Jelena Abramovna Davidovich

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Jelena Abramovna Dawidowitsch ( Russian Елена Абрамовна Давидович ; born December 24, 1922 in Krasnoyarsk ; † December 5, 2013 in Moscow ) was a Soviet - Russian archaeologist and numismatist .


The family settled in Tashkent , and Davidovich attended middle school there. She studied during the German-Soviet war in Tashkent at the Central Asian University in History - Faculty while working as a nurse in the hospital. After completing her studies in 1945, she stayed at the university, specialized in archeology with Mikhail Evgenyevich Masson and taught at his chair in archeology. During the 1948 excavation campaign in Nisa , she discovered a treasure with Parthian Rhyta . She married her fellow student Boris Anatoljewitsch Litwinsky (1923-2010).

When the prominent orientalist Alexander Alexandrowitsch Semjonow (1873-1958) founded the Donisch Institute for History and Archeology in Dushanbe at the end of the 1940s , he hired Dawidowitsch and Litvinsky as research assistants. Dawidowitsch received her doctorate in history in 1965 . In 1969 she was appointed professor .

In the early 1970s, Dawidowitsch and Litvinski moved to Moscow in the Institute for History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR at the invitation of Director Bobodschon Ghafurow (1908–1977). There Dawidowitsch headed the sector for source studies . Her research focus was the numismatics of Central Asia and the Middle East .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Умерла вдова ученого-востоковеда Бориса Литвинского Елена Давидович (accessed May 2, 2020).
  2. a b Pushkin Museum : Elena Abramovna Davidovich (accessed on May 2, 2020).
  3. Давидович Е. А .: История монетного дела Средней Азии XVII – XVIII вв. (Золотые и серебряные монеты Джанидов) . Изд-во Акад. наук Таджик. ССР, Dushanbe 1964 ( [1] [accessed May 2, 2020]).
  4. ^ Davidovitch, EA: The First hoard of tetradrachmas of the Kuṣāṇa " Heraios " . In: Hecataeus . 1984, p. 147-177 .