Johann Wilhelm Neumann

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Johann Wilhelm Neumann

Johann Wilhelm Neumann (born February 25, 1797 in Lübben ; † April 16, 1870 there ) was a German lawyer , local politician and historian .

life and work

The eldest son of the mayor of Lübben, Martin Karl Andreas Neumann (* July 23, 1755; † April 12, 1824) attended the Lyceum in his hometown from 1809 and studied law from 1817 at the University of Leipzig and from 1819 in Berlin. In 1820 he passed his first legal examination and entered the Prussian civil service as an auscultator at the Berlin City Court. In November 1821 he became a trainee lawyer at the Supreme Court. A stroke of his father forced him to return to Lübben in 1823 - before taking the state examination . There he became a judicial commissioner and notary .

Under the influence of Johann Gottlob Worbs and Friedrich August Süßmilch (1770-1854) he turned to historical research and in 1832 became a member of the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences , of which he became an honorary member in 1857. In 1836 he was elected mayor of Lübben and remained so until 1852. During his tenure, the city's debts were reduced, a new schoolhouse was built and the Paul Gerhardt Church received a new organ. He took part in the deliberations of the United Committees and in 1847 became a member of the United State Parliament . He took progressive views and advocated the abolition of the death penalty . In 1847 he was honored with the Red Eagle Order 3rd class with ribbon . In 1851 he was elected to the state and worked on behalf of the Niederlausitz estates.

On April 18, 1848 he married Minna Gutzkow (* July 4, 1824 - June 11, 1859), with whom he had a son (Karl, * December 31, 1854, † 1904, lawyer and notary in Lübben) and a daughter ( Marie; * August 25, 1850 - † November 7, 1935).



  • Friedrich Beck : Neumann, Johann Wilhelm. In: Friedrich Beck and Eckart Henning (eds.): Brandenburgisches Biographisches Lexikon (= individual publication by the Brandenburg Historical Commission eV, Volume 5). Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam 2002, ISBN 3-935035-39-X , p. 295.
  • Robert Daenicke : Memoirs of Johann Wilhelm Neumann (1797-1870). In: Niederlausitzer Mitteilungen. Volume 29, Guben 1941, pp. 103-139 (excerpts from Neumann's autobiographical manuscript from 1859 to 1867)
  • Kathrin Schöder: Honored Mayor of Lübben. In: Festschrift 850 years of Lübben. Lübben 1999, ISBN 3-929600-17-X , p. 66f.

Web links

Commons : Johann Wilhelm Neumann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files