Johanna Diehl

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Johanna Diehl (* 1977 in Hamburg ) is a German artist and photographer. She lives and works in Berlin.

Professional background

Diehl first studied with Timm Rautert and then as a master class student with Tina Bara at the Leipzig University of Art and Graphics . In addition, during a guest stay at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris, she attended the classes of Jean-Marc Bustamante and Christian Boltanski and worked with the visiting professor Boris Mikhailov on a project in Odessa .

After her series Displace , Borgo and the series Ukraine Series , which was last exhibited at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich , Johanna Diehl is considered to be the “archaeologist of young German photography” according to the ARTE metropolis program .

Since 2019 she has also been teaching photography in Würzburg.

Works (selection)

Borgo Romanià Alleanza (2012/2014)

Potemkin villages between pine trees: So-called Borghi were built throughout Italy under Mussolini's dictatorship, model settlements planned on the drawing board in line with the fascist agrarian reform. In Sicily in particular, they are still empty and have remained behind the scenes. In her puristic, conceptual series Borgo, Diehl takes over twenty of these utopian planned settlements with a plate camera and shows them as ghostly theater scenes, including party buildings and triumphal arches. As a result, Romanità, the artist examines materials and image programs of public buildings in Rome from this period: Marble and martial frescoes create historical arches from ancient Rome to fascism and still determine the atmosphere in ministries and in the city's congress center. At the center of Diehl's work is the question of how rhetorics of power through architecture affect the individual subject. Alleanza is about the powerful alliance between church and state in the years of the dictatorship, as it was expressed in the formal language of the pathetic church buildings of the time. “Johanna Diehl's photographic gaze is conceptual. First it forms an idea, a topic. Then she goes in search of her motifs and then travels to create her concentrated works. (...) The art of photography, precisely using sharpness, light and perspective, reaches the perfect level with Johanna Diehl. She is an exceptional photographer. ”A publication on this topic was published by Hatje Cantz in 2014.

Displace (2009)

The title Displace, which means both “expel” and “replace”, refers to the characteristic absence of people in the photographs who had to leave their homeland and their places of worship - mosques in the Muslim north and Christian Orthodox churches in the south. At the same time, this term also describes the process of rededication and rewriting by another ethnic group that has settled in the abandoned villages. "Above all, it is the surprising combination of objective imagery and Diehl's photographic interpretation of the ambiguous subject matter that confuses the viewer and encourages closer inspection." This work was published in 2011 at Fotohof Salzburg.

Ukraine Series (2013/2015)

In 2013 Johanna Diehl visited former synagogues in what is now Ukraine. Partially destroyed during the German occupation, they were completely misused under Soviet rule: as a car repair shop, vinegar factory, hospital ward, cinema, sewing shop, sports hall or KGB prison. The buildings illustrate the ruthless demonstration of power by one or the other ideology over the synagogue as a religious cultural space. A walled-up Torah niche or historical ceiling paintings that shine again under a crumbling coat of paint sometimes point to the rich religious life that flourished in these rooms for centuries. The sensitive and at the same time relentless pictures taken with a large format camera are enriched in the publication published by Sieveking Verlag in 2015 with very personal, literary texts by Yuri Andruchowytsch, one of the most renowned Ukrainian writers.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 2017 "Constellations", Wilma Tolksdorf Gallery , Frankfurt am Main
  • 2016 "Johanna Diehl and Claudia Wieser", Gallery of the Villa Massimo, Rome
  • 2016 Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart
  • 2015 Ukraine Series , Pinakothek der Moderne , Munich
  • 2015 Eurotopians , Oldenburger Kunstverein , Oldenburg
  • 2015 SETS , Wilma Tolksdorf Gallery, Frankfurt am Main
  • 2013 Eurotopians , Wilma Tolksdorf Gallery, Frankfurt am Main
  • 2013 Displace , Hospitalhof, Stuttgart
  • 2012 Borgo. Romanità , Overbeck Society , Art Association, Lübeck
  • 2012 Galerie Fiebach, Minninger, Cologne
  • 2011 Borgo , Wilma Tolksdorf Gallery, Frankfurt am Main
  • 2010 Displace , Oldenburger Kunstverein, Oldenburg
  • 2010 Wilma Tolksdorf Gallery, Berlin
  • 2010 Galerie Fiebach & Minninger, Cologne
  • 2009 Atelierfrankfurt , Frankfurt am Main; New Positions 2009; Art Cologne / Förderkoje
  • 2008 The Memory of Places , City Museum in the Spital , Crailsheim
  • 2007 Galerie Fiebach & Minninger, Cologne
  • 2007 Gallery Emmanuel Post, Leipzig

Group exhibitions (selection)

  • 2017 "Missed - The Tower of the Blue Horses by Franz Marc, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin
  • 2016 "Not here yet", H2 Center for Contemporary Art, Glaspalast Augsburg
  • 2015 "Once upon a time there was a country", Heidelberger Kunstverein
  • 2015 Joy of Beautiful Gods Sparks , ABTART Gallery, Stuttgart
  • 2014 Facts and Fiction , Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow
  • 2013 International Welde Art Prize for Photography , Alte Feuerwache Heidelberg
  • 2013 Religion & Rites , Art Foyer DZ Bank Art Collection
  • 2012 Paris Photo , Grand Palais, Paris
  • 2012 How to live together? , Salzburg Art Association
  • 2012 Über-Zeit / Showing the case: Showcase # 2 , Heidelberger Kunstverein
  • 2012 Image traces - Restless Presents , Darmstadt Days of Photography
  • 2012 Viaggio in Italia / Italian trip , factory exhibition hall, Leipzig cotton spinning mill
  • 2011 Afterimages - Young Photography , Ritzebüttel Castle, Cuxhaven
  • 2011 G # 11 , Galerie Fiebach, Minninger, Cologne
  • 2011 SCHAURAUM II , KG Freiräume, Hallein (Austria)
  • 2011 Selection , Photoforum PasquArt, Biel / Bienne
  • 2010 Re-Envisioning Cyprus , Pantheon Gallery, Nicosia / Cyprus
  • 2010 Enovos Prize for Young Art 2010 , Wilhelm Hack Museum , Ludwigshafen
  • 2010 10 years of Kunstverein , Palais for contemporary art , Glückstadt
  • 2010 REMINDER , The Forgotten Bar Project, gallery in the government district, Berlin
  • 2010 International Festival for Photography & Video , Gallery Iang, Seoul / Korea
  • 2010 In Hidden , F-Stop Photography Festival, Leipzig
  • 2009 No Sound of Music , Salzburger Kunstverein (Austria)
  • 2009 Parcours , KG Freiräume, Hallein (Austria)
  • 2009 Silent World - Reality and Symbolism of Things , Städtische Galerie Traunstein
  • 2008 Familiar Terrain - Current Art in and about Germany , ZKM Karlsruhe
  • 2008 Zeitbilder , Marta Hoepffner Society for Photography, City Museum Hofheim am Taunus
  • 2007 ROT - the fourteenth annual Leipzig exhibition, Leipzig
  • 2007 Frozen Moments , Christa Burger Gallery, Munich
  • 2007 F-Stop-1. International Photography Festival Leipzig , ZZF Leipzig
  • 2007 change of location , studio Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main
  • 2005/2006 THE LEIPZIG LENS , German Embassy, ​​London
  • 2005 The Glasgow School of Art , Glasgow
  • 2005 Caxap-Zucker , aspects gallery, Munich
  • 2005 Cold Hearts , Class Rautert, Art Association Radolfzell
  • 2005 Si jeunes, on ne se retrouvera plus , Galerie Droite, ENSBA, Paris
  • 2005 Cold Hearts , Class Rautert, Tumulka Art Bunker, Munich
  • 2004 In search of identity , Kunsthalle Villa Kobe Halle
  • 2002/2003 CAXAP sugar , HGB Leipzig
  • 2002/2003 Silver & Gold , class Rautert, Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg , Palais for contemporary art, Glückstadt / Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden / Galerie 20.21, Essen


Johanna Diehl received numerous awards. These include the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (EHF) work grant (2016), the Bonn Art Fund (2014), the Robert Bosch Foundation (2012), the DAAD , the Kulturwerk Foundation, the Rudolf Augstein Foundation and the Schloss Akademie Solitude , Stuttgart (2015), and the Deutsche Akademie Rome Villa Massimo for Casa Baldi .

Her book “Borgo, Romanità, Alleanza”, published by Hatje Cantz in 2014 , received the German Photo Book Prize in silver.

Monographs, catalogs, artist books

  • Johanna Diehl / Niklas Maak Eurotopians - Fragments of Another Future , Hirmer Verlag, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-7774-2883-3
  • Missed - the tower of the blue horses by Franz Marc - published by Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2017
  • Religion and Rites - Ed. DZ Bank Art Foyer, Frankfurt am Main 2012
  • Johanna Diehl. Ukraine Series - with texts by Juri Andruchowytsch and an introduction by Bernhard Maaz , Sieveking Verlag, Munich / Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-9448-7414-2
  • Johanna Diehl. Borgo. Romanità. Alleanza - Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern 2014, ISBN 978-3-7757-3879-8
  • Johanna Diehl. Displace - Fotohof, Salzburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-902675-28-6
  • Re-Envisioning Cyprus - University of Nicosia Press, Nicosia / Cyprus 2010
  • Im Verborgenen / In the Hidden - Center for Contemporary Photography Leipzig, Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg - Berlin 2010
  • JUNGE KUNST 2010 - Enovos - Ed. Wilhelm Hack Museum Ludwigshafen am Rhein; Enovos Deutschland AG 2010
  • photo speaks 2010 - ed. The society of Korean Photography 2010
  • Familiar Terrain - Current Art in and About Germany - Ed. Gregor Jansen / Thomas Thiel, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg 2009
  • Zeitbilder - Marta Hoepffner Prize for Photography 2008 - Ed. Magistrate of the City of Hofheim am Taunus City Museum / City Archive and Marta Hoepffner Society for Photography eV, Hofheim am Taunus 2008
  • ROT - the fourteenth - Ed. Leipziger Jahresausstellung eV, Leipzig 2007
  • F / STOP- 1st International Photography Festival Leipzig 2007 , Ed. Center for Contemporary Photography Leipzig eV, 2007
  • CAXAP / Zucker - Twelve Days in Odessa , Deutscher Kunstverlag Munich Berlin and University of Graphics and Book Art, 2005
  • Genuine Leipziger Allerlei , University of Graphics and Book Art, 2004
  • Cold hearts , Buchhandlung GmbH, 2004
  • Silver & Gold , Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2003

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Artnet: Johanna Diehl . (August 16, 2013)
  2. Deutschlandfunk Kultur - Audio Archive. Accessed December 3, 2019 (German).
  3. Swantje Karich, "Lost in Perfection", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, January 7, 2012, No. 6, p. 37
  4. Johanna Diehl, Borgo. Romanità. Alleanza , Ostfildern (Hatte Cantz) 2014
  5. Miriam Paeslack, "Translations, Space and Memory", in: Johanna Diehl, Displace, Fotohof edition, Salzburg 2012, o. P.
  6. ^ Johanna Diehl, Displace , Salzburg (Fotohof edition) 2011
  7. ^ Johanna Diehl, Ukraine Series , Munich / Berlin (Sieveking Verlag) 2015
  8. Eurotopians: Fragments of Another Future | Hirmer Verlag. Retrieved December 3, 2019 .
  9. Johanna Diehl. Ukraine Series. In: Sieveking Verlag. Retrieved December 3, 2019 .
  10. ^ Johanna Diehl | Photography | Hatje Cantz Publishing House. Retrieved December 3, 2019 .
  11. Fotohof | COMPLETE PROGRAM. Retrieved December 3, 2019 .