the Benjamin Franklin University Hospital be partially privatized and decoupled from the Charité."
  34. Berliner Morgenpost of July 28, 2009 and press release of the State of Berlin of June 8, 2010. Accessed June 16, 2012: “The future for the Charité is the future for Berlin:… The Charité will also keep three bed locations in the future: Mitte, Wedding and Steglitz in the southwest. The Senate approved this today on a presentation by the Senator for Education, Science and Research, Prof. Dr. E. Jürgen Zöllner, decided. "
  35. Alke Wierth: Timpanists soon better trained . In: taz Berlin , March 2, 2012: "The Berlin school reform praised Baumert as a" step towards a modern and safe school system ", which otherwise 'no federal state has taken with this consequence'."
  36. Zöllner suggests further development of the school structure . Press release of the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Science and Research from September 10, 2008. Accessed January 12, 2011
  37. Start of the school year 2010/11 under the sign of the school reform ( Memento from July 30, 2012 in the web archive archive.today ) Press release of the Senate Department for Education, Science and Research Berlin from August 20, 2010, accessed January 12, 2011
  38. Berlin School - the educational timetable . ( Memento from January 22, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Berlin.de, accessed January 12, 2011
  39. ^ Coalition agreement Berlin 2006–2011 . ( Memento of February 2, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Berlin.de, accessed January 12, 2011
  40. blz no. 03/2010 Membership magazine of the GEW. ( Memento of October 5, 2010 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved June 16, 2012: "We see the school structural reform that was passed by the Berlin House of Representatives on January 14, 2010 through an amendment to the school law as a step in the right direction."
  41. Lars von Törne: Senate closes secondary schools . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , July 15, 2009: “The majority of those affected agree with the reform:“ A step in the right direction, ”says Laura Fritsche, chairwoman of the regional student committee. ... The State Parents' Committee welcomes the now resolved duality of the school system as "promising for the future", but accuses the Senate of having done too little to improve the situation in primary schools during the reform ". "We are especially pleased about the clear commitment to the grammar school and the independence of schools," says Ralf Treptow from the Association of Senior Academic Directors. With the two-tier structure and the departure from secondary school, Berlin becomes a "school model that is recognized throughout Germany". ... For the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the “dual learning” offer for pupils with an early professional perspective, which is planned in secondary schools, is a step forward, as IHK Managing Director Jan Eder says: “We expect this to result in a noticeable improvement in the professional orientation of school leavers . "
  42. a b The quality package . ( Memento from August 31, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) List of measures In: Land Berlin / SenBWF, accessed June 17, 2012
  43. Susanne Vieth-Entus: Mrs. Sarrazin in the rumor mill . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , November 10, 2008: “Ursula Sarrazin is a primary school teacher, and one who polarizes people. Ordinarily the public wouldn't care. After all, differences of opinion between teachers and parents, or school councilors and headmasters, or school councilors and teachers, or parents and school councilors, are part of everyday business in the school system. ... Now it is the case that the school council has been highly controversial for years. But it is no different with school councils than with other civil servants: To transfer them against their will or even to fire them is almost an impossibility. That is why it took many years and many conflicts to get his transfer through, according to the school principals and those affected in the district concerned. Apparently enough spoke for it in the end - only: According to information from the Tagesspiegel, the "Sarrazin" case had nothing to do with the transfer. The temporal proximity to the conflict with the teacher Sarrazin alone was enough for some people to establish a causal connection. "
  44. Susanne Vieth-Entus: Mrs. Sarrazin in the rumor mill . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , November 10, 2008
  45. Berlin decided in 2003, with broad public approval, not to employ civil servants any more. Contrary to the trend at the time, other federal states have remained with the civil service of teachers or have since returned to civil service. The three federal states (Berlin, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony), which are currently not civil servants, will suffer competitive disadvantages on the labor market, which is characterized by an increasing shortage of teachers. Susanne Vieth-Entus: Should Berlin also employ civil servants? In: Der Tagesspiegel. , February 21, 2010: “At the last 'Teacher Casting', Berlin was no longer able to fill all positions as desired: Academic councilors with certain subject combinations have long been in short supply. During this legislative period, Berlin will not return to civil servant status', it is said unofficially from the education administration. Whether Berlin can maintain this stance in the long term is doubted: As soon as the teacher shortage becomes noticeable, the cards will be reshuffled. "
  46. Press release of the State of Berlin of February 17, 2009: Berlin is increasing the pay and training of young teachers . berlin.de, accessed January 29, 2011
  47. Salaries for Berlin teachers . In: Berliner Zeitung. June 1, 2012: “In their most recent report, the auditors criticized the fact that all employed teachers in Berlin are promoted to the highest salary group when they are employed 'above the collective bargaining agreement'. ... This 'inappropriate payment' caused the state of Berlin an annual loss of 24 million euros, complained the auditors ... Ex-Senator for Education Jürgen Zöllner (SPD) had enforced the higher starting salary for all new teachers three years ago in order to keep teachers in Berlin . Because unlike in most other federal states, Berlin does not civilize its teachers. As a result, salaried teachers earn significantly less net money over the course of their professional lives. "
  48. George Turner: Zöllner was good, Berlin wasn't . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , September 12, 2011: “At the end of the legislative period, Jürgen Zöllner will end his position as Senator for Education and Science. When he was brought to Berlin, he was undisputedly the German educational politician with the greatest experience and the highest reputation.… The glamor of attracting Zöllners to Berlin was gladly used when he took office, and support for the implementation of good ideas was largely absent. Jürgen Zöllner delivered a full term of office. It could have been more glamorous and more successful if his own party had grasped the chance that someone who has been lured away from another country and who brings in reputation and credit can only develop his potential if he is not thwarted by his own people . That would not have happened to the Rhineland-Palatinate. "
  49. A step in the right direction . ( Memento from October 5, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) In: blz , member magazine of the GEW, 03/2010, accessed June 16, 2012 and Lars von Törne: Senate closes secondary schools . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , July 15, 2009. https://www.ihk-berlin.de/servicemarken/Zentrale_Dateien/fallback1431024437274/2250400 (link not available)
  50. Werner van Bebber: Not all housework done . In: Der Tagesspiegel. , May 27, 2011
  51. ^ Gilbert Schomaker: Bad grades for Jürgen Zöllner . In: Berliner Morgenpost. , July 6, 2010
  52. Martin Spiewack: The longest serving head of department in the republic stops . In: Die Zeit , No. 22/2011
  53. Amory Burchard, Susanne Vieth-Entus: I learned a lot in Berlin . In: Der Tagesspiegel , August 26, 2011, interview. Zöllner: "... that Berlin is so uniquely beautiful and the most dynamic city in Germany."
  54. Regine Zylka, Martin Klesmann: At the limit of my resilience . In: Berliner Zeitung. June 28, 2011, interview. Zöllner: “Berlin has a huge fascination. This has to do with being unfinished, which challenges you to do something all the time. I have also become more aware of things, such as the fact that East and West Germans have been socialized differently after decades of separation. In theory, everyone immediately accepts this, but if you experience it in your own home or in schools, the acceptance is very different. "
  55. stiftungzukunftberlin.eu ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  56. Plea for nat. Education Council, bosch-stiftung.de and interview. In: Die Zeit , No. 22/2012
  57. As of May 1st, the former Senator Jürgen Zöllner will be chairman of the Charité Foundation . In: Berliner Zeitung. , April 15, 2012
  58. “The project was initiated by the former Berlin Senator for Science Jürgen Zöllner (SPD). It is also likely that Zöllner used his contact with the extremely wealthy Charité donor Johanna Quandt to interest her in the project. Zöllner has been the director of the 'Charité Foundation' since April, which 86-year-old Johanna Quandt founded in 2005. “ Anja Kühne in: Der Tagesspiegel. , November 7, 2012
  59. Turner's website on October 16, 2012 ( Memento from October 24, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  60. ^ "Bettina Wilhelm will not run for the second ballot anymore", Stuttgarter Zeitung, October 8, 2012
  61. “Fritz Kuhn elected Lord Mayor of Stuttgart”, FAZ, October 20, 2012
  62. “The voter may abstain” in: Berliner Tagesspiegel from September 26, 2014 and “Compulsory voting: Supporters in the minority” in: Südwest Presse on January 20, 2015
  63. Honorary doctorate Jürgen Zöllner ( Memento from July 19, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Universitätsmedizin Mainz, accessed February 17, 2011.
  64. ^ Rhein-Main-Presse / Allgemeine Zeitung , September 17, 2011 ( Memento of June 10, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  65. Gunnar Schupelius: Happy Holidays, Senator Zöllner! In: Berliner Zeitung. July 14, 2009.