Jesús, nuestro Señor

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Original title Jesús, nuestro Señor
Country of production Mexico
original language Spanish
Publishing year 1971
length 115 minutes
Director Miguel Zacarías
script Miguel Zacarías
production Alfredo Zacarías
music Enrico C. Cabiati
camera Eduardo Rojo
cut Federico Landeros

Jesús, nuestro Señor is a Mexican feature film from 1971 directed by Miguel Zacarías . It deals with the life of Jesus Christ . The film premiered on April 8, 1971 in Mexico.


Many years after the birth of Jesus Christ , John the Baptist carries out his mission to preach and baptize those who are willing to repent. John , the son of Zebedee , joins him. A little later, Jesus Christ comes to John to be baptized by him. Shortly thereafter, John the Baptist was arrested for criticizing Herod Antipas for marrying his brother's wife. Herod Antipas has John the Baptist thrown into dungeon.

After his baptism, Jesus spends 40 days and nights fasting in the desert and is tempted by Satan . Jesus leaves his home with his mother Mary to begin his mission and gathers Andreas , Simon Peter , John and James the Elder , Philip , Bartholomew , Matthew and Judas Iscariot as disciples around him.

When Jesus is a guest at the wedding in Cana , the wine supply runs out. He follows his mother's request for help and turns water into wine. A little later he has to deal with the high priests when he heals a blind man on the Sabbath . He meets the sinful Mary Magdalene and casts out her seven demons.

Impressed by the dancing skills of his stepdaughter Salome , Herod Antipas promises to grant her every wish. When, at the suggestion of her mother Herodias , Herod's wife, she wants the head of John the Baptist, Herod Antipas has the Baptist executed.

A little later, Jesus comforts a mother by bringing her recently deceased son back to life, heals a paralyzed man in Bethesda , feeds thousands of people on the Sea of ​​Galilee by multiplying bread , walks over the water and raises his deceased friend Lazarus from the dead.

The news of Lazarus' resurrection also reaches the high priests. They see their position in jeopardy because Jesus calls himself King of Israel and the people could follow him. Jesus' entry into Jerusalem increases their reservations. They see it as a further provocation when Jesus drives the traders out of the temple . Shortly afterwards he brings the deceased daughter of Jairus back to life and saves an adulteress from stoning .

When Jesus once more called the high priests hypocrites, they made up their minds to kill Jesus. At the Last Supper , Jesus announced to his disciples that he had a way before him where they could not follow him. One of them will betray him, Peter will deny him three times. While he was washing his feet , Judas went to the high priests and was given thirty pieces of silver. Jesus distributes bread and wine to his disciples and finally goes with them to the garden of Gethsemane .

There Jesus prays and awaits Judas, who betrays him with a kiss to the thieves. Jesus is arrested and interrogated by the high priest. While he is being brought to Pontius Pilate , Peter denies him three times. However, Pilate finds no guilt in Jesus. To escape the pressure from the high priest, he sends Jesus to Herod and has him scourged. The people demand that Barabbas be released instead of Jesus on the occasion of the festival of Passover . Finally, Pilate gives in to the demands and condemns Jesus to be crucified .

While Jesus is carrying his cross to Golgotha , Judas repents of his betrayal, throws the silverlings into the temple and hangs himself. During Jesus' crucifixion , the blind man whom Jesus once healed on the Sabbath is dismayed by why Jesus does not save himself. After Jesus' resurrection , disciple Thomas doubts and only believes when Jesus appears to the disciples. After Jesus prays the Our Father with the disciples , the disciples become witnesses of Jesus' ascension to heaven .


Miguel Zacarías also made the films Jesús, el niño Dios , which describes the birth of Jesus, and Jesús, María y José , who describes Jesus' childhood. In 1980, all three films were processed together with El pecado de Adán y Eva, also directed by Miguel Zacarías, to La vida de nuestro señor Jesucristo .

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