Jürgen von Schilling

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Baron Schilling in Wittmund (2007)

Jürgen Baron von Schilling (born August 9, 1909 in Riga ; † August 17, 2008 in Langeoog ) was a German-Baltic doctor.


The father Hermann von Schilling came to Langeoog as a German-Baltic refugee, where he died in 1946 in a Baltic retirement home. Another ancestor was Carl Gebhard von Schilling (1719–1779), who last served as major general in Tsarist Russia .

Baron Schilling attended the Realgymnasium Lichterfelde , where he graduated from high school in 1929. He studied medicine at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen and the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University . He became a member of the Corps Borussia Tübingen (1929) and the Corps Marcomannia Breslau (1930). When he was inactive , he moved to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin . There he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD . In the same year he joined the Navy as a medical officer . He took as a ship's doctor on the ironclad Germany on the Spanish Civil War in part. During the Second World War he was temporarily chief doctor of the hospital ship Rügen , with which prisoners of war wounded were exchanged via Sweden. This brought him into contact with the International Committee of the Red Cross , which, after the war, at his suggestion, placed around 200 Wilhelmshaven children in Swiss host families to relax. As a general practitioner and obstetrician , he settled in Wilhelmshaven in 1946 .

In 1960 Schilling began planting trees in the Langeoog dune cemetery , where his father was buried alongside other Baltic refugees. In retirement he intensified his work and, among other things, ensured a dignified environment for the cemetery of Russian prisoners on the northern edge of the dune cemetery. In 1980 he was granted honorary citizenship. He also took part in the construction of the pacifist -looking cemetery chapel .

He was born with Margot Urban (1910–1988) married. The couple had two daughters. Shortly after his 99th birthday, v. Schilling is buried in the Langeoog dune cemetery. The path leading to the cemetery is called Baron-von-Schilling-Weg in his honor. There are several memorial plaques in the cemetery .


Labiau-Tor and Baron-von-Schilling-Weg

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 126/547; 82/329
  2. Dissertation: The Gonorrhea Cases of the Gynecological Department of the University Women's Clinic in the years 1926 to 1933 (with special consideration of the duration of the gonorrhoeic adnexal disease) .
  3. ^ Schilling courier. No. 9, year 9, September 2009: Abschied vom Friedensgärtner , p. 13 (PDF file; 9.44 MB), accessed on February 16, 2016.
  4. Martin Biastoch : Dr. Jürgen Baron von Schilling (1909–2008) , in: Corps - Magazin (Deutsche Corpszeitung 110th year) 4/2008, p. 36