Johann Georg von Forster

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Johann Georg von Forster (born June 20, 1784 in Schwabach , Margraviate Ansbach ; † July 26, 1851 in Miesbach , Upper Bavaria ) was a German ministerial official in Bavaria.


As the son of the master shoemaker Johann Caspar Forster, Johann Georg attended the Carolinum grammar school (Ansbach) . He enrolled on October 20, 1802 at the University of Erlangen for law and camera studies and Michaelis became a member of Corps Onoldia in 1802 . As an auscultator , he came to the (still Prussian) Ansbach War and Domain Chamber in 1806 . After completing the state bankruptcy with distinction, he was a regional court assessor at the regional court Forchheim (1809), the regional court Gunzenhausen (1818) and the regional court Monheim. In 1820 he became district and city judge in Ansbach, in 1823 district judge at the district court Dinkelsbühl and city commissioner in Dinkelsbühl . In 1833 he was appointed to the Royal Bavarian Chamber of the Interior in the Rezatkreis as a councilor. As government director in 1841, he moved from Ansbach to Augsburg to join the government of Swabia (Bavaria) in 1841 . Appointed Minister of State for the Interior of Munich on March 8, 1849, he requested his departure three months later. As a Councilor of State , he remained in the proper service.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 28/89.
  2. ^ Matriculation of Onoldia, No. 110.