Jean Mandaroux

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Jean Mandaroux (born April 16, 1917 in Paris , † July 25, 1983 ) was a French film architect .

Live and act

Mandaroux received an artistic training at the École Boulle. He then worked as a sculptor, architect and tapestry designer. Immediately after the end of the Second World War, he began his cinema activities. Since the late 1940s he has been an assistant production designer, in the 1950s he was assigned to his colleague Robert Giordani as an assistant and was involved in films such as “ Monsieur Tugendsam ” (1950), “ Monsieur Fabre ” (1951), “ The Lady Hairdresser ”(1952),“ Public Enemy No. 1 ”(1953)“ Stopover in Paris ”(1954) and“ The Lazy One ”(1957) involved.

Jean Mandaroux was appointed chief architect for the first time in 1954, and since 1958 he has worked exclusively in this position. Robert Hossein , who mainly worked as an actor, engaged Mandaroux for one or the other of his productions. Mandaroux created extensive decorations for his three-hour remake of Victor Hugo's drama Les Misérables . Orson Welles brought him in 1961 for his ambitious Kafka adaptation “ The Trial ”. Mandaroux designed further backdrops for comedies and crime thriller by directors Georges Lautner and Christian-Jaque . Occasional collaborations have brought him together with the Nouvelle Vague directors Louis Malle (“ Elevator to the Scaffold ”) and François Truffaut (“ The Wolf Boy ”, Table and Bed ”).


  • 1954: Les lettres de mon moulin
  • 1956: The Wolves ( Pardonnez-nous nos offenses )
  • 1956: Father against his will ( Era di venerdi 17 )
  • 1957: Elevator to the scaffold ( L'ascenseur pour l'échafaud )
  • 1958: Le gendarme de Champignol
  • 1959: The Kanaille ( Le canailles )
  • 1959: Murder at 45 tours ( Meurtre en 45 tours )
  • 1960: Skin for skin ( Le goût de la violence )
  • 1961: Death drove in the elevator ( Le monte-charge )
  • 1962: The trial ( Le procès )
  • 1962: How do you like my sister? ( Comment trouvez-vous ma soeur? )
  • 1963: The Devil's Weak Side ( Les bonnes causes )
  • 1963: Carambolage ( Carambolages )
  • 1963: FBI Agent Cooper - The Tex Case ( Coplan prend des risques )


  • Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 5: L - N. Rudolf Lettinger - Lloyd Nolan. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 242.

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