Johannes Heinrich Ziese

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Johannes Heinrich Ziese, pastor picture in the Trinity Church (Schleswig)

Johannes Heinrich Ziese (born November 4, 1820 in Danish Nienhof, today a district of Schwedeneck ; † April 18, 1907 in Schleswig ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman.



Zieses family had owned the Kieholmhof in Kieholm, today part of Hasselberg , since the Napoleonic Wars . He attended the learned school in Husum , today's Hermann-Tast-Schule ; From Michaelis 1840 he studied Protestant theology at the University of Kiel . In 1847 he passed the theological exam at Gottorf Castle . As was customary at the time, he then worked as a private tutor for the Graf Brockdorff family at Gut Kletkamp . In 1851 he received his first pastor as a deacon (2nd pastor) in Itzehoe , and in 1858 he became chief pastor in Krempe .

In March 1864, after the Danes had withdrawn in the German-Danish War , he returned to Angling and became a pastor in Gelting . On March 30, 1869, he moved to the Friedrichsberger Dreifaltigkeitskirche . In 1879 he was appointed provost of the Propstei Schleswig, whose seat at that time was the Trinity Church. He was a member of the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Schleswig-Holstein and was active in the Gustav Adolf work . He retired on May 1, 1899.

Ziese represented a conservative, positive theology , also as a journalist . This was particularly evident in his commitment to the theological views of Michael Baumgarten . From 1872 to 1878 he was an editor for the Schleswig-Holstein Church and School Gazette.

In his first marriage he was married to Friederike Louise, b. Wittrock, who died in Gelting in 1864 at the age of 41. From this marriage there were 6 children who were between 9 years and 14 days old when they died. In 1866 he married Elisabeth, geb. von Rumohr (* 1826).



  • God with us! Sermon in the divine service ordered for the liberation of Schleswig-Holstein, held on March 2, 1864. Itzehoe: Nusser 1864
Digital copy , Hamburg State and University Library
  • Not union or confession, but union in a new confession. Flensburg 1867
  • The mystery of Holy Communion. Flensburg 1869
  • Two sermons at the 25th general assembly of the Evangelical Association of the Gustav Adolf Foundation in Stettin on August 22nd and 23rd, 1871, held in the Jacobi Church. Leipzig: Self-published by the Gustav Adolf Foundation in 1871
  • Help booklet for orderly instruction in the Christian religion according to the small Lutheran catechism. Schleswig 1876
  • How can God's word be preached effectively and healthily? An age-old but still burning question. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann 1900


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ So Alberti (lit.) and following him Dansk biogrfisk Leksikon , after Marion Bejschowetz-Iserhoht, Reimer Witt (ed.): Church life in Schleswig-Holstein in the 17th century: Lectures on an exhibition in the Schleswig-Holstein State Archives. Schleswig: Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein 2003 (= publications of the Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein ZDB -ID 522008-7 78) ISBN 3-931292-71-1 , P. 74 is his place of birth Kieholm
  2. Date and place of death according to the Kirchliches Jahrbuch für die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland 35 (1907), p. 664
  3. For the family, see Helga Tödt: Caspar Andreas and his children: the chronicle of the Ziese family from fishing. Berlin: Pro Business 2016 ISBN 978-3-86460-599-4
  4. See Baumgarten's open letter to Pastor Ziese in Schleswig , in: Flensburger Norddeutsche Zeitung 1874, No. 326, 332 and 1875, No. 2.5, 6, 9