Yevgeny Abramowitsch Rosenblum

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Yevgeny Abramowitsch Rosenblum ( Russian Евгений Абрамович Розенблюм ; born September 27, 1919 in Rostov-on-Don ; † November 8, 2000 in Moscow ) was a Soviet architect , designer and university teacher .


Rosenblum's parents were the lawyer Abram Morduchowitsch Rosenblum (* 1890) and his wife Lei (Lidija) Israilewna Rosenblum (1890-1981), a graduate of the Bestuschewskije kursy . In 1920 the parents separated, and the mother and her son settled in Moscow. She was a member of the Moscow Municipal College of Lawyers . She appeared as a defense attorney in the Shakhty trial and then headed the legal department of the newspaper association.

After graduating from high school in 1938, Rosenblum studied at the Moscow Architecture Institute under Iwan Wladislawowitsch Scholtowski . At the beginning of the German-Soviet War , he joined the Red Army as a volunteer in June 1941 and fought on the Stalingrad Front , the 4th Ukrainian Front and the 3rd Belarusian Front . After demobilization in 1946, he graduated from the Moscow Architecture Institute in 1947.

After completing his studies, Rosenblum worked for the architects Andrei Konstantinowitsch Burow , Alexander Alexandrowitsch Wesnin and Iwan Iljitsch Leonidow . The projects carried out also included cultural houses and palaces . In 1952 he was called up again for the Red Army and served on the engineering staff of the Pacific Fleet .

After his return in 1953, Rosenblum worked as a designer in the Decorative Arts Combine of the Moscow Department of the Art Fund, where he then became workshop manager. According to Rosenblum's and Alexander Borissowitsch Borezki's project, the pavilion of the fine baker's administration was built at the All Union agricultural exhibition in 1954. In 1955 Rosenblum built the Culture Palace in Frjasino . He designed the 1956 National Education Exhibition of the USSR in Warsaw , the Science Department at the 1959 Soviet Exhibition in New York and the 1961 Textile Industry Exhibition in the Moscow Manege .

From 1962 Rosenblum was the artistic director of the art construction office of the Moscow Economic Soviet. At the same time he taught at the Moscow Stroganov Academy of Art and Industry . The focus of his work was the strategy and tactics of artistic project planning when designing objects. He realized a large number of projects and described his methodology in many publications. One of his students was Taras Panteleimonowitsch Polyakow .

In 1964 Rosenblum founded the Central Study and Experimentation Studio , the so-called Seneschskaja Studija , the Union of Artists of the USSR, together with Vyacheslav Leonidowitsch Glazychev , and then headed it.

In 1992, Rosenblum became Vice President of the European Academy for Urban Culture in Berlin , which Vyacheslav Leonidowitsch Glazychev was involved in structuring in 1989.

Rosenblum was buried in the Wagankowoer cemetery .

Honors, prizes

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Tombstone of the Rosenblum family (accessed on August 29, 2019).
  2. a b c d e f Майстровская М. Т .: Евгений Розенблюм и экспозиционное искусство . In: Проблемы дизайна-6: сборник статей . Moscow 2012, p. 86-106 .
  3. Орлова Е .: Умер Евгений Розенблюм . In: Kommersant . November 10, 2000 ( [1] [accessed September 2, 2019]).
  4. Rossiskaya Evreiskaya Enziklopedija: Розенблюм лидия израилевна (accessed August 29, 2019).
  5. a b c Дукельский В. Ю .: Евгений Абрамович Розенблюм . In: Проблемы дизайна-6: сборник статей . Moscow 2012, p. 81-83 .
  6. Артемова Н. Н .: Егорьевский художественный музей и Е. А. Розенблюм . In: Проблемы дизайна-6: сборник статей . Moscow 2012, p. 163-171 .
  7. Гaлеrея Сtудия. В память о Е. А. Розенблюме (accessed September 2, 2019).
  8. Орлова Э. А .: Художественное проектирование как мировоззрение . In: Проблемы дизайна-6: сборник статей . Moscow 2012, p. 123-150 .
  9. Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 02/17/2000 г. № 365 (accessed September 2, 2019).