Johann Wenzel Lembert

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Johann Wenzel Lembert , actually Wenzel Treml (born March 21, 1779 in Prague , † July 4, 1851 in Mödling ) was an Austrian playwright and court actor.


Wenzel Treml began studying law at the Charles University in Prague , which he broke off to devote himself entirely to the stage. In 1800 he joined a troupe of traveling actors under the name Johann Wenzel Lembert. He played his first role in Annaberg-Buchholz in the Ore Mountains , where he made his debut in the comedy Armuth und Edelsinn . After a few years on small provincial stages, he met the then famous actress Friederike Bethmann-Unzelmann (1760–1815) in Stettin , who asked him to develop his talent and look around for engagement at a larger theater. Because of their protection, Lembert was engaged at the Theater auf dem Lincke'schen Bad in 1805 and from there appointed to the royal court theater in Stuttgart in 1807 . It was there that the kk court theater secretary Joseph Schreyvogel discovered him and his wife in 1817 and brought Lembert to the Vienna court theater and his wife as an opera singer at the Theater am Kärntnertor .

Lembert's first role in Vienna was that of Philipp Brock in Ernst Raupach's Vormund und Mündel, and he received a lifelong position. He played himself until 1833 and then became chief inspector on this stage . At that time he was already a well-known and popular playwright, who wrote some popular plays as well as theoretical works on theater work.

From 1836 Lembert published the entertainment paper Der Telegraph, the Austrian conversation paper for art, literature, theater, daily events, industry and factories , since 1838 under the title Der Wiener Telegraph .

Works (excerpt)


  • King Stanislaus or List and Love (1812), comedy based on Alexandre-Vincent Pineux Duval
  • Ränke und Schwänke (1813), comedy
  • The wedding ring (1813), play
  • The Poet and the Actor or The Comedy in Comedy (1813), comedy based on Emmanuel Dupaty
  • The Papa and His Little Son (1813), comedy
  • The choice of the bride (1821), comedy based on Louis-Benoît Picard
  • The public secret. Based on the Spanish by Calderon (1824), comedy; it apparently remained with the stage manuscript
  • Thirty Years from the Life of a Player (1827), Melodrama after Trente ans, ou la vie d'un joueur by Victor Henri Joseph Brahain Ducange


  • Paperback for actors and actor friends (1816–1823), a series of writings together with Carl Carl
  • Historical sketch of the Imperial and Royal Court Theater in Vienna, with special emphasis on the German Drama (1833)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lembert's arrangement served Johann Nestroy as a model for his play Thirty Years from the Life of a Rag .