Jesús, María y José

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Original title Jesús, María y José
Country of production Mexico
original language Spanish
Publishing year 1972
length 85 minutes
Director Miguel Zacarías
script Miguel Zacarías
production Alfredo Zacarías
music Enrico C. Cabiati
camera Raúl Domínguez
cut Federico Landeros

Jesús, María y José is a Mexican feature from director Miguel Zacarías from the year 1972 . It deals with the childhood of Jesus Christ . The film premiered on March 23, 1972 in Mexico.


After the child murder in Bethlehem , the Holy Family consisting of Jesus , Mary and Joseph of Nazareth set out to flee to Egypt . Josef works there as a carpenter; the family befriends the Egyptian Amroth. One day when Jesus brought a small dog home and Joseph expressed concern that a dog would need a lot of food, Jesus turned a bowl of water into milk. Jesus calls his dog Amroth.

When Amroth asked Josef to build a cross for the execution of a criminal, he refused. Joseph and Mary consider how to proceed. An angel appears to Joseph and tells him that he should return to Nazareth with Mary and Jesus, since those who once persecuted them have since died. When they are in danger of being attacked by a band of robbers on their way through the desert, Jesus lets himself and his parents disappear for a short time.

In Nazareth, which is still under Roman occupation, Jesus entertains the people with tricks performed by his dog Amroth.

High priest Kajaphas welcomes Jesus into his school class in the synagogue, where Jesus soon pushes the high priest to his limits through critical questions. After a short time, Caiaphas sent Jesus home again. At home, Jesus impressed Mary and Joseph with, among other things, his ability to read the Holy Scriptures in Hebrew. While Jesus continues to study the Scriptures and the prophets with Zacchaeus, Joseph teaches him to be a carpenter.

Joseph is commissioned by the fishermen Simon Petrus and Andreas to repair their damaged boat. Joseph and Jesus help Peter and Andreas when a market woman accuses the two fishermen of cheating on them.

A little later, Mary and Joseph take in Johannes , the son of Mary's relative Elizabeth , with them; Jesus and John become friends. On the way, both are harassed by a group of young people who, however, cannot do anything against them. For example, when they want to destroy clay birds that Jesus and John made together, Jesus brings the clay birds to life so that they can immediately fly away.

A few years later, during the Passover festival , Mary and Joseph made a pilgrimage with the twelve-year-old Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem . There Jesus catches the eye of the temple visitors with his wise words. While Mary and Joseph are on their way home to Nazareth with John, Jesus remains behind to discuss with the high priests. On the way, Mary and Joseph notice the absence of Jesus and decide to look for him. After returning to Jerusalem, they finally find him in the temple in conversation with the high priests. In response to Mary's reproaches, Jesus replies that he was in his father's temple.

After returning to Nazareth, Jesus arouses Kajaphas' displeasure when he compares the temple with a marketplace. At the same time he learns, dismayed by Zacchaeus, that he has to leave home with John to continue his studies. Mary and Joseph speak to him soothingly. Shortly before Jesus' departure, Amroth dies. To Joseph's horror, Jesus takes a crucifix with him when he leaves. Mary and Joseph come to the conclusion that God has provided Jesus with a task that is too big for this world.


Miguel Zacarías also made the films Jesús, el niño Dios , who depicts the birth of Jesus, and Jesús, nuestro Señor , who describes the work of the adult Jesus up to the crucifixion. In 1980, all three films were processed together with El pecado de Adán y Eva, also directed by Miguel Zacarías, to La vida de nuestro señor Jesucristo .

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