Ion Radu

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Ion Radu (born April 1, 1934 in Puchenii Mari , Prahova district , † 1995 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian politician of the Romanian Workers' Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) and from 1965 of the PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who was among others between 1988 and 1989 Vice Prime Minister.


Professional career and union official

Ion Radu attended elementary school in his birthplace Puchenii Mari from 1942 to 1942 and then from 1949 to 1953 the secondary school for petroleum technology in Ploieşti . During this time he was involved from 1949 to 1953 as a member of the UTM Youth Union (Uniunea Tineretului Muncitor) high school for petroleum technology and at the same time as an instructor in the UTM City Committee of Ploieşti. After further training between 1953 and 1954 at the Institute for Petroleum and Gas in Bucharest, he worked as a drilling technician and in 1954 became chief surveyor at a company in Târgu Jiu . In 1956 he was accepted as a member of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) . Between 1956 and 1961 he was a master craftsman in drilling technology company No. 4 in Craiova and then from 1961 to 1962 he was chairman of the committee of the trade unions of the drilling technology company.

After Radu attended the party school in Craiova from 1962 to 1963, he was an occupational health and safety instructor at the Oltenia Regional Union Council between 1963 and 1965 . He then acted between 1965 and 1966 as president of the union council on the construction site for the hydroelectric power station Iron Gate (Porțile de Fier) and at the same time a member of the office of the party committee for this construction site. At the same time, he was a member of the Executive Office from 1965 to 1966 and then President of the Regional Trade Union Council of Oltenia between 1966 and March 1968. At the same time he was a member of the office of the Oltenia Region Party Committee between 1966 and March 1968. He then served from March 1968 to October 18, 1971 as President of the Trade Union Council and a member of the Office of the Party Committee in Mehedinți County . Between October 18, 1971 and February 14, 1972, he was deputy head of a department of the Romanian General Trade Union Union UGSR (Uniunea Generală a Sindicatelor din România) and then from February 14, 1972 to 1974 first secretary of the municipal party committee of Drobeta Turnu Severin , marriage he was Secretary for Organization of the Mehedinți County Party Committee from 1974 to February 21, 1978. During this time he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Academy of Social and Political Sciences " Ștefan Gheorghiu " , where he obtained a doctorate in economics in 1976.

Party official, Central Committee member and Central Committee secretary

Ion Radu was an instructor at the Central Committee (ZK) from February 21 to February 21, 1978, and from August 21, 1978 to September 24, 1979, organizer and secretary of the Constanta Port Party Committee . He then acted from September 13, 1979 to August 11, 1982 as secretary for economics of the party committee in Constanța district and also as vice-president of the executive committee of the People's Council of Constanța district. He then acted between August 11, 1982 and March 22, 1984 First Secretary of the Party Committee in Dolj County and, in personal union, President of the Executive Committee of the Dolj County People's Council. At a plenum of the Central Committee, he became a member of the Central Committee of the PCR on December 18, 1982 and was a member of this body until Nicolae Ceaușescu was overthrown in the course of the Romanian Revolution on December 22, 1989. On March 24, 1983, he became a candidate for the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee for the first time at another central committee plenum and held this position until July 24, 1985. At the same time he became a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the PCR for the first time at the Central Committee Plenum on March 22, 1984 and also held this post until July 24, 1985. As such, as Central Committee Secretary for Organization, he was also responsible for the Central Committee - Organization department.

MP and Vice Prime Minister

Radu also became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) on November 27, 1984 , where he initially represented constituency No. 23 Bucharest-Chitila and most recently between 1985 and 1989 constituency No. 3 Arad-Sud . In addition, he acted between July 29, 1985 and October 5, 1987 as First Secretary of the Party Committee in the Brașov District and, in personal union, as the President of the Executive Committee of the People's Council of the Brașov District. He then became president of the Central Council of Labor Control of Economic and Social Activities on October 5, 1987, and held this position until October 17, 1988. At the plenary session of the Central Committee on October 5, 1987, he was again a candidate for the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee as well again member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the PCR and held both functions until November 24, 1989. In May 1988 he also became a member of the Central Commission for the Organization and Modernization of Production Processes and the Use of Raw Materials and Materials, a Member of the Central Commission for Traffic Optimization and a Member of the Central Commission for the Systematisation of Territories and Places, Improvement of the Organization and Management of Agriculture. He was also a member of the Committee of the Grand National Assembly on Industry, Economy and Finance from December 13, 1986 to December 22, 1989.

Ion Radu also held the post of Vice-Prime Minister (Viceprim-ministru al Guvernului) and President of the Board of Directors for activities in the fields of mechanical engineering and metallurgy from October 17, 1988 to December 22, 1989 in the Dăscălescu II cabinet . Most recently he was elected a member of the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee at the Fourteenth Party Congress of the PCR (November 20 to 24, 1989) and was a member of this body until December 22, 1989.

For his many years of service Radu has won several awards and was awarded the Order of the working Class Three, among others, in 1968 (Ordinul Muncii) , in 1971 the star of the Socialist Republic of Romania Fourth Class (Ordinul Steaua Republicii Socialiste România) , in 1972 the Order of Tudor Vladimirescu Class Two (Ordinul Tudor Vladimirescu) and in 1984 the Order of Labor First Class.

Web links

  • Biography in Consiliul Național pentru Studiera Arhivelor Securității. Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționar , p. 497 f.

Individual evidence

  1. Partidul Comunist Român: Twelfth Party Congress of the PCR (November 19 to 23, 1979)
  2. Partidul Comunist Român: Thirteenth Party Congress of the PCR (November 19-22, 1984)
  3. ^ Cabinet Dăscălescu II