Jakob Christoph Santlus

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Jakob Christoph Santlus (born May 30, 1809 in Hofheim , Duchy of Nassau ; † March 23, 1873 in Diez , Kingdom of Prussia ) was a German medic .


After attending the seminar in Mainz Santlus studied from 1827 two years at the University of Tubingen theology . In 1829 he moved to the University of Würzburg with the intention of further training in oriental languages with Kilian Joseph Fischer , but there he switched to medicine. After completing his studies, he returned to his homeland and was a medical accessist in Ransbach from 1835 , in Weilmünster from 1838 and medical assistant in Runkel from 1841 . Just one year later he was transferred to Westerburg and was given the title of Countial Leiningen Council. From 1852 he worked in Hadamar , in 1855 as a medical advisor in Selters and from 1862 finally in Diez .

Due to his position as a doctor at the prison at Schloss Schaumburg , his writings mostly deal with forensic , psychiatric and psychological topics. He declined further employment as a spa doctor in Wiesbaden and Bad Ems or as director of the Eichberg insane asylum .

Santlus was a corresponding member of the Société des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles, the association of Baden medical officials for the promotion of state medicine, the Offenbach association for natural history and the German association for psychiatry. On April 20, 1863 , he was elected a member of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , nicknamed Ernst Platner .

Works (selection)

His writings appeared mainly in the journal for the state medicine and in the correspondence sheet of the German society for psychiatry and judicial psychology . His son published 3 more papers posthumously in Friedreich's papers for forensic medicine and medical police . Published separately:

  • On the increase in mental illnesses and their connection with the sexual functions and sexually transmitted diseases . Separately printed from A. Henke's Zeitschrift für die Staatsarzneikunde. Verlag von Palm & Enke (Adolph Enke), Erlangen 1859, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10474469-7 .
  • About wrong expressions of will with full consciousness and their behavior towards imputation . Separately printed from A. Henke's Zeitschrift für die Staatsarzneikunde. Verlag von Palm & Enke (Adolph Enke), Erlangen 1862, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10474470-0 .
  • On the psychology of human instincts . Publishing house of JH Heuser'schen Buchhandlung, Neuwied & Leipzig 1864 ( google.de ).
  • Notes on the psychological consequences of the head injuries, especially the lesions of the anterior lobe of the brain and the speech defects caused by them . Publishing house of the JH Heuser'schen Buchhandlung, Neuwied & Leipzig 1865.


  • Jakob Christoph Santlus . In: Wilhelm Behn (Ed.): Leopoldina . Official organ of the Imperial Leopoldine-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists. 8th issue, no. 8 . E. Blochmann & Sohn, Dresden April 1873, p. 60-61 ( google.de ).
  • Winter: Santlus, Jakob Christoph . In: Ernst Julius Gurlt , August Hirsch (ed.): Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of all times and peoples . 6th volume (driver types. Supplements and additions.). Urban & Schwarzenberg, Vienna and Leipzig 1888, p. 993 ( archive.org ).
  • Alma Kreuter: Santlus, Jakob Christoph . In: German-speaking neurologists and psychiatrists . A biographical-bibliographical lexicon from the precursors to the middle of the 20th century. 3rd volume (Paetz-Zwinger). KG Saur, Munich, New Providence, London & Paris 1996, p. 1232-1233 .

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