Johann Daniel Donat

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Self portrait
Portrait of Julie Reichstein from Leeuwen

Johann Daniel Donat (Hungarian Donát János, born December 22, 1744 in Klosterneuzelle ; † May 11, 1830 in Pest ) was an Austrian portrait painter born in Germany who worked in Vienna and Pest.

From July 27, 1766, Johann Daniel Donat studied at the Vienna Art Academy with Martin van Meytens , Franz Edmund Weirotter and Jacob Matthias Schmutzer .

In 1779 he painted portraits of all the envoys present in Teschen for the peace negotiations .

After graduating, he worked as a portraitist in Vienna until 1812, then in Pest. In addition to the portraits, Donat painted some altar leaves in Pest .

He was married twice. His first wife was Theresia Rössler (1745–1802), his second wife Susanna Rieger (1784–1849).

His works are in Austrian and Hungarian museums and private collections.


Web links

Commons : János Donát  - collection of images, videos and audio files