Martin Biastoch

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Martin Biastoch (born March 3, 1965 in Lebenstedt ) is a German classical philologist and historian. He teaches as a high school teacher in Göttingen.


Biastoch grew up in Wolfenbüttel and attended the humanistic large school . After graduating from high school, he studied history and classical philology at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen from 1984 . In 1985 he was reciprocated in the Corps Borussia Tübingen . With a grant from the Greek government ( Cabinet Andreas Papandreou II , Cabinet Tzannis Tzannetakis ), he conducted research at the IMXA ( Institute of Balkan Studies ) in Thessaloniki in 1989 . In 1990/91 he passed the first state examination in Tübingen in the three main subjects Greek, Latin and history. In 1991 he received the Klinggräff Medal from the Association of Old Corps Students . With a doctoral thesis with Dieter Langewiesche , he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD. After completing his legal clerkship with Rainer Nickel in Göttingen , he passed the second state examination there in 1996. Via the Episcopal Gymnasium St. Elisabeth in Heilbad Heiligenstadt , the Large School in Wolfenbüttel and the Gymnasium Andreanum in Hildesheim , he came to the Max Planck Gymnasium in Göttingen in 2001 . For him, the latter is a “stronghold of humanistic education in Lower Saxony”. From 2008 to 2015 he was deputy state chairman of the Lower Saxony Classical Philology Association. He sits on the board of the Göttingen Friends of Ancient Literature .

Biastoch is known for regularly initiating talks between his students in Greece and well-known personalities. This led to discussions with the musician Mikis Theodorakis (2002 and 2004), the mayor of Athens and later Foreign Minister Dora Bakogianni (2003), the journalist for the Kathimerini newspaper Ioanna Fotiadi (2014) and the writer Petros Markaris (2016). On the occasion of Mikis Theodorakis' 90th birthday in 2015, he organized a screening of the hybrid film Recycling Medea by Asteris Koutoulas in Göttingen . At the invitation of the Göttingen archaeologist Daniel Graepler , Biastoch was involved in setting up VIAMUS - Virtual Museum of Antiquities - through educational and practical advice in 2003 . In 2018 he founded the European cooperative epiStoa - European Values ​​and Languages with Michael Job , Detlev Schild , Francesca Rigotte , Michael Rickmann and other scientists . Together with the medievalist Fidel Rädle , Biastoch published a Latin city tour through Göttingen in 2019 .


With six monographs of its own and more than 60 publications, Biastoch has been involved in research into the history of universities and education in the 19th and 20th centuries and in the didactic development of ancient language teaching in Greek and Latin.


  • On the propaganda of Augustus: planning, implementation and evaluation of a teaching unit in the upper secondary school . Munich 1995, ISBN 978-3-638-93098-7 .
  • Duel and scale in the empire (using the example of the Tübingen Corps Franconia, Rhenania, Suevia and Borussia between 1871 and 1895) . Vierow 1995, ISBN 3-89498-020-6 .
  • Tuebingen students in the German Empire. A socio-historical investigation (= Contubernium - Tübingen Contributions to the History of Science. Volume 44). Sigmaringen 1996, ISBN 978-3-515-08022-4 .
  • Rome and the Romans - I know Latin too. Master copies for children . Göttingen 2008, ISBN 978-3-525-79011-3 .
  • The Concilium Germanicum at the Great School in Wolfenbüttel 1910–2010. A contribution to Wolfenbüttel's educational history . Essen 2010, ISBN 978-3-939413-09-7 .
  • Ciceros Laelius de amicitia. Klett, Stuttgart 2012, ISBN 3-12-623166-7 .
  • together with Fidel Rädle : Extra Gottingam vel periegesis civitatis Gottingensis. A Latin walk through Göttingen. Göttingen 2019, ISBN 978-1-67066-408-2 .


  • Jewish students and student anti-Semitism from 1919 to 1922 in Tübingen . Einst und Jetzt, Vol. 38 (1993), pp. 249-252.
  • Students and universities in the empire - an overview , in: Marc Zirlewagen (Ed.): "We win or fall". German students in the First World War . Cologne 2008 (= Treatises on Student and Higher Education 17), pp. 11–24.
  • The corps in the empire - ideal of an era? , in: "We want men, we want action" - German corps students from 1848 to today , ed. by Rolf Joachim Baum, Siedler Verlag, Berlin 1998, pp. 111–132.
  • AStA and student armed forces. The revolution of 1848/49 in Tübingen . Einst und Jetzt, Vol. 45 (2000), pp. 51-61.
  • Latin in elementary school . Bulletin of the Lower Saxony regional association with the Bremen and Hamburg regional associations in the German Classical Philological Association (DAV) Volume LV, Issue 1, April 2005, pp. 24–27; also in: Pegasus online magazine V / 1 (2005), 59 [2]
  • Plato, Gorgias 523 a-b. Methodical preparation of difficult Greek texts . Old language teaching 5/2006, pp. 48–53.
  • The Hermannsdenkmal - metamorphosis of a traitor . Ancient language teaching 2 + 3 (2010) pp. 92–96.
  • Si paradisus terrestris in aliqua sit terrae parte - America and its natives in texts of the Renaissance . Old Language Teaching 1 (2011), pp. 52–55.
  • with Tilman Bechthold-Hengelhaupt, Julia Drumm and Roland Frölich: Methodical elements of teaching: social forms, forms of action, media . Göttingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-525-40003-6 .

Lists of didactic writings

  • Andreas Müller, Markus Schauer : Bibliography on Greek lessons . Clavis Didactica Graeca, ed. Friedrich Maier , Bamberg 1996.
  • Stefan Kipf , Markus Schauer: Bibliography for Latin Lessons 2 . Clavis Didactica Latina 2, Bamberg 2011.


  • Andreas Deffner: Home port Hellas . Frankfurt am Main 2015, pp. 131–137.
  • Friedhelm Golücke : Biastoch, Martin , in: Friedhelm Golücke (Hrsg.): Author's lexicon for student and university history . SH-Verlag, Cologne 2004, pp. 37-38, ISBN 3-89498-130-X .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 21/858
  2. ^ Dissertation: Students from Tübingen in the Empire. A socio-historical investigation. Sigmaringen 1996 (Contubernium - Tübingen Contributions to the History of University and Science, Vol. 44) ISBN 3-515-08022-8
  3. ^ Personnel file of the Corps Borussia Tübingen
  4. Latin and Greek at the MPG Göttingen in 2011
  5. Lower Saxony Classical Philologists Association
  6. Seminar for Classical Philology (GAU)
  7. Τουρίστες που επιμένουν ελληνικά
  8. Η αρχαία Ελλάδα γοητεύει τους Γερμανούς μαθητές
  9. ^ Theodorakis, Koutoulas and the recycled Medea
  10. Stefan Lehmann (H | Soz | Kult)
  11. [1]
  12. Martin Biastoch: Varia . In: Forum Classicum . No. 3 , November 28, 2019, ISSN  2510-4705 , p. 223–228 , doi : 10.11588 / fc.2019.3.68375 ( [accessed December 4, 2019]).