Johann Leonhard Fischer

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Johann Leonhard Fischer, engraving by JF Schröter (1795)
Johann Leonhard Fischer

Johann Leonhard Fischer (born May 19, 1760 in Kulmbach ; † March 8, 1833 in Kiel ) was a German anatomist , surgeon and university professor in Leipzig and Kiel.


Fischer studied medicine at the University of Leipzig . In 1785 he received his doctorate as Dr. phil. In 1786 he became a prosector at the Anatomical Institute. He received an associate professorship in 1789 and was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. In 1793 he followed the call of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel as professor of "Dissection and Wundarzney Studies" to the chair for surgery and anatomy . In 1802 he was appointed archiatrist with the rank of judiciary and director of the Friedrichshospital on Flämische Strasse. In 1810 he became a budget councilor and in 1811 became a knight of the Danebro Order .

He dealt with worm diseases and maintained a natural history cabinet in his private house in the Kiel suburb .

After he retired in 1832 , Christian Gottlieb Deckmann followed him to the chair.


  • Werneri vermium intestinalium brevis . Leipzig 1786–1788
  • Observationes de oestro ovino atqve bovino factae . 1787. GoogleBooks
  • About the Finns in pork . German non-profit magazine , vol. 1, 1788, 3rd quarter
  • Instructions for the practical art of dissection. According to the instructions of Thomas Pole . 1791. GoogleBooks
  • with Thomas Pole: Instructions for practical dissection, with 13 copper plates . 1791. GoogleBooks
  • Descriptio Anatomica Nervorum Lumbalium, Sacralium et Extremitatum inferiorum. Leipzig 1791
  • Instructions for practical dissection. The preparation of the sense tools and the bowels, with 6 copper plates . 1793 GoogleBooks

Honors and memberships


  • New Nekrolog der Deutschen 1833 , part 1, p.167f
  • Adolph Carl Peter Callisen, Medical Writer's Lexicon of the Doctors, Surgeons, Obstetricians, Pharmacists, and Naturalists of All Educated Nations , A – Z, 1830–35, p. 295 .
  • Georg Christoph Hamberger, Johann Georg Meusel : The learned Teutschland or lexicon of the now living German writers . 5th edition 1796, volume 2, p. 358 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Taeniae hydatigenae in plexo choroideo nuper inventae historia
  2. The first professors for surgery in Kiel (UKSH)
  3. ^ A b New necrology of the Germans . tape 11 . BF Voigt, Weimar 1835, p. 167 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  4. ^ Henning Ratjen: History of the University of Kiel . BoD - Books on Demand, Bremen 2012, ISBN 978-3-95507-266-7 , pp. 41 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  5. Munich Digitization Center
  6. Schleswig-Holstein Provincial Reports : 1794, p.97