Johann Botsack
Johann Botsack (also: Botsaccus; born June 11, 1600 in Herford , † September 16, 1674 in Danzig ) was a German Protestant theologian.
Botsack was born as the son of the then citizen in Herfort and later vicar in Lübeck Barthold Botsack and his wife Elisabeth (née Nagel). His grandfather was the Herford mayor Johannes Botsack and the grandmother on his father's side was Katharina Wittig von Liegen. After initial training by private teachers and at the elementary school in Herford, he continued his training in Lübeck in 1613 . There he found acceptance in the household of his uncle, the businessman Friedrich Botsack. This enabled him to stay at the grammar school in Hamburg at the age of fourteen and in 1617 to study at the University of Wittenberg . Here Friedrich Balduin , Wolfgang Franz , Jakob Martini , Balthasar Meisner and Nikolaus Hunnius became his teachers. In 1618 he returned to Lübeck for health reasons and then continued his training at the University of Königsberg with Cölestin Myslenta .
However, because of the plague that fell there, he did not stay there long and therefore moved to the University of Rostock in 1620 . Here it was above all Paul Tarnow and Johann Affelmann who influenced his theological development. On June 2, 1625, he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophical sciences in Rostock. He then became tutor for Helwig Garth's children . He accompanied his eldest son Christian Garth to Wittenberg and trained him until he was able to acquire his master's degree. In Wittenberg he also worked as a private lecturer and completed further studies with Paul Röber , Wilhelm Leyser and Johann Hülsemann . On 15 (19). In July 1630 he obtained a licentiate in theology there and received his doctorate in theology on March 15, 1631.
In August 1631 he moved to the Danzig Academic Gymnasium as rector and at the same time became pastor of St. Mary's Church on October 30, 1631 . In the spiritual ministry of the city he led from 1643 to 1661 as Senior ministerii the chair. and was at the same time senior pastor of the St. Johanniskirche there. In March 1672 he was retired from his position.
Botsack became known as a like-minded fellow of Abraham Calov and as a participant in the Collegium in Thorn in 1645, where he was one of the main representatives of the Lutheran creed alongside Calov and Johann Hülsemann . In Danzig, with Calov, he pushed through the gnesiolutheran tendency over the ideas of the Philippists . As a Lutheran theologian of the 17th century, he filled his writings with denominational polemics against Catholics, Reformed people and sects .
His first marriage was in Wittenberg in February 1631 with Sabina Hettenbach († December 7, 1642 in Danzig), the daughter of the professor of medicine Ernestus Hettenbach , the widow of the professor of theology Wolfgang Franz . His second marriage was in 1644 with Adelgunde Cramer († December 17, 1659 in Danzig), the daughter of the pastor St. Johann in Danzig Mag. Johann Jacob Cramer. The marriage had six children. Three sons and three daughters. Two sons and a daughter died before their father. Two daughters and one son survived the father. From the children we know:
- To. Maria Elisabeth Botsack ⚭ Ernst von Dorne
- To. Adelgunde Botsack ⚭ with Melchior Scheffler
- So. Nathanel Friedrich Botsack
He was the uncle of the Braunschweig superintendent and Copenhagen theology professor Bartholomäus Botsack .
Works (selection)
- Promptuarium Allegoriarum Et Similitudinum Theologicarum: Quibus Pleraque Doctrinae Christianae capita illustrantur; Cum Praefatione Nicolai Hunnii , SS. Theologiae D. Ecclesiae Lubecensis Superintendentis. Et Indice Triplici, Locorum Scripturae Allegorumenōn, Rerum ad seriem literarum; Earundemq [ue] ad varia exordia homiliarum, in Evangel. & Epistolas, applicatarum. Franz Dunder, Lübeck, 1626; New editions Franz Dunder, Lübeck 1628, 1629, 1633, 1657.
- Demonstratio Evidens, quod Ecclesia Romano-Papistica, Non Sit Sancta: Ex Propriis, domesticisq [ue] testimoniis Pontificiorum extructa, contra gloriationes quorundam, eorundem: Indice Triplici. Autorum, Materiarum & Capitum, Earundem Ordine Alphabetico recensitarum instructa. Zacharias Schürer (heirs), Wittenberg, 1629 ( digitized version )
- Promptuarium Allegoriarum: tributum in Centurias XVIII. & supra. Franz Dunder / Valentin Schmalhertz; Lübeck, 1629
- Demonstratio Evidens, quod Ecclesia Romano-Papistica, Non Sit Sancta: Ex Propriis, domesticisq [ue] testimoniis Pontificiorum extructa, contra gloriationes quorundam, eorundem: Indice Triplici. Autorum, Materiarum & Capitum, Earundem Ordine Alphabetico recensitarum instructa. Zacharias Schürer (heirs) -Salomon Auerbach (heirs), Wittenberg, 1629 ( digitized version )
- Promptuarium Allegoriarum: tributum in Centurias XVIII. & supra. Franz Dunder / Valentin Schmalhertz, Lübeck, 1629; Franz Dunder / Valentin Schmalhertz, Lübeck, 1633;
- Evangelicum Cavete: This is / Christian / Evangelical warning for the Roman Bäpstischen Lehr / according to the guidance of the infallible word of God and order of the D. Catechismi / D. Mart: Luth. S .: Provided for the simple-minded; to learn from it / how the Roman teaching overturns all chief parts of the catechism / and removes all consolation of souls. Paul Helwig, Wittenberg, 1630
- Pia, ingenua debitaq [ue] commonefactio, & gravissima per Deum obtestatio illorum omnium, quibus salus curae est, De Multis Absurdissimis, Ecclesiae Et Reip. Summo Tandem Exitio Futuris Erroribus circa fidei principia, naturam, & fructus, qui obtruduntur hodieq [ue] defensitantur, in Iure Pontificio, Pontificali Romano, Ceremoniali Romano, Conformitatibus Francisci, Libris quibusdam Suarez, Marianae, Bellarminae, Becci ... . Paul Helwig, Wittenberg, 1630 (Disp. Inaug. Pres. Paul Röber)
- Evangelicum Cavete: This is / Christian / Evangelical warning for the Roman Bäpstischen Lehr / according to the guidance of the infallible word of God and order of the D. Catechismi / D. Mart: Luth. S.: Provided for the simple-minded; to learn from it / how the Roman teaching overturns all chief parts of the catechism / and removes all consolation of souls. Paul Helwig, Wittenberg, 1630
- Prooemium Iubilaeum, that is: Evangelical preparatory sermon / Auff that Christian Lutheran jubilee festival / of the churches ... the unaltered Augsburg Confession. Of the right sanctification and preparation of our hearts / for such a feast day of the Lord: From the ordained Evangelical text Lucae 1.v. 57. & c. On the S. Johannis days / ... held in Wittenberg. Paul Helwig / Christian Thamm (heirs), Wittenberg, 1630, ( digitized )
- D. Eliae Schilleri Foundations of Catholic truth repudiated: Or counter-report from God's word and confession of Rom. Papal teachers / that the true Church of God at the Evangelical Augspurg. Confession to be found (not at the Roman Bäpstischen) at any time. Paul Helwig, Wittenberg, 1630,
- The Christian prayer anchor: It shows: 1. How difficult the challenge is, as if God does not want to answer the prayer of his believers ... 2. How to anticipate this challenge with ... reasons of consolation. Paul Helwig-Job Wilhelm Fincelius, Wittenberg, 1630
- Contradictiones Pontificiae. Sive: Ecclesia Romano-Pontificia probatur, Non Esse Vera, Quia Non Est Una, unitate fidei: Et quidem, in nullo doctrinae Christianae capite, Concors esse demonstratur, Ex veteribus, & maxime recentioribus Scholae Pontificiae autoribus, Cum indice triplici .... Johann Helwig / Georg Müller the Elder J., Wittenberg, 1631;
- Antivalerianus sive Religio Romano-Papistica, probatur, non esse Vera, Quia Regulae credendi falsae & dubiae innititur: Contra Valeriani Magni, Mediolanensis, & c. Iudicium de Acatholicorum regula credendi, Pragae 1628. editum. Gottfried Grosse / Johann Albrecht Mintzel, Leipzig, 1631, ( digitized version )
- Simple warning, for the New Photinian or Arian doctrine, founded in ten important causes .... Georg Rethe, Danzig, 1632
- Joachimi Stegmanni Prob the simple warning for the New Photinian / or Arian doctrine. Sebastian Sternacki, Rakow, 1633
- Hostia Precum: Cum Auctario corollariorum, De Ieiunio. Sive Problemata XXI. De Oratione, De quibus ... Georg Rhete, Danzig, 1633. ( digitized version )
- Brevarium SS Theologiae: in duos libros. Georg Rhete, Danzig, 1634 ( digitized version )
- Sixty Devotions From the word of patience: a) Psal. 92/13. The righteous shall green like a palm tree. b) Apoc. 2/10. Sey getrew bit the dead / so I will give you the crown of life. c) Psal. 84/12. The Lord God is sun and shield .... David Rhete, Szczecin, 1635
- Constant proof / That the Reformed / or Calvinians / the true unaltered Augspurgischen Confession are not partially / still attached: Main evidence set in eight toes ... Valentin Schmalhertz / Johann Embs, Lübeck, 1635;
- Anti-Stegmannus: This is / Warhieftige counter-prob of the wrong prob Joachimi Stegmans / the Socinian or Arrian community / at Clausenburg in Siegenbürgen / been servant. Or. Repeated ... warning / for Arrian and Socian teaching .... Georg Rhete, Danzig, 1635;
- Permanent proof that the Reformed / or Calvinians / the true unaltered Augspurgischen Confession do not participate / are still attached. Johann Embs / Valentin Schmalhertz, Lübeck, 1635;
- Disputatio De Traditionibus Pontificiis. Resp. Andreas Terruhn (* Gartz / Pomerania). Georg Rhete, Danzig, 1635 ( digitized version )
- Petrologiae, sive, de huius oraculi, Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi: Matt. 16th v. 18. Resp. Johann Redeker (* Herford / Westphalia). Georg Rhete, Danzig, 1636 ( digitized version )
- Paraballetairos: hoc est: I. Falsa sodalitas Calvinianorum, in A. invariata Confessione. II. D. Joh: Crocii, Proilla, inania argumenta. III. Colloquii Lipsiensis 1631. perversa interpretatio. IV. Repetitio vitiorum Philippicae, variatae Confessionis: cum Praefatione Ad ... Fridericum Metzsch: ... in qua de causis recusati Colloquii cuiusdam, contra susurros nonullorum disseritur. Georg Rhethe, Danzig, 1636 ( digitized version )
- Anteambulo Epistolicus, praemissus suo Reformato Pseudoaugustano, quem suo tempore opponet Reformato Augustano nuper a D. Georgio Pauli, & c. evulgato: Ad omnes, veritatis, pacis & libertatis in utraq [ue] Ecclesia, Lutherana & Calviniana, amatores. Georg Rhete, Danzig, 1637, ( digitized version )
- Explanation of the Zehen Articuls, the changed, and to Augspurg, Kayser Carolo the V. Christmildest Memorial, given Lutheran Confession or Confession, From Holy Communion. Georg Rhete, Danzig, 1637;
- Evangelium primum, Hoc est: Scholastica consideratio dulcissimae simulac antiquissimae promissionis de semine mulieris. Resp. Laurentius Rhetius (* Köslin). Georg Rhete, Danzig, 1638;
- Reformatus Pseudoaugustanus Hoc Est Antapologia D. Johannis Botsacci, SS Theol. PP & Rectoris Gymnasii Dantiscani ...: in qua de A. Confessionis iure, origine, caussis scriptionis mutatione, variatione, societate, Deq [ue] origine & caußis controversiarum Reformato-Zwinglianorum: fuse disseritur; & primipilares controversiae, De persona Christi De praedestinatione De S. Coena Domini ... discutiuntur Contra Phlyarias Georgii Pauli D. in Apologia ipsius 1637. Bremae edita proditas. Johann Embs / Valentin Schmalhertz, Lübeck, 1638, ( digitized )
- Moralium Gedanensium Libri XX. & ultra: Series Literarum Recensiti, Oraculis Sacrae Scripturae, Exemplis, Patrum dictis, allegoriis, similibus, historiis sacris, profanis, usibus Theologicis, convestiti: Ad ... DD. Gedanensis Civitatis, Patriae Patres; Adiecti sunt Indices, Dictorum S. Scripturae & Rerum, locupletißimi. Lubecae: Volckius 1655; New edition 1678.
- Anabaptism Reprobatus: That is: Refutation of the Anabaptist teachings: In IX. Samples and causes founded / from H. Göttlicher Schrifft / Orthodoxis Patrib: and reinforced historicis executed ... Lübeck: Volck 1661.
- Breviarium SS Theologiae: In Duos Libros distributum Et Methodice digestum In Usum Scholarum regiae urbis Gedani. Magdeburgi: Lüderwaldus 1669.
- Exercitatio Astronomica De Statione Solis tempore Josuae. [Wittebergae]: Meyerus 1670; 2nd edition 1679.
- Julius August Wagenmann: Botsack, Johann . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 3, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1876, p. 200 f.
- Christian Omuth: Christian corpse-seremon, Bey respectable and very popular corpse-funeral, of the most venerable, grand bahrn and highly learned lord, Dn. Johannis Botsacci, The Heil. Font well-known Doct. and surrounded the entire Evangelical Church with well-deserved theology, including the Churches of St. Mary's in Danzig, faithful pastors; of an honor: Ministerii Senioris, and finally Emeriti: From the words so Apocal, 22nd verse. 12th 13th 14th to read. David Friedrich Rhet, Danzig, 1674 ( digitized version )
- ^ Entry by Johann Botsack in the Rostock matriculation portal
- ↑ Helwig Garth (* December 28, 1579 in Kirdorf / Hessen near Alsfeld; † December 5, 1619 in Prague), father: Balthasar Garth (* April 25, 1550 in Frankenberg; † October 30, 1598 in Alsfeld (Pest)) 1566 University. Marburg, Mag. Phil., 1578 Rev. Kirdorf / Hessen, 1584 Rev. Alsfeld; Mother: Katharina Höltzscher (also: Hältscher; * 1562; † October 28, 1598 in Alsfeld (Pest)), 1591 Hirschfeld School, October 15, 1594 University of Marburg, Bacc. phil ibid., 1597 Mag. phil. ibid., 1601 University of Strasbourg, January 14, 1602 University of Tübingen, May 11, 1602 Doctor theol. ibid., February 16, 1603 Uni. Wittenberg, July 6th 1603 ord. Stadtkirche Wittenberg, October 25th, 1603 Oberpfarrer a. Superintendent Oschatz, December 1609 Superintendent Freiberg / Saxony, 1613 Rev. St. Salvator Prague, 1619 Kon.Ass. ibid., ⚭ April 24, 1604 in Wittenberg with Sabine Hunnius (* September 3, 1580 in Marburg; † October 20, 1621 in Wittenberg), To. d. Prof. theol. at the University. Wittenberg Egidius Hunnius the Elder , (five children, three sons and two daughters) To. Eleonore Katharina Garth (* 1606 in Oschatz; † July 30, 1621 in Wittenberg), To. Sabine Justine Garth (born August 30, 1608 in Oschatz, † November 18, 1615 in Prague). So. Aegidius Gart († young), So. NN Garth († young): div. Lit. Roth: Lp. R 9332, Matr. Uni. Wittenberg, Heidelberg, Marburg, Frenckel: Diptycha Ositientia, Eckert: Pfb. Prague. Hütteroth, Milbrad: Pfb. Hessen, Garthius, (Helvicus). In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 10, Leipzig 1735, column 364., Jöcher 2, col. 868;
- ↑ Christian Garth (* Freiberg / Saxony) October 28, 1622 Uni. Wittenberg (dep.), March 29, 1631 Mag. Phil ibid., Teacher and rector Freiberg, matriculation Uni. Wittenberg AAV IV, p. 270, no. 375
- ↑ Heinz Neumeyer, "Danzig", in: Theologische Realenzyklopädie : 36 vol., Berlin: de Gruyter, 1977-2007, vol. 8: 'Chlodwig - Dionysius Areopagita' (1981), pp. 353-357, here p. 355. ISBN 3-11-008563-1 .
Web links
- Publications by and about Johann Botsack in VD 17 .
- Botsack, Johann in the Common Library Network (GBV)
- Botsack, Johann at the German Digital Library
- Johann Botsack in the Rostock matriculation portal
personal data | |
SURNAME | Botsack, Johann |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | Protestant theologian |
DATE OF BIRTH | June 11, 1600 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Herford |
DATE OF DEATH | September 16, 1674 |
Place of death | Danzig |