Johann Friedrich Droysen

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Johann Friedrich Droysen (born July 19, 1770 in Greifswald ; † October 10, 1814 there ) was a German mathematician and astronomer .

Johann Friedrich Droysen came from a family of preachers from Swedish Pomerania , which produced several scholars. His father Julius Friedrich Droysen († May 10, 1785) was a general practitioner in Greifswald and assessor at the Medical College. Educated in private lessons by the later Barther Pastor Dorn, Johann Friedrich Droysen studied theology at the University of Greifswald from 1788 to 1792 , then philosophy for a year at the University of Jena . Returning to Western Pomerania , he became tutor to Chamberlain Felix von Behr, whom he accompanied on trips as a guide.

In 1799 he became an adjunct at the philosophical faculty of the University of Greifswald. In the summer of 1802 he gave free lectures on experimental physics as well as mathematical and physical description of the earth. In 1806 he became associate professor, in 1812 full professor of mathematics and astronomy. In 1813 he was elected rector of the university. He wrote several papers on scientific and scientific history topics.

Fonts (selection)

  • Progr. On the practical presentation and usefulness of legal mathematics. Greifswald 1798.
  • Talk of the merits of Swedish scholars in mathematics and physics. Greifswald 1800.
  • Remarks collected on a trip through Holland and part of France in the summer of 1801. Dietrich, Göttingen 1802. ( digitized version )
  • On the use of Hadley's octants , especially for observations at sea. An invitation program Greifswald 1804.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rektorenchronik 1800–1899 at
predecessor Office successor
Ludwig Gotthard Kosegarten Rector of the University of Greifswald
Johann Ernst Parow