Johann Ludwig Lund

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Johann Ludwig Lund

Johann Ludwig Gebhard Lund (born October 16, 1777 in Kiel , † March 3, 1867 in Copenhagen ) was a German - Danish painter .


Lund was the son of the painter Hans Gievert (or Giewert) Lund (approx. 1740–1790) from Copenhagen and his wife Marie Magdalene Christine (née Bremer). He received his first artistic training from his father in Kiel. Between 1797 and 1799 he studied with Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard at the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, where he made friends with Caspar David Friedrich . In Copenhagen he met the German-born poet Friederike Brun , who encouraged him to the best of her ability throughout her life. In 1798 he won the small silver medal and in 1799 the large silver medal of the art academy. At the end of 1799 he went to Dresden on a state scholarship to visit Caspar David Friedrich. He spent the years 1800 to 1802 in the teaching studio of Jacques-Louis David and at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

After a trip through Switzerland, he went to Rome in June 1802, where he met Friederike Brun again, who introduced him to the circle of artists around Wilhelm and Caroline von Humboldt, to which the sculptor Christian Daniel Rauch belonged, and with whom Lund until the end was in a lively correspondence.

Lund lived in Palazzo Galoppi and was here at the center of a group of artists that also included the painters Joseph Anton Koch and Johann Christian Reinhart.

In August 1810, Lund returned to Copenhagen with Friederike Brun and her daughter Ida, where Lund applied to succeed Abildgaard at the academy. Although he became a member of the Royal Academy of Art in 1814, when Abildgaard's successor dragged on for years, Lund returned to Rome in 1816 at the side of Christian Carl Josias Bundsen, who had been appointed as the successor to Wilhelm von Humboldt as the Prussian ambassador joined the circle of the Nazarenes around Friedrich Oberbeck and participated in the exhibition of German artists in the Palazzo Caffarelli . In 1819 he returned to Copenhagen, where he and Christoffer Wilhelm Eckerberg were finally appointed professor at the Royal Art Academy.

On December 24, 1820, he married Augusta (born Lorentz, February 14, 1797 to May 10, 1871) in Copenhagen. She was the daughter of the organist Johan Henrik Lorentz (1763-1818) and his wife Frederikke Wilhelmine (née Lintrup, 1768-1814).


Lund was primarily a history painter. In 1803 he began a large-format picture from the "Iliad" based on the classicism of David, on which he worked for more than three years, but which was captured by an English ship on the sea route to Copenhagen in 1807 because Denmark was allied with France was. Since he refused to repeat the motif, he decided on a different motif "Andromache with son Astyanax and Pyrrhus at Sector's grave". During his second stay in Rome from 1816 to 1819, a radical change in style began from strict French classicism to the doctrine of the German Nazarenes. Lund created numerous paintings for churches in Denmark, including the German St. Petri Church. His main work consists of a five-part, large-format cycle for the audience hall of Christiansborg Castle, which shows the development of religion in Denmark from pagan prehistoric times through the introduction of Christianity to the period after the Reformation. Lund was also a portrait and landscape painter.

In the Danish art of the Golden Age , Lund formed the counterpoint to Eckersberg's realism, especially with his idealized landscapes.

Works (selection)

  • Portrait of Caspar David Friedrich , around 1800, oil on zinc sheet, diameter 13.1 cm. Lower Saxony State Gallery Hanover
  • Antique warrior (study head) , 1801, oil / canvas, 36.3 × 30.2 cm, Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst, inv. No. KMS8207
  • Andromache and son Astyanax with Pyrrhus at Hector's grave , 1808, oil on canvas 36 × 47, 7 cm. Museumsberg Flensburg
  • St. Francis in prayer , around 1817, oil / wood, signed, 18.5 × 14.5 cm, private collection
  • Landscape near Frederiksdal , 1822, 47 × 39 cm. Kiel art gallery
  • Resurrection of Christ , altar painting in St. Peter's Church (Copenhagen) , 1819
  • Ayrolo, next to St. Gotthard , drawing, Engraving Collection, States Museum, Copenhagen.


Web links

Commons : JL Lund  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Elisabeth Fabritius : JL Lund, Johan (n) Ludvig (Ludewig) Gebhard Lund . In: Svend Cedergreen Bech , Svend Dahl (eds.): Dansk biografisk leksikon . Founded by Carl Frederik Bricka , continued by Povl Engelstoft. 3. Edition. tape 10 : Moltke – Olrik . Gyldendal, Copenhagen 1982, ISBN 87-01-77464-6 (Danish, ).