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Itylo municipality
Δημοτική Ενότητα Οιτύλου
Itylo (Greece)
Basic data
State : GreeceGreece Greece
Region : Peloponnese


Regional District : Laconia
Municipality : Anatoliki Mani
Geographic coordinates : 36 ° 40 ′  N , 22 ° 23 ′  E Coordinates: 36 ° 40 ′  N , 22 ° 23 ′  E
Height above d. M .: 206 m
Area : 218.582 km²
Residents : 3,515 (2011)
Population density : 16.1 inhabitants / km²
Code No .: 430203
Structure: f12f1218 local communities
Located in the municipality of Anatoliki Mani and the Laconia regional unit
File: DE Itylou.svg

Itylo ( Greek Οίτυλο ( n. Sg. ), Partly also transcribed Oitylo ) is a village in the Peloponnese and a municipality of the Greek community Eastern Mani ( Anatoliki Mani ). The place is located in the south of the Peloponnese about 80 kilometers south of Kalamata , the largest place in the municipality is Areopoli .


The area occupies the southwestern part of the Mani peninsula between the Messenian Gulf (Messiniakos Kolpos) and the Taygetos Mountains and thus the essential part of the Messa Mani .

Administrative division

The municipality of Itylo existed 1997-2010 as an independent municipality (dimos) with the administrative seat Areopoli. This was formed from three short-lived urban communities (Areopoli, Diros and Itylo), which were formed in 1994 from a total of 18 rural communities. These originally 18 rural communities have formed local communities since 2011 (gr. Topikes kinotites τοπικές κοινότητες), who elect local representatives.

  • Alika, 148 residents; two residential towers flank the entrance to the village; many houses are in ruins and overgrown with cacti.
  • Areopoli , 1014 inhabitants, the old trading center of the Messa Mani, home of the Mavromichalis family , who hoisted the Mani flag here with other maniots on March 17, 1821 (with a blue cross and the slogan ΝΙΚΗ Ή ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ 'victory or death') and thus gave a start signal for the Greek struggle for freedom .
  • Ano Boularii, 74 inhabitants
  • Dryalos, 131 inhabitants
  • Germa, 18 residents
  • Gerolimin, 99 residents, once the supply port of Messa Mani, today a small fishing village with a few preserved residential towers.
  • Itylo, 392 inhabitants
  • Karea, 24 residents
  • Kelefa, 39 residents
  • Kita, 212 inhabitants, with residential towers, whose residents fought each other until the end of the 19th century.
  • Kounos, 180 inhabitants
  • Kryoneri, 68 inhabitants
  • Minas, 310 inhabitants
  • Neo Itylo, 70 inhabitants
  • Pyrgos Dirou, 561 inhabitants, the stalactite cave near Pyrgos Dirou is one of the most beautiful stalactite caves in Europe and one of the most important tourist destinations in the Mani.
  • Tsikalia, 53 inhabitants
  • Vachos, 89 inhabitants
  • Vathia , 33 inhabitants - a particularly picturesque collection of the residential towers typical of the Mani, which are densely packed on a hill and are therefore a particularly popular tourist destination and photo opportunity.

Almost all of these local communities consist of several small villages and settlements. A total of 132 settlements belonging to the municipality are listed in the official statistics, of which 126 were inhabited in 2011.


The landscape of the municipal area is rugged and wild, the coast is rocky and impassable. Characteristic are the opuntia and the numerous - today mostly empty, partly crumbling, but partly restored defensive towers in the numerous small settlements.


Mani (Peloponnese) #History

Single receipts

  1. a b Results of the 2011 census at the National Statistical Service of Greece (ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ) ( Memento from June 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) (Excel document, 2.6 MB)

Web links