Johannes Huber (politician, 1879)

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Johannes Huber (1932)

Johannes Huber (born May 25, 1879 in Töss , † June 7, 1948 in St. Gallen ) was a Swiss politician and co-founder of the SP of the canton of St. Gallen .

Brochure from 1918

Huber attended grammar school in Winterthur, where he obtained his Matura in 1898 . During his school days he became a member of the Vitodurania middle school association . He then studied in Zurich , Leipzig and Berlin , whereupon he opened his law firm in Rorschach in 1903 , which he led until 1923.

In 1905 he was a co-founder and first president of the Social Democratic Party in the canton of St. Gallen. From 1912 to 1923 Huber was a member of the large municipal council of Rorschach, from 1912 to 1945 he was a member of the Cantonal Council (as well as the Cantonal Council President in 1919). In 1919 Huber was elected to the National Council, where he was also President of the National Council in 1933/34 .

In the process following the national strike in 1919, he defended members of the Olten Action Committee . He ran for the Federal Council five times without success .

A year before his death, he resigned from the National Council.

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Individual evidence

  1. Louis Specker: Huber, Johannes. In: Historical Dictionary of Switzerland ..
  2. Peter Hauser : The «Vito»: the former Winterthur «Who's who». In: Gesellschaft Winterthurer Jahrbuch (Ed.): Winterthurer Jahrbuch 2015. Winterthur 2014, ISBN 978-3-9524286-1-0 , p. 141.