Jürgen Leohold

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Jürgen Leohold

Jürgen Leohold (born May 22, 1954 in Bremen ) was Head of Group Research at Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft and Head of the AutoUni in Wolfsburg .


Jürgen Leohold studied electrical engineering , first at the University of Hannover , then from 1974 to 1980 at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta / USA , to - again in Hannover - the theme of [...] resonance behavior of transformer windings to graduate . He then worked for a year as a post-doctoral student at McGill University in Montreal / Canada . In 2002 Leohold was appointed to the University of Kassel , where he headed the chair for vehicle systems and fundamentals of electrical engineering until 2005 .

In April 2006 Jürgen Leohold, who from August 1987 had held various, including leading positions in electrical and electronic development, for example for the VW Phaeton , took over group research at Volkswagen AG. He worked in this role until November 2016.

In personal union, he also took over the management of the AutoUni from September 1, 2012 until his retirement at the end of 2017.

Jürgen Leohold also had various functions in various committees, organizations and associations:

Media coverage (selection)


  • Investigation of the resonance behavior of transformer windings , dissertation 1984 at the University of Hanover, 1984

Web links

Commons : Jürgen Leohold  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j N.N .: Short biography ... (see under the section Web Links )
  2. The focus is now entirely on the Auto-Uni , Wolfsburger Nachrichten of November 29, 2016.
  3. History , Autouni website, accessed on May 15, 2019.