Johan Harstad

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Johan Harstad (2008)

Johan Harstad (born February 10, 1979 in Stavanger ) is a Norwegian writer of short stories , short stories and novels .


Harstadt grew up in Stavanger in Rogaland in southwestern Norway , studied literature at the University of Trondheim ( Technical and Natural Science University of Norway ) and now lives in Oslo . He published his first shorter texts in 2000 in Gyldendal's debut anthology Postboks 6860 . In 2001 his first independent work was published, the short prose collection Herfra blir du bare eldre ( Eng . From here on you only get older). Just one year later (2002), eleven short stories , some of them longer, were available under the title Ambulanse, some of which were longer , which were translated into French and some into German .

In 2005 he left Buzz Aldrin with his debut novel , hvor ble det av deg i alt mylderet? (Eng. Buzz Aldrin where were you in all this mess ) the short forms. Most of the novel is set in the village of Gjógv in the Faroe Islands , where it has quickly earned the reputation of a cult book. The focus is on the young Norwegian gardener Mattias, who accompanies a friend to the archipelago in the Atlantic and wants to return to his home town of Stavanger after a week. But not only is his girlfriend leaving him after twelve years of a seemingly problem-free relationship. Otherwise his life is gradually spiraling out of control. In the style of Latin American magical realism , the spatial and temporal dimensions expand: in 2019 Mattias is apparently close to the universe that has always fascinated him. He is particularly interested in Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin , the second man on the moon who - unlike Neil Armstrong - seems long forgotten. The Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet judged the book: "A trip to the moon from a novel!"

Buzz Aldrin, hvor ble det av deg i alt mylderet has been translated into around a dozen languages ​​and filmed as a four-part series by Norwegian Radio .

In 2015, Harstad presented Max, Mischa & Tetoffensiven , which was sold to Denmark, Germany ( Max, Mischa and the Tet-Offensive , published in 2019 by Rowohlt Verlag), the Netherlands and Spain.

The author also works as a graphic designer and with various film and music projects. Among other things, he designs the book covers for his books himself.




  • Grader av hvitt , 2007
  • Washington , 2007
  • Krasnoyarsk , 2008
  • Brødmannens memoarer del 1: Akapulco , 2007
  • Brødmannens memoarer del 2: Ellis Iland , 2009
  • Osv. , 2010


See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Geir Henning Hopland: Buzz Aldrin, hvor ble det av deg i alt mylderet? PROMO November 1st , 2011, accessed May 26th, 2019 .