Jürgen Hass

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Jürgen Ernst Hass (born December 16, 1949 in Walsum , today Duisburg ) is a German emigrant, businessman and former politician ( FDP ). Hatred is known for having recognized paternity for - according to its own statements - over 1000 children without being their biological father .


Hass attended elementary school , then the commercial school in Walsum. After his apprenticeship as an industrial clerk, he attended evening high school . The Administration and Business Academy ( international tax law ) followed. From his first marriage in Rees, Hass has two sons.

From April 1975, Hass was a member of the City Council of Rees for the FDP for four legislative terms, and also a member of the district council in the Kleve district for two terms . During this time, the local elections in 1979 had to be repeated again due to an approved contestation by Hass. Der Spiegel described this episode in 2006 as follows: “Hatred complained, and the 1979 local election was repeated. The state parliament reformed the local election law. It was probably the best time in Jürgen Hass' life. He had brought the city to its knees and the country. He enjoyed the headlines in the newspapers. ”Hass received a direct mandate with 47 percent of the votes cast .

In 1987, Hass was sentenced to three years imprisonment for having given legal advice, mostly in the areas of tax law , tax returns , pension applications, applications for child benefit, etc. After two years, he was released from prison in 1990.

In 2002, Hass met 15-year-old Karina E. in an ice cream parlor in Cologne. She went on the baby line and had a child by one of her suitors . Since she could not name the child's father, the authorities accused her of violating the so-called obligation to cooperate and denied her the advance maintenance payment . In front of the youth welfare office of the city of Meerbusch , he recognized paternity on June 25, 2002 . The mother then received an advance maintenance payment from the state, as Hass received too few early retirement benefits to have to pay herself.

Hatred remained an uncomfortable citizen afterwards and received many fines. In 2004 there was an oath of disclosure , in 2005 an arrest warrant for suspected fraud. Hatred emigrated to Paraguay . Hass applied for child benefit from the Federal Employment Agency for his daughter who lives in Asunción . There was a dispute before the Rhineland-Palatinate Finance Court in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse because the claim for his child living abroad was rejected. He and his Bolivian wife have three biological children who were born in Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil.

In 2006, Hass announced that it would recognize paternity for a large number of other children. That affected a few hundred or a thousand children. According to the Childhood Rights Reform Act of 1998, the paternity of children can be recognized without having conceived the child - if the mother agrees and the biological father is not known. The children recognized abroad are entitled to a German passport and, together with their mother, have the opportunity to live and work in Germany. In 2006, Hass was arrested for several days; The background was apparently allegations by the German embassy in Asunción. In 2006, Hass tried to clarify whether he could force the Federal President to take over the honorary sponsorship for every eighth of his children recognized by him; the Berlin Administrative Court dismissed the action.

2010 seated hatred on the National Prison in Tacumbú, a barrio of Asuncion , Paraguay, for several months in custody .

Since 2011, Hass has been running a small nursing home for the elderly, especially for people with dementia, often of German origin.

As a result of the case, the legislature introduced the instrument of official paternity contestation in 2008 . However, in 2014 the Federal Constitutional Court declared the statutory provisions to be unconstitutional. One of the reasons for the decision is that the provisions left open the possibility of whether the child in question would become stateless, for example.


  • Jürgen Hass, Peter Seck: The 100 greatest Nazi criminals in World War II. Volume 1, Verlag MBS, 2015, ISBN 978-9462547384 .


  • Ingo von Münch : German citizenship: past - present - future. Walter de Gruyter, 2007. page 143

Individual evidence

  1. a b The sperm donor. Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 19, 2010
  2. ^ A b Welfare State: The Avenger. Der Spiegel , May 6, 2006
  3. Obscure objections have been received in the town hall in Rees. The West , Emmerich, 2014
  4. a b c Ingo von Münch : The German citizenship: past - present - future. Walter de Gruyter, 2007, p. 143 [1]
  5. ↑ Loophole in the law German wants to be the father of 1,000 children. Der Spiegel , May 6, 2006
  6. Finanzgericht (FG) Rheinland-Pfalz, judgment of May 31, 2006, Az. 2 K 1124/06
  7. ^ Paraguay: "Superpapá" en problemas. BBC , August 22, 2006
  8. ^ Revenge through paternity. Troublemaker loses against the state. Der Spiegel , July 13, 2006
  9. Who's the daddy? The Guardian , June 15, 2006
  10. Paraguay: Father for 1000 children. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , May 8, 2006
  11. The rights of German fathers strengthened in a binational partnership. Federal Constitutional Court for the Recognition of Paternity. New Germany , March 19, 2014
  12. Paraguay's police arrest German "super papa" hate fraudsters or benefactors? Berliner Zeitung , August 23, 2006
  13. Administrative Court Berlin, judgment of July 25, 2006, Az.VG 34 A 140.05
  14. Bundestag printed matter 16/3291, p. 14 with examples
  15. Rights of German fathers strengthened. The West, February 1, 2014
  16. Federal Constitutional Court, decision of December 17, 2013, published on January 30, 2014, Az. 1 BvL 6/10