Ivan Stepanovich Odartschenko

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Ivan Stepanovich Odartschenko ( Russian Иван Степанович Одарченко * 6. September 1926 in the village Nowoalexandrowka in Rajon atbasar ; † 2. July 2013 in Tambov ) was a Russian soldier of the Red Army .


In 1931 the family moved to Magnitogorsk because of a famine and returned to their hometown a few years later. At the age of 16 Odartschenko became a brigadier in the kolkhoz . In the German-Soviet war , his father was killed near Stalingrad in autumn 1943 .

In January 1944 Odartschenko was drafted into the Red Army and was first placed in a training regiment in Ajagös . His eldest brother died in 1944. Odartschenko fought in the 114th Guards Rifle Division of the 9th Guards Army in Hungary , Austria and Czechoslovakia , where the war ended for him near Prague .

The Liberator, Soviet Memorial in Treptower Park

After the war, Odartschenko served in the group of the Soviet armed forces in Germany . In August 1947 he took part in the sports festival of the Soviet soldiers in the Buschallee stadium in Berlin-Weißensee . When he was watching the competitions after the cross-country run, the sculptor Yevgeny Viktorovich Wuchetich spoke to him, who was looking for a model for the statue of the liberator-soldier for the memorial on the central burial mound of the Soviet memorial in Treptower Park . Odartschenko now stood as a model for about six months, carrying on his left arm first a German girl and then the three-year-old daughter of the Berlin city commander Alexander Georgievich Kotikow Svetlana Alexandrovna Kotikowa , who later became an actress . He was also the model for Anatoly Andreevich Gorpenko , who created a mosaic for the interior of the monument. On the right there is Odartschenko on the one hand a soldier with a gold star of the Hero of the Soviet Union and a steel helmet in his left hand and on the other hand a worker in blue overalls with his head bowed and holding a wreath.

Mosaic in the interior of the base of the liberator, Soviet memorial in Treptower Park

In 1949 Odartschenko was released into the reserve and sent back to Kazakhstan . He went to his sister in Tambov to help her. He married and worked as a lathe operator and milling cutter in the Awtotraktorodetal plant . He became famous on the 20th anniversary of the victorious end of the war when he traveled seven times to the GDR with delegations . He was a member of the United Russia party . On May 8, 2010 the monument to the victorious veteran of the sculptors Viktor Kupayev and Valery Paramonov was inaugurated in Tambov Victory Park , depicting Odartschenko as a veteran on a bench with a girl in his arms.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Скончался ветеран, ставший прообразом памятника Воину-освободителю (accessed May 10, 2019).
  2. Черницына М .: Монумент истины. На руках у солдата в Трептов-парке вовсе не немецкая девочка . In: Moskovsky Komsomolets . No. 25050 , May 8, 2009 ( mk.ru [accessed May 10, 2019]).
  3. Скончался прототип памятника Воину-освободителю (accessed May 10, 2019).
  4. Екатерина Сажнева, Александра Ильина: Как немецкие ветераны помогают русским . In: Moskovsky Komsomolets . No. 25635 , May 6, 2011 ( mk.ru [accessed May 10, 2019]).
  5. Ушел из жизни ветеран Иван Одарченко - Воин-освободитель (accessed May 10, 2019).
  6. скульптор виктор кулаев - Самое интересное в блогах (accessed May 10, 2019).
  7. Подвиг народа в Великой Отечественной войне: Медаль “За отвагу” (accessed May 10, 2019).
  8. Орден Отечественной войны II степени (accessed May 10, 2019).